/ / Heat 4 days in a child, what should I do?

Heat 4 days in a child, what should I do?

As soon as we see that our child startswe first of all measure his body temperature, as it is an indicator of the performance of the entire immune system. And if the process of illness is delayed, and the fever lasts for 4 days, the parents begin to panic. What to do? What to do? To begin with, we will correctly measure the temperature and figure out whether this is dangerous or not.

How to measure the temperature correctly

Measure the temperature by conventional mercurythermometer or electronic. The latter option is not credible, as the measurement takes a very small amount of time, because of this there are inaccuracies in the testimony of half a degree and above. The mercury thermometer is measured in the armpit or inguinal fold for 5-10 minutes. This method is the most reliable and proven.

the child has a fever for 4 days

In children up to 5 months, you can measure the temperaturein the rectum or in the mouth with a special thermometer-pacifier. Use a mercury thermometer as carefully as possible so that it does not break, gently holding the child's handle.

Temperature readings

What indicators are considered the norm for the child? If the temperature was measured in the armpit, it will coincide with the measurements in the inguinal fold. For children is considered the norm 36.6-37. In children under three years of age, the temperature may be slightly increased due to the active mobility of the child. Oral temperature is higher than in the armpit, by 0.3-0.6 degrees. Rectal will be higher by 0.6-1.2. All this must be taken into account in the measurements. If the figures are higher than these figures, then the temperature is increased. Depending on the increase it is divided into:

  • up to 38 - subfebrile;
  • 38.1 - 39.0 - moderately febrile;
  • 39.1 and higher - high febrile;
  • above 41.0 - hyperexic.
    high temperature for 4 days in a child

During the entire illness, the temperature should be measuredseveral times a day to monitor the condition of the sick baby. If the fourth day the child has a high fever, it is necessary to have a specialist examination. This can signal serious complications. To not miss the moment, it is better to see a doctor.

The high temperature of a child, the reasons for its appearance

Heat is, first of all, a protective reaction of the body. When the temperature rises, the body producesinterferon, activating immunological processes and stimulating the production of antibodies to pathogens of the disease. The higher the body temperature, the more it is produced. Its number increases day by day, and the maximum is 3-4 days. If the temperature is high for 4 days in a child, it may be a cold. She, as a rule, get sick 3-4 days. And in the future the temperature will begin to decrease. But we are used to knocking it down, and this slows down the healing process, interferon is not produced, and the disease is delayed for 7 days or more. If the child has a fever, the reasons can be:

  • infections viral or bacterial;
  • overheating or heat stroke;
  • non-communicable diseases;
  • teething;
  • response to preventive vaccinations.


But this is not all the reasons for the increasetemperature. It happens that it rises without any symptoms of the disease. This may be due to hidden pathologies, diseases of the nervous or cardiovascular system. Or maybe just the result of a violation of heat transfer. If the child is small, his processes of heat regulation in the body are still imperfect.

Is there any benefit from temperature?

Pluses of high temperature

It turns out that this is only for parents largeindicators on the thermometer - already a tragedy, but in fact for the body this is a legitimate reaction to an alien invasion. What are the advantages of high temperature?

  1. When the temperature in the body increases, viruses and microbes stop multiplying.
  2. The presence of temperature in the disease indicates that the child's body is struggling with the infection.
  3. Interferon, which is produced at the same time, strengthens the immune system of the child's body.
  4. As the temperature rises, the child's activity and appetite decrease. The organism directs all energy to the fight against infection.

Therefore, do not rush to bring down the temperature below 38 degrees, provided that the child is well tolerated. Give the body an opportunity to overcome the infection and develop additional immune protection.

