/ Signs warning of radiation and fire hazard. What is the danger sign?

Signs warning of radiation and fire hazard. What is the danger sign?

A danger sign is a specially created andan image approved by the international commission warning of a situation that could adversely affect human health or lead to death. Naturally, everyone should know them. Only in this case you can save yourself from trouble.

Why are signs of danger needed and what features do they have?

Perhaps not everyone understands how important the presented images are. However, there are several factors that support the use of such signs:

  • you will always know where there is the possibility of radiation damage or chemical poisoning;
  • The picture will help to understand where there are dangerous places that need to be circumvented;
  • In case of transportation of any goods, the danger sign will show how harmful they are to us.

In any case, the images presented can save a person's life, warn him of the impending threat.

It should be noted that the background on which the picture will be drawn can be different in different countries: yellow, red, orange and even blue. Therefore, it is important to know the meaning of the main image.

danger sign

What are the technical requirements for the presented signs?

Each picture is a signal of danger,so it should be clearly visible. All parameters for the manufacture of such signs must be prescribed in the relevant regulatory documents. For example, the image should be bright enough to be easily seen. In addition, it should not deteriorate under the influence of the external environment (rain, snow, wind, sunlight).

A danger sign should be drawn in such a waypaint, which will not be erased after several months of operation. In practice, often used fluorescent substances that can glow in the dark. Thanks to this you will be able to secure yourself at any time of the day. If necessary, the image is additionally illuminated. In this case, the lamps should not change the color of the picture or worsen its visibility.

A danger label is produced mainly from sheet metal. The use of plastic in this case is undesirable, since it is less durable.

Now it is possible to consider in more detail which pictures are used to warn people.

Significance and features of the use of danger labels for the carriage of goods

danger labels of goods

Presented marks are attached not only to potentially hazardous items, but also to the transport that carries them. Naturally, they have their own peculiarities of use:

  • the danger labels of cargoes are fixed on cars, containers, tanks, packages, and this must be done on the sides and the front side;
  • on cars such designations are additionally glued behind;
  • in the event that there are several signs on one product, they must be affixed side by side.

After the cargo is delivered to the placedestination, and the container is unloaded, the designations must be removed. On the plates with the picture there should be an orange background. In any case, the signs are well attached. They usually indicate the identification number of the cargo, the level of danger. Each degree corresponds to a certain amount of damage that the substance can cause in the event of a transport accident or improper storage.

Significance and features of the use of signs of radiation hazard

The following group of notations tells aboutplaces where a high level of radiation is observed. For this, the well-known sign was invented: a black trefoil on a yellow background. The shape of the plate is a triangle. This image is established in all those places where there is a possibility of infection or there is an increased radiation background: at nuclear power plants, in "exclusion zones" that appeared after environmental disasters.

radiation hazard sign

In 2007, the International Atomic Energy Agencypower engineering has decided to provide a new designation: a red triangle on which a figure of an evader is drawn, a trefoil with radiation, and a skull. However, such a sign of radiation hazard is difficult to call successful. It is quite complex both for understanding and for manufacturing. In any case, such an image should be applied to any potentially unsafe subject, building or site of the territory.

Significance and features of use of signs of chemical danger

Modern existence without the achievements of chemistryit's hard to imagine. Naturally, such substances are more often used for the benefit of humanity, but they do not become less dangerous for him. Therefore, certain signs were invented, which speak of transportation or storage of chemistry.

chemical hazard sign

The most popular image is"biohazard". Most often it is black and is placed on an orange (yellow) background. Another widely known image is the skull with bones. He says bluntly that there is a zone nearby, in which one should not be.

It is put a sign of chemical danger on transport(tanks, barrels, cars, containers) in which the substance is transported (stored). Naturally, it is painted and in the warehouse, which contains a chemical. There are also many other pictograms that are applied to the packaging of a potentially harmful product. For example, you will know that there is an explosive or flammable substance in the balloon, acid, poisonous liquid.

Some pictograms warn us of thosedrugs that contain carcinogenic components, can cause irreversible changes in the body, contribute to the emergence of allergies, cause burns, injuries.

The meaning and features of the use of fire danger signs

This group of symbols is used to indicatethose objects, objects or territories that have a high degree of flammability. Signs of fire danger are often attached to vehicles carrying gasoline, oil or other substances that can quickly catch fire and even explode.

fire danger signs

In addition, they are installed in the warehousepremises in which ammunition and equipment are stored. They are fastened and on the doors of the room, where there is an unsafe cargo. If the sign is attached to the gate of the object, then the whole territory is under the influence of conditions that can provoke a fire.

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