Ban on the departure of police officers abroad
There is a Directive of the Ministry of Defense, whichestablishes a ban on the departure of police officers abroad. Previously, Russian siloviki were not forced to stay at home, but they were advised to refrain from traveling abroad. At the moment, the restriction on the departure of police officers abroad is presented in compulsory form. Many analysts believe that, perhaps, these inconveniences will only become more complicated.
Rules for leaving the country for servicemen
Article 2 of the Law of 15.08.1996 N 114-FZ provides that a citizen of the Russian Federation is not entitled to be limited in the possibility of traveling abroad, with the exception of cases provided for in this resolution. Having familiarized with its main points, it will be possible to determine precisely whether a particular person can leave the country, or this right is absent.
There are some regulations that limit the departure of police officers abroad. They all have a rationale, so you need to familiarize yourself with them:
- Access to sensitive materials andstate secrets. This information is classified under the law "On State Secrets". Sometimes this law applies to police officers whose travel abroad is limited to the conclusion of an employment contract, that is, under its conditions, this restriction is already prescribed. This is possible only on condition that the restriction on going abroad goes for more than 5 years from the day when the person has access to classified materials and was acquainted with them. The restriction is introduced for a period until the person uses the information and they can have value for independent persons, however not longer than the established period.
- A call for military or civil service,having an alternative meaning. These actions must be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. This restriction extends before the term of alternative civilian or military service is fully completed.
- Public service or permanent work in the bodies of the FSB. The restriction comes into force after signing the contract and is canceled only after its termination or termination.
Additional provisions
In some cases, the Interdepartmental Commissiondecides that the state secret has not lost its importance in terms of the danger of disclosure and the importance of specific information. In this case, they can prohibit the departure of police officers abroad for a certain time, that is, to extend the term. These changes are entered in the employment contract. The total term of the restriction, which is not interrupted by the possibility of leaving the country, should not exceed 10 years, and it includes years limited by an employment contract.
Features of the ban on leaving the country
Usually, bans on going abroad are relevant only to workers who are related to the security agencies, namely:
- Employees of the FSB.
- In cases when a citizen, while nota member of the law enforcement agency, has access to certain classified documents that can be classified as state secrets. This restriction is valid only if it relates to provisions in the signed employment contract.
- A citizen who is a military man due to compulsory recruitment.
With restrictions on leaving the country abroadThe passport is placed in the state body, which dealt with its registration and issuance. In any case, the military has difficulties when leaving the country, and they are notified of the fact of the complicated crossing of the border of the Russian Federation when signing an employment contract or entering the service.
Protection of state secrets
The Department of Internal Affairs regulatesrestriction on going abroad. The police are limited to the need to protect important state secrets. Bans on travel abroad include many employees who, according to their duty, have access to important information. Direct prohibition is not established, but there are recommendations that prohibit people from traveling abroad. Police and servicemen are subject to this.
In analyzing the awareness of a particularemployee, that is, the level of his access to information of a certain degree of secrecy, the authorities can independently take a decision that relates to the possibility of his travel abroad. Sometimes a particular policeman has the right to access confidential files, but he did not use them during the work, which means that he can leave the country, as he is unable to divulge state secrets.
If the degree of secrecy is important, it is delineated into three categories
- Particularly sensitive and important information. This is one form of admission, for which you need insurance for traveling abroad. This aspect relates to the senior managers of various departments, chiefs of management. So the prohibition of leaving the police abroad is prescribed.
- Information that is considered top secret is protected, but many operatives are familiar with them, therefore access to this information is subject to protection in accordance with the 2 forms of access.
- Closed information, which every employee has the right to use as his own service. Such information is protected under Form 3.
Refusal to travel abroad can be obtained by people,which are related to information protected by the 1st and 2nd form of admission, and the 3rd form has no limitations in this matter. This is the reason for the ban on the departure of the police abroad.
The second access level has differentemployees of departments and the FSB, it should be remembered that cases with top-secret information can be disassembled and ordinary investigators, which limits the departure of MVD employees abroad. All restrictions apply to those people who are carriers of information about state secrets. Those who were not involved in it and do not know the secret information, do not fall under the ban on leaving.
