Signs of a heart attack
Myocardial infarction is such an urgent acutethe condition of the heart, characterized by the necrosis of a certain area of the tissue of the heart muscle. Ultimately, this disease leads to a rupture of the heart or its stop. This condition is also manifested in the form of acute heart failure or ventricular fibrillation, which present a serious danger to the life of the patient.
In the event that the signs of a heart attackare recognized in a timely manner, this can play an important role in saving the patient's life. The magnitude and localization of the zone of the disease in the heart muscle, the characteristics of the patient's body completely affect the symptoms of the disease.
A large-heart infarct, the signs of whichare characterized by the necrosis of a large area of the heart muscle, is very dangerous. During the course of this type of disease, certain stages are distinguished, characterized by their signs. The first signs of a heart attack are manifested in the form of quite severe attacks of angina pectoris. Over time, these seizures become more and more prolonged, painful sensations become more acute, medications are ineffective. Symptoms of a heart attack are also manifested in the form of a feeling of anxiety, a depressed state. In some cases, myocardial infarction begins immediately with an acute period, bypassing the pre-infarction state. In the acute period, signs of a heart attack are characterized by the following symptoms:
- Severe pain that occurs unexpectedly and lasts from a few hours to a day. Prolonged pains mean that the disease affects more and more areas of the heart muscle.
- General morbid condition: almost immediately after the onset of pain, there is a strong weakness, the patient feels anxiety, lack of air, dyspnea appears. There is pallor of the skin, cold sweat appears, dizziness may occur or fainting may occur.
- Atypical signs of a heart attack occur when the pain occurs in another, atypical place. In this case, very often there is a danger of making the wrong diagnosis.
- The acute period proceeds fromone or two days to a week and a half. At this time there is a differentiation of the zone of the disease from whole tissues. Characteristic signs for this period are weakness, shortness of breath, fever up to 39 degrees. Perhaps the recurrence of the disease or some form of complications.
- Subacute period finally forms a zoneheart attack. In this case, the necrotic tissue is replaced by a scar from the connective tissue. This period lasts more than a month, with the preservation of signs of heart failure, a gradual decrease in temperature and an increase in blood pressure. After a heart attack, angina attacks may stop, if this does not happen - the situation may well repeat.
- The post-infarction period passes aftersub-acute period and lasts for about six months. At the site of the infarction, a scar from the connective tissue is finally formed during this time, and the other, the whole part of the heart muscle works more efficiently. Signs of acute heart failure finally disappear, and blood pressure and pulse come to normal.
Small-focal myocardial infarction is characterized byweaker symptoms than with large-focal disease. At the same time, pain sensations are much less pronounced, as well as low blood pressure and heart failure. Such a disease is much more easily tolerated by patients, since it has a very low probability of complications.
If you have any such symptoms, then consult a doctor immediately.