/ / Legal basis of military service: description, requirements and features

Legal basis of military service: description, requirements and features

The military-type service is the most importanta kind of civil activity in the territory of Russia. Naturally, such an important phenomenon should be regulated by law. What are the legal bases for military service? From this article you can get an answer to this question.

About legal sources

Of course, the most important and major source in thethe legal basis for military service is the Russian Constitution. It is worth paying attention to article 59 of the country's main law. It is here that the defense of the state is spoken of as the duty and duty of every citizen without exception. Article 59 fixes the rule that every active male Russian male under the age of 27 must perform military service in strict accordance with the Federal Law. However, if a citizen's convictions are contrary to the performance of military duty, an alternative can be proposed in the form of a civil service.

What else does the Russian Constitution say? It is worth highlighting Article 71, according to which the exclusive jurisdiction of federal bodies includes issues of peace and war, security and defense, protection of the state border, and so on.

The legal basis for military service in Russia is notis limited only by the Constitution. There is the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" of 1998. It is in this normative act that all the main provisions concerning the fulfillment of military duties by Russian citizens are fixed.

About military duty

The legal basis of military service in the form ofThe presented draft law establishes the concept of military duty. According to the normative act, the concept under consideration is a collection of such elements as:

  • stay in stock;
  • preparation for service;
  • military appeal;
  • military accounting;
  • call for military training.

Separately, the concept of military duty in the mobilization period is regulated.

legal basis of military service

Here it is worth noting the following components:

  • a call to the service;
  • military training;
  • passing service.

The law speaks of the existence of the principle of voluntariness, according to which citizens can fulfill their constitutional duty.

Duties of state bodies

The legal basis of military service isa set of norms containing provisions on various elements of a military-type service. Article 4 of the Federal Law under consideration establishes the rights and functions of public authorities in the field of military service provision.

legal basis for military service

Officials responsible for military registrationactivities, should notify citizens in a timely manner of the need to come to the military commissariat, provide for the possibility of appearing in the military commissariats, and also send all necessary documents for military registration within two weeks.

The bodies of internal affairs, in turn, shouldto search for citizens evading military records, to hand over summons and to detain individuals accused of evading military service.

The main activities for the provision of military service

The legal basis for the passage of military service includes provisions for carrying out measures that ensure the quality performance of military duties. What kind of events can this be?

In Article 5 of the bill under considerationthe medical examination and examination, the registration, the formation of the human mobilization reserve, the construction of military educational organizations, close cooperation of various public authorities with the Ministry of Defense, etc. The law establishes a fairly clear hierarchical structure, according to which the persons taking participation in the provision and implementation of the activities submitted, must receive a monthly salary and travel expenses.

On the organization of military registration

The result of the UCP legal basis for military servicebecame a clear and high-quality organization of military records. This phenomenon is fixed by legislation in Article 8 of the Federal Law under consideration. In accordance with the 53-FZ, all citizens must pass military service, except for:

  • persons already serving a military type;
  • citizens who are under the decision of the court in places of deprivation of liberty;
  • women who do not have a certificate of military specialty;
  • persons living outside the Russian state on an ongoing basis;
  • citizens who are in civil service of an alternative type.

Regional instances of local self-governmentare able to submit a request to the organization to obtain information necessary for military registration, to inform citizens about the need to appear at the military commissariat, to determine the procedure for admission of citizens, and so on.

legal basis of military service under contract

What information about the citizen should containdocumentation? This is the surname, name and patronymic, place and date of birth, availability of education, place of work, degree of fitness for military service, anthropometric data, etc.

On the preparation of a citizen for military service

What elements, in accordance with Article 11 of the Federal Law in question, include preparation for military service? The normative act contains the following data:

  • on obtaining basic knowledge in the field of defense;
  • on the bases of military service;
  • about patriotic education;
  • about medical examination;
  • about training in military specialties (for a sailor, sergeant, foreman, etc.).

Getting knowledge of Russian citizens in the field ofdefense is carried out in educational organizations. The program includes the acquisition of a minimum amount of knowledge about civil defense and civilian skills, as well as in the field of safety.

 legal basis for military service under contract

The legal basis for military service in the Russian Federation isthe notion of military-patriotic education. It is coordinated by the Government of the Russian Federation in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense. Preparation takes place directly in the troops. The program is financed from the state federal budget.

On the call for military service

Articles 22-26 of the Federal Law under considerationestablish the grounds for conscription to military service. According to separate normative acts, all men aged 18 to 27 years who are required to be on military records are subject to the appeal. Persons who are restricted to military service for health reasons, as well as citizens who have already undergone military or civilian alternative service, are exempt from conscription. Persons who have a scientific degree can be released from service.

the legal basis of military service in Russia

Strengthens the law and the terms of the draft. These are always two periods: from April 1 to mid-July, from October 1 to the end of December. The form of the appeal is as follows:

  • appearance for medical examination and for the conscription commission meeting;
  • appearance in the place of military service indicated in the agenda.

For all activities, one way or another related to the call, citizens are summoned by summonses. The following persons are members of the calling committee:

  • the head of a municipal formation or a person replacing him;
  • Deputy Chairman of the Commissariat;
  • secretary of the commission;
  • a doctor involved in medical examination;
  • representative of the relevant authority from the administration in the field of education;
  • employee from the employment service.

Depending on the region, the composition of the commission may be replenished with new persons. Reducing the same composition is strictly prohibited.

Legal basis for military service under contract

How can you characterize a military contract? In accordance with article 32 of the law in question, this is a written document issued in accordance with the procedure in accordance with the Regulations on Military Service.

legal basis of military service

The document is sent to the Ministry of Defense of Russiaor any other state body that specializes in military service. In the contract itself it is said about the desire to perform military service voluntarily. The terms and conditions for concluding the contract are indicated. The document comes into force from the moment it is signed and made public by the official.

The legal basis of military service under the contract, therefore, is strictly regulated by the norms of the Federal Law.

On the performance of military duties

Each and every serviceman must perform the following duties:

  • To participate in combat operations, to carry out tasks in a military or emergency situation;
  • to fulfill official duties, established by laws and regulations;
  • to carry out combat duty;
  • to take part in the exercises or marches of ships;
  • to carry out the execution of orders or orders issued by the commander;
  • pass military training and exercises;
  • protect the health, life and honor of the individual;
  • participate in the prevention and elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, disasters, etc.

legal basis of military service

Commanders, in turn, are forbidden to give orders that are not related to military service or violate the laws of Russia.

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