/ / In the nose of herpes: how to heal in the shortest time?

In the nose of herpes: how to heal in the shortest time?

According to statistics, one of the mostcommon diseases of a viral nature is herpes. Favorable microflora for its appearance is the mucosa and the surrounding skin, for example, on the surface of the labia, in the mouth or nose. Herpes is a virus that lives in the body of every person, it simply manifests itself only under the influence of certain factors. To get rid of it it is necessary at once at occurrence of the first signs.

In the nose of herpes: causes

in the nose of herpes

If the ailment has arisen once, you can expectrelapse at the first convenient opportunity. So, among the popular reasons is a sharp decrease in immune defense due to a long illness, especially acute respiratory character. Permanent exposure to stressful situations or protracted depression also adversely affects the body. Herpes under the nose can be picked up from the infected person if you are in close contact with him or use one dish, a towel, other personal care products. Any hypothermia or, on the contrary, prolonged exposure to the sun stimulates the activation of the virus. Increased risk of infection in pregnant women, because their body is in a state of stress, giving all the forces for the development of the fetus.

In the nose of herpes: symptoms

herpes under the nose

You can feel the onset of the disease in the firstday. The person's state of health deteriorates sharply, body temperature rises, sleep is disturbed, anxiety, chills, and "cotton feet" syndrome are observed. The patient completely disappears appetite, he becomes irritable, sometimes aggressive. A few days later, there is an unbearable itch in the nose and a wild pain at every touch. Then, small watery bubbles form. On average, they burst for a week, they are covered with a crust, and the healing process begins. In order to minimize this period, it is necessary to take timely measures to stop symptomatic manifestations.

than to treat herpes in the nose

Than to treat herpes in the nose?

At present, pharmacies showcase thea wide range of different drugs that can quickly and painlessly get rid of the disease. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to purchase them after consulting with a doctor, since it takes into account the individual characteristics of each patient. Typically, an ointment is prescribed for external use of the "Zovirax" type. To eliminate the infection, antibiotics are prescribed. Independently to open bubbles in any case it is impossible: there is a risk of entering the infection and aggravating and so a difficult situation.

In the nose of herpes: prevention

Prevent the development of the virus in the bodywill allow adherence to a healthy lifestyle, the rejection of bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol. It is necessary to monitor your own diet: try to purchase only natural products. Food should be diverse, so that the body receives all the necessary substances and trace elements. It is necessary to regularly restore the immune defense of the body, for example, with the help of a quality vitamin complex. A good auxiliary therapy is the use of traditional medicine.

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