/ / Treatment of Pink Leaves

Treatment of Pink Leaves

Infectious-allergic diseaseis pink deprive. As a rule, its symptoms are accompanied by the appearance of slightly scaly patches of round or rounded outlines of pink color. At any age you can be overtaken by pink lichen, but most of all this disease "loves" children and adolescents. The disease can not be called extremely contagious, sometimes it happens when members of a certain family become ill. Nevertheless, let's talk about the disease itself and the treatment of pink lichen.
The preferred location of the rash is the trunk. Pink deprive you can pick up through things of public use (towels, combs, sponges, etc.).

The exact cause of the appearance of pink lichen is notto call. The development of the disease is largely due to the common cold. Infectious outbreaks of the disease occur most often in the spring and autumn. In people whose immunity is weakened, the disease can manifest itself again and again. The main distinguishing feature of pink lichen is a disease-free and recurrence, which is most likely due to the development of immunity.

Pink lichen is traditionally manifested from onea small maternal spot on the skin of any part of the body, a size that can resemble a coin, a round or round outline of the fraction, gradually acquiring a yellowish tinge. This spot not only turns yellow, but winks and starts to peel off. After 7-10 days, infected on the chest, back and limbs, there are many small spots of pinkish or pinkish-yellow color, whose diameter is 0, 5-1 cm, located along the lines of the Langer. In the center of the spot, slightly noticeable folded dry scales gradually appear, and on the periphery a reddish rim, free scales. So the specks resemble a locket. The rash is not located to the fusion. Probably itching. On the lateral surfaces of the body, hips, shoulders and back, there is an extensive rash.

Treatment of pink lichen

Often, the treatment of pink hair loss occurs quicklyand without outside interference. Do not take a bath these days, it is best to do with one shower, so as not to irritate the skin. It is recommended to take emollients for the body, for example, lotions. Do not stay in the sun during the progression of the disease. This can serve to further localize the rash. I'll have to refrain from wearing synthetic underwear and clothes. At night, lubricate the affected areas of the body
sea-buckthorn, dog-rose, St. John's wort and peach oil, chlorophyllipt, sanguirithrin, romazulan.

Ointment from pink lichen is a lorenden. The most optimal and inexpensive means for rehabilitation. Quartz and intake of vitamins A and C.

Treatment of pink lichen in children

Sufficiently effective therapy is an integratedcharacter with the simultaneous administration of sulfonamide drugs or antibiotics with antihistamines and desensitizing agents. The older children have an instantaneous effect of ingesting ethacridine lactate in capsules of gelatin from 0.005 to 0.03 g 2 times a day for eight days. It is recommended to apply autohemotherapy, streptococcal vaccine or intravenous 30% sodium thiosulfate solution for 2-5 ml every other day to 10 infusions per course for dissemination of rashes and intensive inflammatory phenomena. External therapy is performed with the help of ointments of corticosteroids or creams ("Fluorocort," "Lorinden S", "Oak-sykort", "Gyioxizone") in half with Unna cream or 10% methyluracil ointment. Washing of the skin with a washcloth and soap is prohibited, woolen clothing is not allowed. From food, it excludes sharp, salty and smoked products.

As you can see, the treatment of pink lichen does not constitute a particular problem.

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