/ What is the main symptom of overheating in the sun

What is the main symptom of overheating in the sun

Every person - an adult, and even a child -well aware of the possibility of obtaining a very dangerous solar or thermal shock and its consequences. But when you come to the beach in summer, you can often see how all these "knowing" people lie under the bright sun for hours, paying no attention to anything. But even the usual stay under the rays of the luminary without a headdress for a long time can end badly. Therefore, we all need to know the symptom of overheating in the sun, in order to prevent danger.

symptom of overheating in the sun
What could be the problem? The fact that a sunstroke can happen not only when a person stays under the scorching rays, but also 6-9 hours after he left the beach. If the body is overheated, then it can react to this and a heat stroke, the signs of which are almost the same as those of the sun.

Let's see how the symptom manifestsoverheating in the sun? Everything begins with lethargy, which is constantly growing, headache, a sense of fatigue and thirst. Well, it continues with noise in the ears, dizziness, sometimes vomiting and nausea, painful, very unpleasant, sensations throughout the body. It may well be bleeding from the nose, increased sweating.

overheating in the sun temperature

The final signs of overheating in the sun -a breathing disorder and heart weakness. A person almost always loses consciousness. He has hallucinations, delusions, convulsions may begin. The cessation of sweating is a characteristic sign of a severe degree of overheating. In the event that at such a time a person does not provide urgent first aid, it may all end in a fatal outcome.

After the first symptom of overheating manifested itselfin the sun (most often, unfortunately, loss of consciousness), the injured person should be removed as quickly as possible from the open rays and transferred to the shade and coolness. There, it needs to be laid on the back, while raising your legs slightly, undressing, ensuring a constant influx of fresh air and peace. If a person has not lost consciousness, it is advisable to give him a cup of strong tea or ordinary cold water, which is pre-salt at the rate of half a teaspoon of salt per half-liter of water. Do not forget to put a damp cold towel on your head, or at least moisten it.

When a person has overheated in the sun,the temperature of his body can rise noticeably. So, in severe cases, it is recommended that the victim completely wrap a wet cold sheet. For a short period and carefully, this is done if the body temperature is above 38 degrees. You can simply pour the affected person with water. If possible, bottles with cold water or ice will be superfluous to some places. To those places where there are many blood vessels: axillary and popliteal areas, on the head, groin.

It is necessary to pay attention to such a symptomoverheating in the sun, as a character of breathing, whether the patency of the airways is not violated. In case of vomiting in the mouth and tongue twisting, turn the victim's head sideways and clean the oral cavity with a handkerchief or a bandage wound around the finger. With weak breathing or lack of breath, you need to do artificial respiration, if there is no pulse - massage the heart.

signs of overheating in the sun

As soon as a person becomes better, immediatelybring him to the nearest medical institution, if he is unconscious, call an ambulance immediately, because there is a real threat to the life of the victim.

The most important thing in this situation is not to get scared, not to get lost and do everything right and quickly. After all, this can save the life of a person who has received a solar or heat stroke.

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