Methods of treatment. UHF-therapy
UHF-therapy is a therapeutic method, which is used to treat ultra-high and high-frequency currents. The range is from 10 to 300 MHz.
UHF-therapy is a method withanti-inflammatory, hyposensitizing, analgesic, bacteriostatic actions. The use of this type of therapy contributes to the enhancement of immune processes, including the phagocytic activity of leukocytes.
UHF-therapy involves the use of pulsed anda continuous electric field possessing an increased penetrating power. Under its influence in the body tissues there are oscillations of ions, displacement of atomic groups and electronic shells in molecular ranges, directional orientation in large dipole molecules is realized. The absorbed energy of the ultrahigh-frequency electric field is converted into heat. The tissues are provided with selective heating. Thus, more heat is formed in the bones and subcutaneous tissue, less it is formed in the skin, muscles, lymph, nervous tissue and blood. The organism reacts to the impact not only due to changes in the tissues of biological and physicochemical processes, but also irritation of nerve endings.
The equipment for conducting procedures has a basic similarity with the equipment for diathermy.
Depending on the position of the electrodes,transverse and longitudinal (tangential) therapy. In the first case, the effect is carried out on pathological processes located deep. Longitudinal UHF-therapy is used for a superficially located lesion.
There are electrodes from the skin on somedistance. The gap between the condenser plates, their location relative to the pathological focus determines the depth of field exposure and the degree of patient's thermal sensation. The closer the electrode is to the surface of the skin, the shallower the effect is. Thus, for the treatment of diseases such as folliculitis, acne, impetigo, boils, minor abscesses, it is located as close as possible to the affected area.
Depending on the degree of impact, there isthermal, subthermal and athermic doses. The appointment of any of them is carried out taking into account the severity and course of pathology. Thus, with the therapeutic effect on acute inflammatory processes, an athermic dosage is recommended with a transition at the end of the course to a subthermal one. Thermal doses are prescribed for the purpose of exacerbating low-grade purulent inflammation.
The therapeutic course includes fifteen to twenty procedures. Sessions can be held every other day or every day. The duration of the procedures does not exceed seven or ten minutes.
Treatment can be carried out by various equipment. One of the devices is UHF-60. In comparison with its predecessors, the device has less weight. The electrical holders in the device are represented by flexible hoses.
A more modern device is UHF-80-3Undatherm. The equipment is equipped with automatic tuning, seven power control degrees. Portable apparatus "Undatherm" is used in medical institutions of neurological, therapeutic profiles and in pediatrics. The equipment is intended for exposure to a magnetic or electric field in various diseases in a physiotherapy room.
Indications for the procedures are:
- peripheral vascular pathology;
- consequences of injuries and diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system;
- trophic ulcers;
- inflammation, toxic skin diseases, neurodermatitis, eczema.