/ / Hyperplasia of the uterus: causes and symptoms of the disease

Hyperplasia of the uterus: causes and symptoms of the disease

Hyperplasia of the uterus is enougha common disease characterized by excessive overgrowth of the endometrium and, as a consequence, an increase in its volume. It is worth noting that such a disease is in fact very dangerous, since there is always a risk of hyperplasia in malignant formation.

Hyperplasia of the uterus: causes

Modern medicine knows many reasons,which can lead to the development of such a disease. In most cases, uterine hyperplasia is associated with changes in the hormonal background, during which there is an increase in the level of estrogens along with a decrease in the level of progesterones. That is why this disease is most often diagnosed in girls at the stage of sexual development, or in mature women before the onset of menopause, as during these periods of life there is a significant fluctuation of the hormonal background.

In addition, the causes of hyperplasia may be hidingin those diseases that cause a change in the level of hormones. For example, statistics indicate that cervical or endometrial hyperplasia is much more common among women with diabetes, pituitary diseases, obesity, and frequent abortions. A certain role is played here by the factor of hereditary predisposition. Hyperplasia can develop against the background of inflammation of the genitals, as well as with uterine myomas and polycystic ovaries.

Hyperplasia of the uterus: symptoms of the disease

The main sign of this disease arecharacteristic bloody discharge from the vagina. For example, among patients with adolescent patients, there is abundant bleeding with clots of blood, which appears for no apparent reason after a slight delay in menstruation.

For older women, characteristic meager, smearing discharge, which occurs, usually between menstruation.

In addition, uterine hyperplasia leads to infertility, since during its development during the menstrual cycle, ovulation does not occur.

It should be noted that in some cases, the uterus does not manifest hyperplasia and the only thing that can alert is the impossibility of becoming pregnant with a regular sex life without protection.

Hyperplasia of the uterus: methods of diagnosis

Diagnostic methods for determining the presence ofthis disease is quite diverse. To begin with, the doctor conducts a standard gynecological examination. In addition, the patient is appointed and ultrasound of the uterus, which allows you to see the presence of cysts, as well as measure the thickness of the endometrium.

Nevertheless, the most faithful and widespreadthe method of diagnosis is scraping of the uterine tissues. During laboratory studies of the tissue samples taken, one can not only determine the presence of hyperplasia, but also find out its shape, stage of development, the severity of the disease and the risk of malignant tumors.

In addition, you need a blood test for hormones,which helps determine the level of progesterones and estrogens. In some cases, an endometrial biopsy is performed, which helps to determine the presence of malignant elements.

Hyperplasia of the uterus: treatment

Methods of treatment are selected by a gynecologist withthe age of the patient and the form of the disease. The most often performed surgical treatment. During the operation, the doctor completely removes the overgrown endometrium, cysts, and also cuts the polyps (if they exist).

After the operation, a woman is prescribed a receptionhormones. Such therapy is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background, as well as preventing the re-growth of tissues. It is only the doctor who can prescribe such medications, as well as the regimen and duration of their admission - negative consequences may be caused by self-treatment or violation of medical instructions.

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