/ / Diet in fast before Easter: menu, diet

Diet in fasting before Easter: menu, diet

Do you know how many lean, recommendedchurch, days in the year? According to some data, depending on the variations and more or less strict adherence, they are from 180 to 280, that is the most. The figure is truly impressive! A diet in fasting, in addition, must be respected along with other possible abstinence. But this does not mean that during a strict or uncomfortable fasting, a tasty and satisfying lunch or dinner is impossible. In the world there are lots of fast dishes, worthy of culinary attention, and a diet during fasting can be not a burden, but a joy!

Strict and not strict

As is known, according to folk wisdom, "fastingnot in the belly, but in the spirit. " In the Russian Orthodox tradition, there are as many as four multi-day, extensive posts (Great, Petrov, Uspensky, Rozhdestvensky), and also almost a weekly post on Friday and Wednesday (with the exception of a few weeks), three fasting days. As a rule, "fasting" is divided into strict and non-strict, and also raw food and temporary abstinence from food is practiced (for monks-recluses and ascetics in general). But it must nevertheless be remembered that diet in fasting is not a panacea for all ills. In addition, the confessors themselves allow non-observance of fasting for pregnant women, elderly people, patients with various ailments, children.

diet in a weight loss diet

What can and can not be eaten?

During a strict fast, usein the food of any products of animal origin (including eggs, and caviar), as well as - bread products. Allowed vegetable products, teas, kissels, porridges (but only on water, and not on milk and without the participation of oil). In non-strict - you can eat fish and seafood, vegetable oil. So this diet in the post - for weight loss is very suitable.

diet in the post

Vegetables fruits

This is definitely allowed asa fundamental meal. Diet in the post for the most part consists of these important for the full nutrition of our body products. In addition, they contain micronutrients and vitamins, useful to humans and necessary - especially in the context of inadequate reception of habitual animal proteins during fasting.

  • Of the fruits are most available in the middle band: apples of many varieties, sweet and sour, sweet, apricots, pears. Of the exotic - oranges, tangerines, lemons, bananas, which are also many recently in stores, and they are quite "reasonable" for the price. If there are no fresh, fresh from the garden, products (for example, in winter), use conservation. Jams, pickles, salads, fruit drinks and juices, especially home-made products - a worthy variant of nutrition during fasting.
  • Diet in fasting can also consist of vegetables androot crops: carrots, potatoes, beets, onions, cabbage. Already from one of these above products, you can prepare hundreds of dishes that can be eaten.
    diet in the post before Easter

Mushrooms, nuts

They are traditionally sources of protein inthe time of fasting. Fungi of all kinds and varying degrees of processing are allowed: dried, salted, fresh. And nuts are just a huge variety. However, do not forget about the reasonable rate: a glass of chopped walnuts at a time is a serious challenge for the stomach and liver! The maximum norm of nut consumption, in view of their nutritional value and energy value - 50-100 grams per day.

diet during fasting


Diet in the post for weight loss is not complete and without cerealsfrom various types of cereals and cereals. In principle, porridge is useful either. However, in recent years, "slipping" in the press article on the harm of a particular cereal. But, rather, it's about the amount of consumption and the compatibility of products. Particularly useful: oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, wheat (better - crushed), rice. Do not forget in the post to cook porridge on the water, and not as used to many - on milk or with the addition of cow's oil. They are banned during the period of enrollment!

Diet in Lent

The tradition of observing this post determinesan expression of love and devotion to the Savior and precedes the festival of His Resurrection. All forty-eight days of humility, bodily and spiritual, Christians fast fast. After all, without purifying the spirit, the entire rite of repose becomes an ordinary diet. So, remembering this, during this period it is especially necessary to take care of the purity of one's own thoughts, to exclude anger and bad emotions.

The diet itself in the post before Easter should look likeAlso more strictly than, for example, in Christmas. On many days it is recommended to eat food that has not been heat treated (raw food diet). So, for example, you must eat in the first four days of a seven-week fast. And in the first - it is desirable and completely refrain from eating. On the first Friday, on the contrary, sweetened with sugar or honey food is welcomed. On Palm Sunday you can eat fish and seafood. In Lazarev, Saturday is caviar.

Note: open the church calendar for this year and look at what number this or that holiday falls during Lent (because many of them are "floating", that is, in different years they fall on different dates of the month). And already in connection with this information, adjust your menu.

Diet in fasting before Easter. Some Recipes

Well, in general, the principles of nutrition you, most likely,are already clear. Now let's talk about dishes that can be cooked. They are distinguished by a great variety. Truly, looking at the existing abundance, you understand that a person with complete skill can do without food on animal basis. Since the recipes are many, and the article is small, we will give only a couple of the most popular.

The vinaigrette

Ordinary, all familiar, probably from children'syears of vinaigrette is a very popular dish during the period of fasting. In it, a lot of vegetables, in which there are vitamins and trace elements, some amino acids. In addition, it is a fairly light calorie meal, quickly absorbed by the body.

We will need: large beets, three pickled cucumbers, three large potatoes, carrots. All vegetables separately welded, brushed, cut into cubes. Stir thoroughly and add a little vegetable oil (but if the post is strict, you can use brine pickles instead of cucumbers - a few spoons).

diet in the great post

Rice porridge with dried apricots and nuts

Boil a cup of rice until crumbly. Dried apricots (dried apricots without bone) are covered with boiling water and finely chopped. Walnut weed in a mortar. We mix everything and eat with pleasure. When this is allowed, you can add a tablespoon of honey to the mess and stir. You can also add raisins here.

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