/ / Mumiyo: useful properties and contraindications. ethnoscience

Mumiyo: useful properties and contraindications. ethnoscience

As soon as do not call the mummy. It is called stone oil, sometimes you can find the names - "mountain tar" or "blood of the mountain". Mummies are even called tears of giants. This tool is known to people for many centuries. They use it to treat a variety of diseases. It is known that it helps with fractures. The substance is used in cosmetology. A healer says that it prolongs life. Let's consider what the mummy is: useful properties and contraindications. So, about everything in order.

mummy useful properties and contraindications

What is a mummy?

This is a mineral substance resembling resin. It can be of different colors, usually of brown scale. Mumiye, useful properties and contra-indications of which worried humanity since ancient times, is found in the nature of the most diverse forms. It differs in structure and transparency. The substance is smooth, has an irregular shape. It can be viscous or strong, like glass. But there is always a special balsamic flavor. The composition and properties of different species are similar.

There is a mummy in various places of the earth. Altai, the Caucasus, Nepal, Central Asia, India, South America, North Africa - and this is not a complete list of places rich in this substance.

Traditional medicine has used it for thousands of years.for the treatment of various diseases. Doctors have not yet fully studied the properties of this mineral. Scientists to this day are trying to understand what is hidden in the mummy. Useful properties and contraindications continue to be studied. But one thing is certain: a mineral really has healing power.

Given all this, doctors recommend taking the mineral along with the prescribed medications. It is used as an additional tool that helps the body to recover faster.

That's how specialists explain it, if it comes to the mummy, what it is.

What does the substance treat?

What ailments are healed with this mineral substance?

mummy what is it that heals

Mumiye effectively helps to combat the following diseases:

  1. Cardiovascular ailments: thrombophlebitis, varicosity, hypertension, heart failure.
  2. Diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, heartburn, ulcers, belching, intestinal disorders, cholecystitis, ulcerative colitis, chronic colitis, digestive disorders, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, nausea, vomiting, constipation, poisoning. Mummy normalizes the acidity of the stomach and appetite.
  3. Diseases of the respiratory system: cough, runny nose, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, tuberculosis, sore throats, pneumonia, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, pulmonary hemorrhage.
  4. Ophthalmologic problems: glaucoma, barley.
  5. Diseases of the hearing: purulent otitis media, inflammation of the middle ear, hearing loss.
  6. Problems of the kidneys, urinary system: urolithiasis, cystitis, bladder ulcers, pyelonephritis.
  7. Diseases of the oral cavity: periodontitis, stomatitis.
  8. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: fractures, dislocations, sprains, radiculitis, joint pain, rheumatism.
  9. Endocrine disabilities: diabetes, elephantiasis, pancreatitis.
  10. Skin diseases: abrasions, burns, dermatitis, cuts, boils, bruises, purulent wounds, stretch marks, ulcers, psoriasis, eczema.
  11. Catarrhal pathologies: acute respiratory viral infection, influenza. Mineral substance can be used not only for the therapy of diseases, but also as a preventive agent.
  12. Hemorrhoids.
  13. Allergic manifestations.
  14. Diseases of the reproductive system in men and women.
  15. Pathologies of blood: anemia, radiation sickness.
  16. Edemas.
  17. The ailments of the nervous system: headaches, neuralgias, epilepsies, sleep disorders, dizziness, neurodermatitis, stammering, paralysis of the facial nerve.
  18. Low immunity.

Mumiyo can really be called uniquesubstance. Nature has made a generous present to mankind. Now, knowing if it's a mummy, what it is that treats this mineral, let's try to understand what it's made of.

So, what are the components contained in a unique substance?

What makes up the mummy

This mineral substance is a natural product. What is rich in mummy?

Composition of the substance:

  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • alcohols;
  • acids;
  • fats;
  • minerals;
  • paraffin hydrocarbons;
  • carbohydrates.

mummy Altai application instruction

Mineral used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics.

The value of the mummy, the composition of which is strikingly diverse, in the rich content of the various microelements needed by the human body:

  • aluminum,
  • iron,
  • calcium,
  • silicon,
  • magnesium,
  • lead,
  • cobalt,
  • nickel,
  • titanium.

Therapeutic effects

The main healing property of a substance is considered to beits beneficial effect on immunity. In other words, the mineral strengthens the body, weakens the influence of harmful factors on health. Of course, this is not the only pathology in which the mummy is claimed. Indications for the use of this substance, as discussed above, have practically no boundaries.

What happens in the body when it is used?

Specialists give the following list of positive effects:

  1. Rapid recovery of bone and muscle tissue, mucous membranes and skin.
  2. Beneficial effect on the central nervous system, eliminates headaches.
  3. Promotes the rapid removal of harmful substances from the body.
  4. Has anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. It normalizes the metabolism and helps to fight excess weight.
  6. Promotes the restoration of joints in arthritic diseases.
  7. Helps to quickly heal wounds.
  8. It has fortifying properties.
  9. Has a beneficial effect in diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  10. Helps with female infertility and problems in the field of gynecology.
  11. Has the ability to increase the level of hemoglobin, so it is recommended for cancer.
  12. It has a general strengthening effect on the protective functions of the body and increases the overall life expectancy.

mummy for the face

Types of mummies

To classify a substance, a mountain mummybegan to be called the name of the place in which it was found. For example, Siberian, Altaic, Arabian, Tibetan, Himalayan, etc. Division into species occurs by composition, depends on the number of metal particles in one form or another.

