/ / How to cure lichen in children

How to cure lichen in children

On the skin of a child, sometimes parents can noticespots of pink color, which have an oval shape. These spots can be a disease such as lichen, which is quite common. Both children and adults can get sick of it. This article describes ways to cure lichen by various methods, and its symptoms.

Lishay is a skin disease of the fungusorigin. For example, in children, it can be caused by contact with animals. Lesions of defeat are deprived on legs, shoulders, abdomen. If this disease occurs, pale spots of pink color appear, in these places the skin is husked. There may also be an increase in temperature.

Ways how to cure pink deprive, enoughsimple, so do not be afraid. But adults should remember that this disease is very contagious, so contact with other children should be deleted immediately. Every day, it is necessary to handle all personal hygiene items, since the source of the disease is spores, to change the bed-clothes and bathe the child. Parents should always seek advice from a dermatologist, since the lichen is of several kinds, so treatment should be chosen accordingly. Sometimes even a doctor finds it difficult to determine an accurate diagnosis, so laboratory tests of scrapings may be required. The way how to cure the lichen can be determined after these procedures.

It is much easier to prevent a disease than itscure. Therefore, preventing the occurrence of hair loss in children is very important. It is necessary to protect the child from communicating with homeless animals, who very often are carriers of this disease. But if the signs of this disease ever appeared, the child should immediately be shown to the doctor to establish a diagnosis and methods, how to cure the lichen, and also it must be isolated from the rest of the children and informed the teacher about it.

Facilitating the treatment will help somerules. With this disease, taking baths must be stopped, so the skin can be hit even more. Wet and warm environment contributes to the progression of depriving, so the child's clothing needs to be picked up from natural materials, for example from cotton, so that she quickly absorbs the sweat. Day walks in this case also need to be limited, since contact with the sun's rays is harmful. To do this, you can choose the morning or evening time.

In the summer the child can sweat much. In this case, the following is recommended: it is necessary to dissolve one hundred grams of table salt in one liter of water and completely wipe it, while wiping it is undesirable (if it is not a baby).

When signs of the disease appear,Determine how to treat lichen in a child, because you can use a variety of means. Efficiently lubricating the affected area with apple cider vinegar. This procedure should be performed 5-6 times a day. Also recommended is chlorophyllipt or romazulan. You can lubricate and some oils, of which the most effective are sea-buckthorn, hunter's and hips oil. For internal use in lichen, the licorice root is used, which can be in the form of syrup, broth or tincture.

There are several other good ways, likecure lichen, widely used in folk medicine. Any kind of this disease passes in a few days when the sore spot is covered with dry potassium permanganate or its lubrication with natural juice of the spurge plant. Also an excellent result will be when using burnt paper. To do this, put a clean paper sheet on the plate and set it on fire. After that you need to blow off the ashes, and leave the remaining tar on the plate to apply for lubrication. At the same time, it will be slightly burned, but after 2-3 sessions, the lichen will completely disappear.

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