/ / Ankle ... This is where? We answer the question!

Ankle ... This is where? We answer the question!

The sign of "blue blood" has long been considerednarrow ankles and ankles. These parts of the body belong to the lower limbs. However, it is clear to answer, where an ankle is at the person, and where, actually, an ankle, not everyone can. We will try to give an exact explanation.


Encyclopedic data is called the anklebone formation of the distal calf. It is located on the gap between the actual caviar of the person and the foot. So, the ankle is where? There, where two main sections of the lower limb are closed in man. However, this part of the body is not a joint or a muscle. And in general, it can not be called a separate independent segment of the leg, because it acts only in conjunction with the ankle.

ankle is where

Important note

It must be said that the ankle is somewhere in the second placepopularity of the place of injuries among athletes and, of course, tourists. The first takes the knee, because most of the damage goes to him. On the ankle, there are stretches, fractures, dislocations. This is not a complete list of possible complications that this part of the body is experiencing. This fact is explained by the main functional purpose of the ankle. And it is very important in the human body.

The appointment of a part of the body called the ankle

Where is it? And what functions does it perform? Now tell all the details. Since Homo sapiens is an upright species, the load on the spine and legs is distributed in us differently than in other mammals. In particular, most of the weight of a person after he learned to walk, is not on the shoulders and back, but on his feet. On the day they experience a tremendous load (the bones themselves can withstand a pressure of 1600 kilograms). Through the ankle is the transfer of weight from the foot to the foot. And this part of the body is a kind of shock absorber.

where is the ankle

Anatomically, it is an appendage of the lower leg. Or rather, two processes, because they distinguish two ankles - lateral and medial. The first is the distal end of the tibia, which forms the shin. So, the medial malleolus is where? In the area in which the foot adjoins a large tibia. They run parallel to each other and, inin general, and form the angle that is located at the junction of these parts. Externally, the ankle is a bone growth, visible from the outer and inner parts of the foot. In some people it is pronounced bright, in others it is barely noticeable, but every person has it.


But the ankle - the name is not entirely medical. Under it is usually the narrowest part of the ankle. Most often this place is located in the place of transition of calf to the foot. In this part there is a narrowing of the gastrocnemius muscle, and the leg really has the smallest volume. Most often, it is meant by those who speak of narrow female ankles. Therefore, the phrase that was discussed at the beginning of this article is common.

where a man has an ankle

But for those who know where the ankle is atin fact, such an expression will seem absurd, because speaking of it, it is difficult to apply the adjective "narrow". Rather, it may be that it is too prominent, or, conversely, invisible at all.

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