Security of employees
Russian siloviki were restricted from leaving the countryafter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation determined that it is undesirable to allow employees to travel to countries where an extradition treaty has been concluded with the United States. All citizens of Russia who have undertaken a trip to these countries can not be considered protected by domestic legislation. The leadership of the security agencies made this order an order, so all employees were forced to hand over issued foreign passports. This order is based solely on the safety of employees, and the right to leave for them remains, but at the moment the state recommends refraining from this. This is confirmed by the ban on the police to go abroad.
Regulation of the departure of security officials abroad
Instruction that prescribes movementsecurity forces and their possible departure, provides that the military may be restricted in this right for a certain period or for the entire time when the employment contract is relevant. If civilians have entered into a labor agreement with the Ministry of Defense, they may also be subject to this prohibition, so insurance is needed to travel abroad.
The police opened the trip abroad. To get permission to leave for the siloviki, they must undergo a strictly regulated procedure and collect certain documents. It is necessary to file a report or a statement filled out clearly on the model, in the name of the head of a specific administration.
There are exceptions that concernthe need to travel abroad due to a serious illness of a particular relative or his death, as well as related to the need for independent treatment in another country. The head takes a decision, which subsequently acquaints the employee who submitted the application. A certificate is issued which must be submitted to the personnel department. This is how police officers abroad do not travel abroad.
Features of drawing up and applying the help
In the certificate, employees indicate whether they obtained the right toa specific person to leave the country, or he was denied this. The further actions of the employee depend on the decision of the officials. So, the police can go abroad. If a person has received a positive response, hemust go to the personnel department in order to present the issued certificate. There he will be given a passport, then there is the possibility of free travel outside the country. So the ban of the police is to go abroad.
Issuance of a foreign passport
The employee's passport is in the personnel departmentand can be issued only after a permit has been issued that regulates the right to leave the country. This determines the departure of police officers abroad. If the servicemen or citizens of the state are related to the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then the registration of the passport for them takes place with the participation of the above reference. Sometimes a serviceman needs to stay abroad for more than 15 days or there are exceptional reasons that govern his stay outside the country. In these cases, the head of this employee can issue him permission to cross the border only after agreement with the higher leadership.
Difficulties in crossing the border
The police allowed going abroad. Servicemen and other employees who haveaccess to data of special secrecy, can get a passport in the personnel department, but are forced to return it back after 5 days after receipt. Such employees have difficulties in obtaining a certificate for traveling abroad, as their activities are regulated by various regulations that protect state secrets. So it is regulated departure of police officers abroad.
If these persons have received permission to leaveabroad, after returning from another country they are forced to pass a foreign passport to the personnel department, and then draw up a detailed account of the peculiarities of their stay in another country. This document is provided for review to a higher-level management.
Sometimes for the departure of high-level executivesthe permission of even more high-ranking authorities is required, and to cross the border of other employees, their appeal to the authorities is necessary. If the admission to classified information for the employee was carried out in a second form, when his exit is undesirable, crossing the border will be the most difficult action possible only in exceptional cases.
Simple citizens of Russia, not related tostate secrets, are free to cross the border in accordance with generally accepted rules. For the employees of law enforcement bodies, this process is complicated, as they often receive permits to get acquainted with data of great national value.
A document came out that limits the right of Russian military forces to leave the country's borders. Significant restrictions were imposed on many groups, in particular, such persons:
- Employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including the entire range of positions.
- People who are employees of the migration service of the Russian Federation.
- Ranked in the department responsible for combating drug trafficking.
- Control the process of implementing punishments.
- Individuals ranked in the Ministry of Defense.
Features of obtaining a visa
The visa can not be freely received by those whohas something to do with a state-wide secret. There is also a separate restrictive list, which includes all countries allowed for visits by citizens who are on military service. The list of states was compiled on the basis of the general political situation in the international arena.
The Ministry of the Interior severely restrictedtheir employees in the possibility of overseas rest, since even the neighboring countries were banned for the exit. Some people for a certain period of time are almost prohibited. Such restrictions are made primarily to ensure the safety and calm of the employees themselves. There are recommendations that request all policemen to refrain from traveling to some countries. These restrictions and bans apply to virtually all military, so the orders received wide public resonance.