/ / Amendments to the Law on Carriage of Children in the Car

Changes in the law on the transport of children in the car

Proposals for amending the law on transportation of childrenin the car were voiced by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs a year before the adoption of the corresponding amendments, as early as 2016. However, the Government of the Russian Federation decided that ensuring the safety of minors is an extremely serious issue and any adjustments should be made after careful consideration of all the subtleties and nuances, the conduct of research and testing, which will prove the feasibility of the reforms. The new law on transportation of children in the car was adopted on July 12, 2017.

law on the transport of children in the car


In 2016, a year before the adoption of the new law ontransportation of children in the car, there was an offer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make adjustments to existing legislation. They listened to the offer. It was decided to conduct research aimed at elucidating the feasibility of innovations.

It was necessary to understand how the levelsafety of minors new rules for transporting children in the car. The law was adopted on July 12, 2017 after the July 3 decision was made to amend the SDA accordingly.

Read more about the new law

law on the transport of children in a car in 2017

The main innovation of the law was the news aboutthat for the transportation of schoolchildren, whose age is seven years or more, now you do not need to purchase a special car seat. In addition, other adjustments that significantly simplified the transport of young children were considered and adopted.

  1. From the legislation, mention was made of the alternative means of fixing when transporting children in the car because they did not provide the required level of safety.

  2. Permission to transport children of an ageequal to seven years or more, in the back seat without the use of a special car seat. So, an eight-year-old child can be in a car without an armchair. A means of fixing the position will be a seat belt. Children of school age under the new law are equated to adult passengers, and therefore, without fail their position should be fixed by a seat belt, the parameters of which will correspond to the age-specific characteristics.

  3. Transportation of children of an age inlimits from 7 to 11 years, without a special car seat in the front seat is strictly prohibited. This kind of transportation of a minor can only be carried out in an armchair that will correspond to the age requirements of a small citizen.

  4. After the adoption of the new law, the age, afterthe achievement of which the child is considered an adult passenger, has been reduced from 12 to 11 years. A citizen who has reached the age of 11 may be without a special seat in both the front and rear seats.

  5. Children of junior school and preschool age (up to seven years) should still be in the car seat while driving the car.

The new law came into force on July 10, 2017.

Transportation of children of preschool age

 new law on the transport of children in the car

Preschool-age children changelegislation also touched. When driving a car, the position of minors should be recorded using a special car seat, the parameters of which meet the child's age requirements. If during the check by the traffic police officers violations in transporting children are detected, a fine will be imposed on the motor vehicle owner.

It is worth noting that before the adoption of the new lawalternative means for transportation of children of preschool age were considered a book, proof-reader or belt-belt adapter, or frameless device. However, according to the new legislation, the use of such means of fixation is prohibited. A booster is allowed.

Rules for the transportation of minors aged 7 to 11 years

The new law of transporting children in a car in 2017

A new law on the transport of children in a carsignificant adjustments in the rules for the transportation of children older than 7 years. So, children belonging to this age category can move in cars and trucks using seat belts that will correspond to the height and weight of the minor.

The installation of child restraint systems in the cab of a truck or a car must be carried out strictly in accordance with the operating manual for these fixing means. It is worth remembering, transportation of children under 12 years of age on a motorcycle is prohibited.

Possibility of transporting children from 7 to 11 years ahead

rules for the carriage of children in a car law

According to the new legislation, the formerthere are rules of transportation of children in the age category from 7 to 11 years in the front seat of vehicles. So, this kind of movement is allowed only in the presence of a special car seat, which meets all age requirements (weight, height, etc.).
Transportation of children of this age category without a car seat is strictly prohibited. If this paragraph is violated, a fine is imposed on the driver.

Transportation of children in the back seat without the use of car seats

From the foregoing it follows that the procedurethe movement of minors after the adoption of a new law on the transport of children in a car is greatly simplified. Because parents do not need to spend the family budget funds to purchase special seats intended for school-age children.
It is enough to have seat belts in the car. But this applies only to children older than 7 years. Young people can be in the car only in a special car seat, regardless of whether a minor passenger is driving in the front or rear seat.

