How to celebrate the Day of Transport Police of Russia
On the Day of Transport Police of Russia, allremember how important police service is. We owe this service our safety in passenger transportation. The police control the safe movement of trucks. It counteracts terrorism, trafficking in narcotic substances and weapons. Such an important holiday as DTransport traffic police is not a general way out.
Origin of the holiday
It dates back to 1919. Even in those distant times, Russia paid special attention to the railways. Then the first document on interdepartmental protection of transport on railway was signed. This event took place on February 18. The transport police has always been on a special account with the state. And today it controls not only the railway traffic. Under its control, the country's land, water and airways. It is a self-sufficient highly organized structural unit of the state. In the Russian Federation, on February 18, the Day of Transport Police is celebrated, when sincerely congratulate its employees, wishing them good health and professional success.
Tasks of the service
The modern law-enforcement system of the Russian Federationis able to perform the most complex tasks assigned to it by the state. It ensures public safety and combats any manifestations of crime on all transport routes of the country. Such police are able to control transnational and cross-border crime.
The Importance of Service
However, throughout the vastThis department receives congratulations from colleagues, friends and relatives, as well as the entire people of Russia. In honor of the brave and courageous policemen conduct concert events, and those who are singled out in the process of service are awarded with Honorary Diplomas and gifts.
The service of every policeman, especially the private,dangerous and responsible. Only honest and respectable people, strong in spirit and body, can work here. Noting the Day of Transport Police of Russia, the people of the whole country express their deep gratitude to the employees of this sphere of state security. The modern society is so developed that the professionalism of the transport police officers should be continuously increased. Congratulating employees on the Day of Transport Police, every person realizes that the safety of his life depends very much on the work of such policemen.
Everyday problems
Not only does this service solve global problems,but also sometimes small, insignificant at first sight problems. However, our everyday life depends on the solution of such small tasks. As is known, there are no trifles in the police service. Today, special attention is paid to suburban communication. For example, an important place in this work is given to pocket robberies in electric trains. Another important point is trade without permits, in other words - unauthorized. It is worth noting the availability of the cynological service in the transport police, without which it would be impossible to achieve success in many operations.
The traffic today is endlessa stormy stream of cars, trains, ships, planes and passengers. Technical equipment is also being improved every day. A modern policeman is a competent trained officer, who is responsible to all citizens of Russia. Remembering the Day of Transport Police, one can not fail to note the high degree of risk of people serving in such bodies. And, of course, it is necessary to pay the debt to those who gave their lives in this service.
Every day these brave people, risking their lives,having an irregular working day, strict discipline, permanent business trips, remain faithful to their duty. They deserve warm words. On the Day of Transport Police of Russia, congratulations sound from the heart of all the inhabitants of a great country:
Low bow to you, guardians of order,
The holiday has come for you today.
May you be lucky everywhere,
And the Lord will keep you in the ways!
Peace, love and health in addition,
Growth in service, good colleagues!
Let your wishes come true,
The main thing - the strength and more friends!
Day of Transport Police of Russia, photowhose employees show their daily worries, will remind you how important and responsible this profession is. Of course, throughout its existence, the police have experienced many difficult moments. The path of any professional is formed by trial and error, ups and stable times. Expressing gratitude and saying congratulations on the Day of Transport Police, the inhabitants of Russia have emphasized the importance of such a service more than once.
Connection of generations
The younger generation must necessarilyeducate in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Fatherland. These are the future defenders of the country, many of whom will serve in the transport police. From what we, adults, will be today, our tomorrow and the future of children depend. It's important to be an example for them. Congratulations on the day of the transport police should get everything from a simple employee to the highest ranks, and I want to bow to those who breathe the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland.
Low bow and eternal memory to all heroicallywho died in the performance of their duties as a policeman. The memory of them must be kept for the younger generation to understand: we owe our life and safety precisely to such people, fearlessly fulfilling their duty.