Stretching causes a lot of trouble for women andcomplexes, because of the ugly reddish or white stripes you can not wear open clothes, a separate swimsuit. These unpleasant traces can appear on the skin during a transitional age or pregnancy, with a sharp weight loss. Whatever the reason for their occurrence, everyone is interested in ways to get rid of this problem, so many women have tried the effectiveness of the mummy. From stretch marks (reviews confirm the excellent result) many drugs help, but this one is guaranteed to clean even old whitish strips.
Calcium, iron, nickel, magnesium, aluminum,amino acids, trace elements - all this is part of the mummy. Treatment with the help of mummies has a beneficial effect on the entire body, so this medicine is often called the elixir of health. It saturates the skin with vitamins, increases elasticity. Mumiye acts as a regenerating and wound healing remedy, so it can still be used as a prophylaxis. Do not wait until the stretches of purple and pink turn into white, you need to immediately take action. Also effective is the mummy for weight loss.
Reviews of women who experienced a miracleeffect of the drug, convince that the drug is absolutely safe, it can be used even during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Today in the pharmacy it is easy to find a huge number of different lotions for the body, creams and gels with mummies, which are very popular among the fair sex. But it is possible and at home to prepare a tool is not worse, or maybe even better.
First of all, you need to buy in tabletsmummy from stretch marks. Reviews of women claim that this drug is most effective in combination with anti-cellulite essential oils: orange, lavender, rosemary. To prepare the ointment, dissolve the mummy pill in water, add cream and 10 drops of oil. Such a tool should be rubbed into problem areas daily, it should be stored in the refrigerator.
It is also possible to prepare a medicinal drug,taking an ordinary children's cream and tablets mummy from stretch marks. Reviews of women convince that the improvement of the skin condition is noticeable after three months of regular application. In a teaspoon of water should dissolve a couple of tablets of the drug and add them to the cream, pre-squeezed into a shallow container. Apply daily ointment thin layers.
Also it does not hurt to use oilcompress with mummies from stretch marks. Feedback about this tool is positive, but still it should not be used daily. In a teaspoon of water, dilute 1 g of mummy and add a tablespoon of pink or mint oil. Such a cosmetic product is quite allergenic, so you need to be careful when applying it. If the mummy is used systematically, constantly prepare with it ointments, creams, compresses, then after 4 weeks the first tangible results will appear, and after 4 months the small and fresh stretch marks will disappear, and the old ones will be significantly reduced.