The danger of transporting minors without a car seat

New law on the transport of children in the carsignificantly reduces parental expenditure (especially if the family is not one, but two or more children). However, on the other hand, the locking straps when moving children in the car do not always provide a sufficient level of safety.

The risk is associated with age parametersminor The new law of transportation of children in the car in 2017 takes into account only the child's age, without taking into account his individual parameters, such as weight and height.

Often a child of 10-11 years old can have weight and height.7 year old. In this case, the seat belt does not provide the required level of fixation, which means that the safety level of the minor during transportation in motor vehicles will be much lower. That is why experts recommend parentswhen transporting a child, take into account his height and weight. If necessary, it is better to purchase a special car seat to ensure a high level of safety.

The main risk is related to the fact that if a childhas a small height and weight, in an accident the belt strap will shift to the level of the abdomen, which is fraught with serious injuries to the abdominal cavity. It should be borne in mind that most of the belts are designed to fix people over 12 years old. That is why there is a certain risk when transporting children without a car seat using a fixing car belt.

Leaving a small child in the car

 law on transporting children in a car amendment

The law on transporting children in a car in 2017 prohibits leaving a child under 7 years old alone in the vehicle when parking it.
It is allowed to leave the child in the absence ofadult for a time not exceeding five minutes. If the parent or other representative of the child leaves the minor for a longer time, thereby exposing him to danger, an administrative fine will be imposed on the adult.

The adoption of this clause is due to the fact thatcases of abandonment of minors in a vehicle for a long time, resulting in death or injury of young children of varying severity.

The consequences of violating the new law. Traffic police fines

In case of violations of the rules, which containsThe last law on the carriage of children in a car, on an adult driving a vehicle, is imposed administrative liability in the form of a fine, the amount of which directly depends on the rules of transportation of children in a car that were violated. The law provides for the imposition of a fine in the amount of from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles.

For example, a taxi driver who transports a childyounger preschool age without a special car seat, runs the risk of getting a fine of 100,000 rubles. The official will pay 25,000 rubles, and legal - 4 times more, that is 100,000 rubles.

Leaving the little child alone insidea vehicle while parked for more than five minutes threatens the driver with a fine of 500 rubles. Such a situation would be an example of violation of the rules of stopping and parking. Motorist can get off and warning. The penalty is imposed by the traffic police inspector, depending on the degree of risk to which the minor citizen was subjected. In Moscow and the Moscow Region, this offense entails the imposition of a fine in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

Car seat or belt?

transportation of children in the car, the law is passed

Before choosing which remedy to give preference, it is worth exploring the advantages and disadvantages of both security features.

The main advantage of seat belts istheir mobility. The car seat occupies a lot of space in the car. Motorists constantly have to think about where to remove the device. This disadvantage is very significant if there are several minor children moving in the car at the same time.

In addition, a good car seat, whichreally able to ensure the safety of the child during the movement of the vehicle is quite expensive. Save on the purchase of this protection is not worth it. Hardly cheap car seat of poor quality will be able to provide security better than the most ordinary seat belt.

That is why when choosing a tool it is worth taking into account its financial capabilities and parameters of the child, as well as carefully examine consumer reviews about one or another kind of fixing means.

It is worth remembering that seat beltsare intended for persons over 12 years. This means that it is safer to transport a child who has not reached this age in a special car seat, selected in strict accordance with the individual parameters of the child, height and weight.


In 2016, it was proposed to make changes tolaw on the transportation of children in the car. The amendments were made only a year later and entered into force in July 2017. Based on the requirements of the new law, children who have not attained the age of 7 years should be strictly in a special chair when the vehicle is moving, which fixes the position of the child. Persons who have stepped over the 7-year-old line can move in the car in the back seat without a car seat if they have seat belts that meet the age requirements of the minor.

Experts point out that the belt can protectchild from serious injury in case of accident. However, in their opinion, the use of car seats still provides a greater degree of safety for a minor when traveling by car. The choice in favor of one or another means is made by parents. It all depends on the personal preferences of adults and financial opportunities.

Violation of the law entails administrativeliability in the form of a fine, the amount of which can reach 100,000 rubles. In addition, it is forbidden by law to leave a child under the age of 7, alone in a car without adult supervision during parking, which is longer than five minutes.</ span </ p>

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