/ / Overheating in the sun: how to protect yourself and cope with the consequences?

Overheating in the sun: how to protect yourself and cope with the consequences?

Overheating in the sun happens very often in summerperiod of time. And no matter how many doctors warn us, every year we wish to spend as much time in the sun. Of course, the desire to take leave on the maximum is commendable, but one should not forget about elementary precautions.

It should always be remembered what can cause overheating in the sun. You will get off with a slight fright if you experience a heat cramp, a heat or sunstroke is much worse.

Overheating in the sun: symptoms

If after a long stay on the street insunny weather, a person feels a headache, he is sick with nausea and vomiting, general weakness of the body, as well as a headache, then we can talk about heat exhaustion when the balance of liquid and salt in the body is disturbed.

The presence of heat shock indicatesthe state at which the temperature control mechanism is turned off, that is, the person no longer sweats even in hot weather. The first symptomatic manifestation of sunstroke is the weakening of the body. As a rule, people do not pay attention to this sign, thinking that they were simply overwrought. Then confusion may appear and convulsions and convulsions begin. The body temperature rises to forty degrees Celsius, and the heart rate is approaching 140 beats per minute. In this state, a person must be rushed to the hospital or called an ambulance.

At risk are people who abusealcoholic beverages especially in the heat, pregnant women and those who have very white skin from birth. Do not forget about young children, whose body is in the formation stage, because the level of protection they have is much lower. And you can usually notice signs of a sunstroke only after seven hours. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that the body for a long time struggles with the action of ultraviolet and up to the last protects the body from a catastrophic state.

Overheating in the sun: treatment

Before arrival of first aid it is possible to carry out the firsthelp. The patient needs to be cooled, so they take off his clothes and wrap him in a sheet soaked in cold water. If there are no sheets, a simple towel or T-shirt will do. And, of course, you must wait for the arrival of a specialist.

Overheating in the sun can and should be prevented, andfor this it is sufficient to simply observe the elementary rules of behavior in the open sun. Especially they should be remembered by beach lovers, since they are exposed to the impact of ultraviolet radiation. First, we should pay special attention to the choice of summer clothes. It should be made only from natural fabric and should not fit tightly to the body. Then the circulation of fresh air will be ensured, and overheating will not occur.

If you can transfer all your business tolater, it is better not to disregard this right. People at risk, and the corpses should walk in the evening, and not on a hot afternoon. In hot, stuffy weather, you need to protect your body from any overexertion, so sports fans are recommended to postpone training for a more suitable day.

And, of course, doctors strictly forbiduse drinks that contain alcohol, since they create an additional burden on the work of internal organs. But clean filtered water without gases is considered a life-giving source during the summer season. The liquid helps the work of the mechanism that maintains a stable body temperature. Fans of beach recreation are encouraged to constantly use cosmetics with protection from ultraviolet. Do not forget about the headgear, as they protect the most important part of the body - the head.

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