Useful properties of sesame oil and its application
Seeds of sesame are one of the oldest spices. This product contains many nutrients necessary to maintain the health of the body. In addition, the seeds are very tasty.
Sesame is an annual plant. Its fruits, reminiscent of the boxes, contain seeds of yellow, white, brown or black. Sesame is used not only for food, but also for getting rid of many ailments. In addition, the seeds of this plant are made of oil. They grow sesame seeds in India, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. They are engaged in it and in the Far East.
Cultivate the crop, usually to get the oil. It finds its application in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.
Useful properties of sesame oil are due toa rich composition of seeds from which it is produced. In the fruits of a valuable plant contains a large volume of organic acids, glycerol esters, as well as polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids, triglycerides. In the sesame seeds is sesame. This substance is a powerful antioxidant. Sesamin prevents the development of various diseases, including cancer, and also helps lower cholesterol in the blood.
Sesame seeds include proteins andcarbohydrates, amino acids, B vitamins, and also A, C, E. They are rich in minerals. In its composition are magnesium and phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron. Seeds of this plant contain dietary fiber, lecithin, beta-sitosterol, which lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, and also phytin, which is a complex substance capable of restoring the balance of minerals in the body.
Useful properties of sesame oil are due toavailability of valuable substances that are in the seeds. This product is of particular value for maintaining the health of the body, despite the small amount of vitamin E in it and the lack of vitamin A. Oil can be stored for an extended period of time without becoming rancid.
All substances that are contained in this valuable product, have a beneficial effect on the body. They contribute to the elimination of toxins, the normalization of metabolic processes and pressure, prevent the pathology of the joints.
Useful properties of sesame oil are foundwide application both in official and in folk medicine. This therapeutic product is used for internal reception for diathesis of hemorrhagic type. Useful substances contained in sesame oil, improve blood clotting. This product is also used in the manufacture of patches, ointments and emulsions. It is the basis of some fat-soluble drugs. The intake of oil from sesame seeds is recommended as a laxative.
The product finds its application in recipestraditional medicine. Useful properties of sesame oil help in getting rid of coughs, colds, pharyngitis and angina. It is recommended for instillation in the ears with the presence of inflammatory processes in them.
Useful properties of sesame oil help withgastritis, ulcerative colitis and constipation. This product recovers from exhaustion and relieves intestinal colic. Sesame oil, the treatment of which increases the number of platelets, significantly improves blood clotting. As an external product, the product is used to remove irritations of the skin.
Sesame oil, the use of which incosmetology allows you to carry out care for the body and face, truly unique. It moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin, reducing dryness and irritation. Oil from sesame seeds can be used as a means to remove makeup, and also add it to any cream and mask for fading skin.