When it's time to call a doctor

If you measured the temperature and performancewere overestimated, there is no need to panic. In your case, you need to do everything to ease the condition of the child before the arrival of a doctor. Doctors need to be called immediately if:

  • child younger than 1 year;
  • Earlier, with fever, he had seizures;
  • the child is inactive and drowsy;
  • there was a rash, vomiting or diarrhea;
  • there is no effect of antipyretics;
  • there are signs of dehydration.

the fourth day the child has a fever

In these cases, self-medication is unacceptable, your baby's life may depend on it. If the temperature of the child is several days, the temperature should be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

Temperature without symptoms

Sometimes we do not pay attention or do not notice,that the temperature of our body has non-standard indicators. It happens that the temperature increases without symptoms in the child. Treatment, probably, at once it is not required. We need to watch the baby. The temperature below 37.5 should not be knocked down. It is not terrible, if the indicator increases to 38.5, but on condition that the child tolerates the temperature well. This is the opinion of experienced pediatricians. If it does not affect it in any way, then this increase is called asymptomatic. This phenomenon can be caused by the following reasons:

  • overheating of the body;
  • reaction to teething;
  • stress due to severe crying;
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • response of the body to preventive vaccination;
  • the presence of bacteria or viruses in the body.

If you have not noticed any signs of the disease, and the child has a high fever the 4th day, you should consult a pediatrician to exclude the presence of serious diseases.

How to reduce the temperature without medication

There are sufficient funds that allowslightly reduce the indices and without the use of antipyretic. First of all, the child should receive a sufficient amount of fluid. It can be: water, tea with raspberries (it is an excellent sweatshop), fruit drinks, juices. It is very useful to drink a decoction of raisins, it contains a lot of potassium and this supports the work of the heart. The more a child drinks, the stronger the sweating and the faster the toxins are removed from the body. The main condition is to drink in small portions, but often.

Very popular wiping. The sheet is moistened with water at room temperature with a little addition of vinegar. After the procedure, the child is laid and covered with a thin blanket. The main condition for this procedure is the hot hands and feet. If they are cold, then it is necessary to give the child an age-appropriate dose of "No-shpy" or "Papaverin", so that the vessels expand, otherwise convulsions may begin.

temperature without symptoms in a child treatment

Attention! If a child has had muscle cramps earlier or there are diseases of the nervous system, and there are skin rashes, rubbing is prohibited!

The baby can be undressed and leftnaked for a while. If the temperature is above 39, you can apply a wrap - moisten the sheet with water at room temperature and wrap the baby for a while. Do not forget that the handles and legs should not be cold.

Older children can be put under the shower. The water must be warm. The room should not be hot, if necessary, ventilate it.

If after that the temperature does not go down, but only grows, you must take the medicine.

Medications for lowering the temperature

The safest way to reducetemperature in children is "Paracetamol". It is produced in the form of tablets, suspensions, syrups and candles. This medication has a minimum of side effects. This drug, as a rule, the parents give themselves, without the help of a doctor, so they must know the dosage.

Widely used a drug such as "Ibuprofen" and drugs based on it. It is also considered safe for children, provided that the dosage is observed.

If Paracetamol does not reduce the temperature, give the child Ibuprofen. In a couple of these drugs give a greater effect.

the child has a fever the 4th day

When these drugs do not work, the temperature rises above 39 degrees, promptly call for an ambulance.

What drugs can not reduce the temperature in children

For children, it is unacceptable to knock down the temperature fromusing analgesics. The child may have a shock reaction, the temperature will drop to low values ​​- 33-34 degrees - and will last a long time (up to several days). This will deprive the child, and the body will be hard to fight with the infection.

It is strictly forbidden to give "Aspirin" and "Nimesulide"!

High temperature in the child for 4 days

When a child is sick, parents are required all the timecontrol the situation, especially if the disease is accompanied by fever. If the temperature is high for the fourth day in a child of 7 months, the doctor must examine it. Most likely, it's a bacterial infection. There may be otitis or pneumonia, a disease of the genitourinary system. The pediatrician will prescribe the right treatment. You may need therapy with antibiotics. If the temperature is constantly knocked down, then this will not give a complete picture of the course of the disease, it will be more difficult to diagnose.

high temperature 4th day of the baby 7 months old

High fever for 4 days in a child speaks aboutThe fact that the body has an inflammatory process, possibly turning into a chronic disease. If this moment is missed and the focus of the disease is not found in time, you can undermine the child's health. At a temperature the blood becomes thicker and poorly carries oxygen to the organs, the whole organism suffers from this. The child becomes sluggish, the appetite disappears. There may be seizures. The child's body badly needs a liquid. The high temperature of 4 days in a child requires immediate examination and immediate care. If the child is sick, do not self-medicate. His future health depends on this.</ strong </ p>

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