/ Unexpected diseases. Signs of a heart attack in women

Unexpected diseases. Signs of a heart attack in women

Myocardial infarction is called one of the formsischemic heart disease associated with complete or partial circulatory failure. This disease can occur in women and men. However, it is women who suffer from a heart attack more often than men. Statistics in developed countries put a heart attack as the cause of death in the first place.

Signs of a heart attack in women

signs of a heart attack in women

The symptomatology of a woman's condition in this disease is divided into five consecutive periods.

1. Pre-infarction can last as long as two minutes, and two months. Characterized by the first period is most often the presence of pain or discomfort behind the sternum. Time taken measures will not allow to bring the body to a heart attack.

2. The sharpest period. Its duration is the first hours after the onset of an attack. Signs of a heart attack in women during this period are characterized by a strong growingpain behind the sternum, giving to the left arm, collarbone, scapula, jaw. This state is accompanied by fear, rapid breathing and palpitations, loss of consciousness is possible.

Atypical forms

Symptoms of a heart attack in women of an atypical form are more common than in men.

  • Abdominal forms give symptoms characteristic of pancreatitis: nausea and vomiting, pains at the top of the abdomen, weakness.
  • Asthmatic forms are characterized by shortness of breath and pulmonary edema - symptoms of asthma.
  • Cerebral forms. Signs of a heart attack in women differ in this form with dizziness, headaches, visual impairment, and neurologic symptoms.

3. The duration of an acute period can be up to 10 days. It is during this period that a scar begins to form on the site of necrosis.

4. The scar is formed for eight weeks, and this period is called a subacute.

5. The post-infarction period is the treatment and stabilization of the patient's condition.

signs of a stroke and infarction

Recovery after a heart attack

Previously, scientists doubted how they could influencesex of the person on chances to be restored after illness or disease. Some of them were inclined to such a point of view, which argued that women are less likely to suffer a heart attack than men. Scientists from Germany made a verdict: the gender of a person does not play a special role in restoring after a heart attack. The chance to survive is the same for men and women. Clearly one - after the transferred infarction it is necessary to restore as soon as possible a blood supply of heart. You can do this in three ways: medically, surgically, or both methods together.

The experiment was attended by 1435 mensex and 502 - female. They were treated equally after a heart attack. Women were older and suffered from hypertension and diabetes, which caused complications in the cardiovascular system. However, the final result did not reveal any difference. Hence, when treating a patient from the consequences of a heart attack, sex should not be taken into account as a factor.

recovery after an infarction

In general, signs of a stroke and a heart attack occur inpeople suffering from arteriosclerosis of blood vessels. Coronary vessels deliver oxygen and nutrients to the heart. But with a heart attack, such a vessel turns out to be a closed cork - a thrombus. The oxygen supply can last only 10 seconds of the heart. After a 30-minute fasting in cardiac cells irreversible changes occur. After a few hours, the deprived site is completely necrotic. Of course, there are many other reasons, including the age factor, obesity, alcoholism, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, smoking, small mobility. In any case, it is important to call the doctor in time and do not leave the patient for a minute. It is also important before the arrival of the ambulance brigade to talk with the victim and calm him down. A person with a heart attack is very restless, the fear of a near death terrifies him. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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