/ / Emergency card for dangerous goods: the content where it is. Dangerous Goods Signs

Emergency card for dangerous goods: the content where it is. Dangerous Goods Signs

When transporting any dangerous goods by transportFirst of all, you need to issue a document of a strictly defined sample. They are an emergency card. The information contained in it will help rescue and emergency services in an unforeseen situation to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations as soon as possible. We will talk about the content, form and features of this document in this material.

The role of the document

An emergency card for dangerous goods containsdata on its potential danger, how to prevent an accident and the rules that are important to adhere to in the aftermath of an emergency. Thus, the document records everything you need to know about a particular hazardous substance in the cargo or a combination of elements that are particularly harmful to the environment.

The responsibility for this document lies with theforwarder (chauffeur). The document is stored in the vehicle's cabin or in the folder of the sender's agent, if it is accompanied by an unsafe cargo. The card is placed in a material that is resistant to many negative factors in the event of a critical situation.

emergency card

Making emergency cards is a prerogativeof the consignee. And all the required data is already introduced into it by the carrier. In case of transfer of unsafe names, the sender and the recipient must conclude a contractual document with each other. Distinguishes his red print "Dangerous cargo" in the upper right corner of the front page. The contract contains the following information:

  • Shipping Name;
  • its physical and chemical properties;
  • tools to protect the transported and to eliminate accidents;
  • a copy of the contents of the emergency card.

Description of the document

The dangerous goods card contains important information on both sides:

  • External: the interpretation of the information symbols of the SIO (hazard information system).
  • Negotiable: examples of danger symbols, behavior in case of fire of a substance, work when toxic compounds enter into sewage, rules for protecting people.

emergency dangerous goods card

The emergency card is just one of the notations anddescriptions of dangerous goods. In addition, the carrier must paint any type of vehicle (tanker, railway car, tank, trailer, etc.) in the appropriate color, determining the load of increased danger, to put warning signs.

Types of cards

Emergency cards for dangerous goods are divided into two groups:

  • Individual for each cargo name.
  • Group for cases where several cargoes contain similar dangerous elements.

Contents of the card

The standard information in emergency cards is as follows:

  • UN number of dangerous element, codeemergency measures (KEM), sign and hazard class. The UN number is that important information that helps identify a dangerous cargo. Each card must have a specific numerical code. Its alternative is a series of cargo accompanying documents. At the same time, on the wagons and containers with black paint on a white background, numbers and signs of dangerous goods are displayed, as well as the emergency card code.

dangerous goods labels

  • Fire and explosion hazard, the level of poisonous substances, the degree of danger to people, the recommended methods of individual protection of a person.
  • Name of dangerous goods.
  • The level of insecurity carried, its characteristics.
  • The protocol for the operation of personal protective equipment.
  • Activities that should be carried out in the event of emergencies: what should be done, when spilled, spilled out, dissolved, the substance flowed, a fire or explosion occurred.
  • Ways to clean up the consequences of emergencies.
  • Methods of providing emergency assistance to the victims.

Dangerous Goods Signs

Hazard symbols are divided into 9 classes, each of which has its own subclasses:

  • Explosives. Fire hazard, danger of explosion by mass, high sensitivity, large spreading radius.
  • Gases. Toxic, flammable, oxidizing, corrosive.
  • Flammable liquid mass.
  • Flammable materials. Solid, capable of spontaneous combustion, emitting gases that quickly ignite upon contact with water.
  • Organic peroxides and oxidizing elements.
  • Infectious and poisonous materials.
  • Radioactive components. Alpha-, beta, gamma rays, fissile elements.
  • Corrosive and corrosive components.
  • Other hazardous components. Solid and liquid environmental pollutants, lithium batteries, genetically modified organisms and so on.

contents of emergency card

Tasks of the document

As an emergency information system cardhazard (SIO), and all other documents for dangerous goods must contain a hazard code number in accordance with the UN classification. The card also performs important tasks, including the following information:

  • Safety during rescue operations.
  • The radius of the zone, which will be affected by dangerous fire factors.
  • Emergency measures in case emergency happens on the way: how to move explosive elements.
  • Strict regulation of measures to eliminate the consequences of emergency.

emergency information system

But at the same time, there is a shortage of the card - it is attached only to transport documents, and not to the most dangerous cargo. On the packaging, the container is so extensive useful information is not contained.

Example of an emergency card

Let's look at a concrete example of an emergency card - random number 109:

  • Conditional number: 302, 305, 307, 308, 328, 330.
  • Cargo: explosive material.
  • Classification code: 1.3.
  • Basic properties and types of danger:
    • Properties: solid monolithic explosive, can be in a shell. Burning without air access. No reaction to water.
    • Fire, explosion: sensitive to both mechanical stresses and open flame. The radius of the danger zone is 300 m and so on.
    • Danger to humans: burns, poisoning with gaseous elements, shrapnel wounds.
  • Remedies:
    • Work with placer, crumbling: anti-electrostatic cotton clothes and shoes.
    • Fire: protective suit That, a gas mask B with an aerosol type filter.
  • Required Activities:
    • General recommendations: stop traffic in the radius of the accident, remove from its area the victims, passers-by. To organize a cordon, call fire, medical assistance, specialists in the elimination of an accident and so on.
    • In case of rasype and collapse: stop traffic in the accident zone, remove from it strangers. Eliminate sources of sparking, open fire, etc.
    • In case of fire: stop the composition in a safe place, remove the fire, applying foam, water, carbon dioxide, etc.
  • First medical aid: when poisoning with combustion products, give the affected person oxygen. The application of aseptic dressings to burns, wound surfaces, etc.

information in emergency cards

The emergency card is an important document that not only contains information about a dangerous cargo, but also information about its safe transportation, actions in the event of emergencies, measures of rescuing people.

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