/ / How to adopt a newborn baby: all stages of the procedure

How to adopt a newborn baby: all stages of the procedure

Citizens who decide to adopt a small child,really worthy of praise. True, before they become legal parents, you will have to undergo many procedures. To slightly shorten the duration of this process, you need to clearly know all the necessary steps. How to adopt a newborn baby, you can find out more.

Appeal to the guardianship and trusteeship bodies

If citizens intend to become adoptiveparents, then for the beginning they should apply to the guardianship and trusteeship bodies. These bodies are authorized to give an opinion on the possibility of the applicants (the applicant) to take in the family of the newborn. Before adopting a child in Russia, it is necessary to prepare such documents to the guardianship authority:

how to adopt a newborn baby

- autobiography;

- certificate of absence of previous conviction;

- Information on income;

- certificate of marriage (if the adoptive parents are the spouses);

- an extract from the home book (another document confirming the ownership of housing);

- Medical report.

Preparation for judicial review

As is known, the adoption of children is carried outonly through the court in the order of special proceedings. How to adopt a newborn baby? Citizens who want to adopt a baby must file a corresponding application with the court (in the place of their residence) with such information:

  • Name of adopter (s) and place of residence;
  • data on the child (full name, place of residence, information about his other relatives, including parents);
  • the circumstances of the case (explanation of the reason for adoption with supporting documents);
  • Other requirements (change of name, surname of newborn, date of birth, as well as registration of applicants by the parents of the child).
    how to adopt a child in Russia

The application is also accompanied by:

  1. Certificate of marriage (if adopt a spouse).
  2. Passport (if there is only one foster parent).
  3. Consent of the spouse for adoption (if the husband or wife only wants to take the child).
  4. A certificate of the health status of the adopter.
  5. Information about his income, place of work, availability of living space.
  6. A document that indicates that a citizen is registered as a candidate for adoptive parents.
  7. Statement of the body of guardianship and trusteeship.

How to adopt a newborn child: a hearing

The court session is held in closed session. In addition to the applicants, the prosecutor, representatives of the guardianship authority and guardianship and other interested parties should also be present in the court.

The judge, accordingly, can take two typesdecision: either allow the adoption of a newborn, or refuse to do so. With a favorable outcome of the case, the rights and duties of the adoptive parents begin to act immediately after the entry into force of the judgment.

how to adopt a wife's child
How to adopt a newborn child: post-trial registration

Adoption is subject to registration in the registry office. The basis for such registration will be a court decision rendered in favor of the applicants. If it was decided in court to write the adoptive parents by the parents of the newborn child, to change the date or place of his birth, then the employee of this institution should record such data in the birth certificate of the adopted child.

Many often worry about the question: "How to adopt a child's wife (husband)?" In this case, the adoption procedure is carried out in the same manner as described above.

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