/ How to fix strabismus in the home?

How to fix strabismus in the home?

For many people, the question of howto correct strabismus. This ailment causes problems with eyesight, and can also cause some inconvenience associated with external manifestations. Fortunately, if treatment is started in time, it is likely that positive results will be achieved.

how to correct strabismus in adults

What is strabismus?

Strabismus is a dissonantgap eyes. In this case, their normal position relative to the central axis is observed. This problem can be characteristic of one or both eyes. If you do not start treatment on time, there is a risk of permanently losing the sharpness of vision and the ability to focus.

According to statistics, every 40th childthe strabismus is expressed to some extent. The first manifestations can be seen in the period when the main reflexes and functions of the body begin to form. Fortunately, strabismus has specific external manifestations, which are easy to notice, which makes it possible to start treatment in time.

where to correct strabismus

Forms of strabismus

The answer to the question of how to correct strabismus largely depends on the form in which the disease manifests itself. There are three options:

  1. Friendly - the eyes mow in turns.
  2. Separate - the eyes mow simultaneously, no matter how strong the displacement is.
  3. Alternately-synchronous - the eyes mow simultaneously, but to the extent that they are displaced.

Does the strabismus correct

The causes of strabismus

Before you figure out how to correct a strabismus,it is necessary to find out the causes of the disease. In most cases, it is associated with a genetic predisposition or problems of intrauterine development. Identify this problem is impossible until it begins to receive specific external manifestations (by 7-10 years).

In rare cases, strabismus is acquired. This problem can be caused by the following reasons:

  • different visual acuity leads to the fact that one eye has a large load when focusing;
  • various acquired diseases that lead to strabismus;
  • diseases of the central nervous system, which, one way or another, affected the visual department;
  • diseases of the ENT organs.

Possible consequences

In order to realize the importance of the question,how to correct a squint, it is necessary to understand the possible consequences. Many prefer to stay idle, considering this defect cosmetic. Nevertheless, this is a serious disease that can lead to irreparable consequences.

The main danger of strabismus is thatthe work of the eye muscles becomes inconsistent. Thus the brain receives 2 different pictures. As a result, doubling can occur. But in most cases the brain begins to suppress the signal coming from the diseased eye. As a result, there is a strong deterioration in vision, up to the total loss of vision.

how to correct strabismus in the home

Exercises for children

Parents are increasingly asking themselves how to correct a child's strabismus. For babies a simple set of exercises is developed, which includes the following points:

  • On two sheets of paper should be appliedsimilar images with minor differences (it is desirable that the stories were fabulous, to interest the child). Sit the child straight and place the pictures at the level of the child's eyes. Without moving his head, but only rotating his eyes, he must examine them, discovering differences.
  • In a board, a piece of plastic or a thick sheetCardboard need to make several holes at the same level. Holding the inventory at some distance, give the child a cord, which he must pass alternately into each of the holes.
  • A sheet of paper needs to be drawn into equal squares. Using a felt-tip pen, draw schematic drawings (rhombuses, triangles, etc.), filling in all the free field. The task of the child will be to find repetitive elements.

how to fix a squint

Exercises for adults

Looking for the answer to the question of how to fixstrabismus in adults, almost always we are talking about surgery. Nevertheless, do not underestimate the effect of gymnastics. For example, adults and older children will use the following exercises:

  • Stand up straight and stretch your arm forward, setting aside.forefinger. Begin slowly driving your hand up, down, and around the sides. The head should remain motionless, and the eyes should closely follow the index finger.
  • Sit straight, looking ahead. Begin to describe with your eyes the infinity sign. The amplitude should be maximized so that extreme points can be felt at a high voltage. Exercise is performed smoothly. Duration - 5 minutes.
  • For the treatment of strabismus useful game with movingobjects (for example, table tennis) on which it is necessary to concentrate close attention. If you do not see the potential of a player, you can attend as a spectator.
  • While working with documents, at computers or while watching TV, periodically get distracted to translate the focus on nearby objects.

Something about nutrition

If you want to find the answer to the question of howto correct a squint at home, it is worth understanding that exercises alone are not enough. Like any other diseases, ophthalmic problems require proper nutrition. So, for a more effective treatment of strabismus, the following foods should be included in the diet:

  • natural dark chocolate (every day after breakfast you need to eat 2-3 slices);
  • tea can sometimes be replaced with dogrose broth, which contains a lot of vitamins;
  • strengthening the eye muscles contributes to decoction of calamus root (10 grams of raw materials per glass of water), which is consumed half an hour before meals;
  • several times a day you need to eat boiled cabbage leaves (they not only improve vision, but also contribute to the general cleansing of the body).

Conservative treatment

It is necessary to distinguish between primary strabismus, whichis congenital and acts in conjunction with other diseases of the central nervous system, as well as secondary, which is directly related to the visual apparatus. Treatment will be fundamentally different. The secondary problem requires the intervention of an oculist, and therefore it is important to choose a good ophthalmological clinic. When you decide on where to correct squint, you will be offered the following treatment program:

  • wearing healing glasses that relieve eyestrain and allow you to look straight ahead;
  • hardware training of the eye muscles (laser, ultrasound, magnetic or other methods can be used);
  • in the event that during the year it was not possible to achieve positive dynamics, surgical intervention may be required.

how to correct a squint in a child

Surgical intervention

In search of a way to correct a squint, the operation is considered an extreme measure. Surgical intervention can be of two types:

  • Weakening - the eye muscles move further from the cornea, which allows the eye to assume a normal (or close to normal) position.
  • Reinforcing - a small fragment of the eye muscles is removed, which leads to a decrease in its length. Thus, the balance of the eyeball is restored.

Strabismus prevention

Does strabismus correct? Of course, there are methods of treatment of congenital and acquired forms of this disease. As for the second case, prevention will help prevent it. It is necessary to avoid long focusing on one subject, reading and watching TV in an uncomfortable position. But the most important thing is to regularly perform eye gymnastics, which includes such exercises:

  • rotate the pupils clockwise for a few seconds, then change the direction;
  • look to the right, and then abruptly shift the view to the left (change the position of the pupils 10 times);
  • look up, then sharply down, and then up again (as in the previous case, 10 repetitions are enough);
  • reduce the pupils to the nose as close as possible to feel strong tension (5 times);
  • squeeze your eyes tight, and after a few seconds relax (repeat 5 times);
  • Blink intensely for 30-60 seconds;
  • select 2 subjects that will be at a different distance from you, and then alternately focus on them.

how to correct a squint operation


Unfortunately, many people are not serious aboutstrabismus, considering this problem purely cosmetic. However, if you do not treat the disease, there is a risk to significantly impair or lose sight. Coping with strabismus is quite possible. For this purpose, conservative and surgical techniques are provided. But even if you decide to deal with the problem at home, do not forget about regular visits to a specialist.

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