There are four main varieties:

  1. Gold mummy (it differs in color range - from dark orange to bordeaux).
  2. Silver (has a milky hue).
  3. Copper (strikes the look of a dark blue or azure palette).
  4. Iron - occurs most often. Painted in black-brown colors.

Where to buy mummies

The product is sold in pharmacies and in special shops selling traditional medicine.

They release the mummy in the form of capsules or tablets. You can also purchase a unique mineral in the form of pastes, balms, plates and briquettes.

The basic forms of release:

  1. Pills. The content of mummies in the pills is relatively small. After all, in the manufacture of tablets, various additional substances are used.
  2. Balm. It is sold in jars. Such a balm is like an uncured resin. The content of mummies in this case is much greater than in tablets.
  3. The purified mummy. It is best to acquire it. The mineral can be in the form of plates. Its cost is much larger than the two previous forms. However, the benefits from it are much greater. The purified substance is also packed into briquettes.

The most common is the Altai mummy. Consider it.

How to take the Altai mummy?

Mineral matter, like other medicines, should be taken with caution. We will study such a tool as Altai mummy, application.

The instruction recommends the following:

  1. The maximum permissible dose of mummy is 6 grams per day.
  2. The recommended rate is 3 grams per day. This dose can be measured with the help of accurate pharmacy weights, but, naturally, not everyone in the kitchen has such a measuring device. Therefore, you can focus on the size of the piece. A piece weighing 3 grams corresponds to the size of an average pea.

mum composition

How do they use the Altai mummy? The application instruction gives the following. The substance is dissolved in water and taken in a certain pattern:

  • in the morning - on an empty stomach;
  • in the afternoon - 1 hour before lunch;
  • in the evening - after 2 hours after dinner.

The product is used in this way to treat all diseases. This method of reception is known from ancient times and has been tested for centuries.

How long does it take to take a mummy?

The question that necessarily arises in people who are targeting treatment with this natural component.

Mummy inside should be taken courses. Duration of admission depends on the severity of the disease.

In the old instructions for receiving the Altai substance, the following recommendations are given:

  1. If the disease worsens, take "medicine" for 10 days. Then take a break. After 5 days, start again in 10 days.
  2. In case of chronic diseases, repeat the procedure within 10 days. It takes 4-5 courses. It is important not to forget to do 5-day breaks between courses.
  3. In severe illnesses, the mummy is taken for a month. Then do a 10-day break. After this, another course is conducted for 30 days.

Mummy in Cosmetology

The composition of this substance has collagen, responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the useful properties of mummies in cosmetology.

Without resorting to expensive cosmetology procedures, you can improve the skin condition and to a large extent get rid of such unpleasant defects as:

  • wrinkles;
  • cellulite;
  • dark spots;
  • freckles;
  • stretch marks;
  • sagging of the skin.

Regularly applying mummies to the face can eliminate many skin problems that occur with age.

Use in cosmetology

Mumiye is present in many recipes, providing the skin with youth and beauty.

For home use, you need to prepare a solution:

  • Cut the mummies into a mortar.
  • Then gradually add the water to the ground powder until it is completely dissolved (water must be at room temperature).
  • Proportions for the preparation of the solution - for 50 ml of water, take 5 g of mummy.

Such a solution can be taken orally. Using it 2 times a day before meals for 1 tsp. it is possible to raise the hemoglobin level perfectly.

mummy testimony

Application of a solution in cosmetology:

  1. Pour the product into the ice mold, freeze. Wipe skin twice a day with ice cubes. It is very useful for such a mummy for the face. This procedure helps to reduce existing wrinkles and prevents the emergence of new ones.
  2. Make a mask with a mummy solution. It returns the skin firmness, relieves of acne, smooths complexion.
  3. You can put mummy tablets (about 8 pcs.) In a bottle of shampoo. If you wash your head with the product, hair follicles will strengthen, the health of the hair will return.

Let's consider some more excellent recipes.

Mask for hair restoration with mummy

Proceed as follows:

  1. Dissolve 4 grams of Altai mummies in 1 tbsp. l. honey. Then add 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil.
  2. Apply the mask on the hair and always on the scalp.
  3. After an hour, rinse with herbal shampoo or a decoction of chamomile.

Such a mask can be done no more than twice a month!

Cream with mummy from acne and pigment on the skin

Manufacture and application of the product:

  1. Dissolve 15 g of mummy in a spoonful of water.
  2. Melt 40 g of creamy melted butter and 20 g of wax. Stir and cool.
  3. Add a solution of mummy and 1 tsp into the mixture of oil and wax. juice of the century.
  4. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

The resulting cream should be applied daily to the face with a thin layer.

Currently, instead of butter with waxuse a baby cream. But all the same the mummy shows its properties better when interacting with natural ingredients. Therefore, if possible, it is preferable to use oil and wax in this recipe.

mummy altai


Do not forget that the interest (if we consider the mummy) is useful, and contraindications. The healing power of the substance is discussed above. Now let us dwell on the contraindications.

Note that the mummy is incompatible with alcohol. Therefore, while consuming it inside and outwardly, it is necessary to exclude interaction with alcohol-containing preparations and beverages.

For the reception of the mummy, there are also other contraindications that you definitely need to read before starting treatment:

  • Children under 12 years of age are not allowed.
  • You can not take a mummy during pregnancy and during lactation.
  • To take with caution in disorders of the nervous system and hypertension.
  • It is forbidden to use the product with an individual intolerance to the substance.

Thus, the mummy is invaluable to humans.product of nature. It is used in all areas of traditional medicine. Since 2000, the Ministry of Health has recommended the mummy as a general tonic for ingestion in tablet form. Thus, official medicine recognizes the mineral substance as a therapeutic agent.

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