/ / Where and how is the "Road works" sign installed

Where and how is the "Road works" sign installed

In order to warn the driver about what is aheadroad construction works, special signs are put on the way of traffic movement, which help to secure the work of repair workers and avoid possible emergency situations.

In the article we will discuss with you the sign "Road works", namely, we will find out where it is being installed and what are the rules of driving on a site with a similar sign.

road sign

Reasons for installing the road sign

Bringing the roadway into the proper formhas always been an urgent task in our country. A set of activities associated with this, as a rule, includes the repair of either the entire road, or some part of it.

The need for this also arises fromserious accidents, and as a result of wear on the road surface. At the same time during the repair must be installed special designations, warning of the danger - this may be a sign "Road works", as well as cones and barriers.

If, in the course of the work,the carriageway, in that case, additional bypasses are opened, which, by the way, become priority over those where the canvas is being repaired. A typical color for road repair works is yellow and orange.

road sign repair work

In which cases do you set a warning about repair work on the road

As a rule, the need to install a sign"Road works" refers to the occurrence of certain situations that may interfere with safe traffic, or even make it impossible.

So, the named pointer is placed, ifit is necessary to reconstruct the existing paving or laying a new one. Install the described sign also during the cleaning of dirt from curbs along the road or when there is a need to replace bulbs in traffic lights and street lights.

This index is also needed during sanitary trimming of trees growing along the route.

temporary sign roadworks

Where is the road repair sign installed?

To comply with safety rules, certain distances are maintained, within which the signs "Road works" are installed:

  • if road repairs are carried out outside the city, the indicator is set at a distance of 150 to 300 meters from the work site;
  • if the destroyed canvas in need of repair passes through the boundaries of the settlement, then the sign is placed at a distance of 50 to 100 meters from the work site;
  • in some cases this sign can be located even at a distance of 10 meters, provided that the road repair will take place on the carriageway within the city boundaries.

By the way, in order to make the violation of the traffic schedule of urban transport minimal, the repair team works, as a rule, at night.

How should the driver behave when he sees signs "Road works"

If the driver founddescribed sign, then he must slow down and at the same time closely monitor the situation on the track. By the way, you need to know that road service employees have the full right to regulate traffic on a specific section of the road - they can stop it completely if necessary and show the way for a detour.

It should also be recalled that the temporary sign "Road works" is not stationary, although it has advantages over other plates installed on a particular segment of the road.

Regardless of where exactly the sign is located, it always indicates that the driver should lose speed and be extremely careful!

installation of road signs

Existing character combinations

Quite often the installation of the sign "Road works"requires the use of associated indexes. So, in combination, for example, with the sign "Permitted speed is not higher than 50 km / h" it is installed so that cars on the site of reconstruction do not exceed the indicated speed of movement (by the way, the pointer should have a yellow background). It should not be forgotten that a driver who sees a sign instructing to reduce speed must strictly observe these instructions before they are canceled. If there is no such sign, the speed regime should be such that it allows to adequately react to unexpected obstacles arising from the work being carried out.

If the "Repairs" index is placedtogether with a warning: "Caution, the release of gravel," then this means the existing danger of ejecting small stones during the repair. And in combination with the signs "One-way or two-way narrowing of the road", the described pointer tells drivers that in front of them the narrowing of the road is expected as a result of the work performed.

The sign "Road works" is used to providesafety and drivers, and repair workers. And inattention and negligence on the part of car owners or representatives of the road service can lead to very serious consequences and even accidents.

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