/ The subsistence minimum of a pensioner by regions of Russia. Consumer basket

The subsistence minimum of a pensioner by regions of Russia. Consumer basket

The subsistence minimum of a pensioner is the same asany other person. It is equal to 9 776 rubles for today. While the minimum wage is 7,500 r. It turns out that the minimum wage is not able to provide a person with even the purchase of what is considered necessary for survival. Moreover, when calculating the so-called consumer basket, it is considered that the least amount of money is needed for pensioners. All this, to put it mildly, amazes. Therefore, it is worth digging into the numbers and indicators to understand this topic, and try to understand the essence of the problem.

subsistence minimum

Conditional consumer basket

So, the latest statistics assures thatThe subsistence minimum of a pensioner is 8,540 rubles in Russia and 11,561 in Moscow. Children require the following amount - 9,806 and 13,080, respectively. For the able-bodied citizens, the subsistence minimum is 10,792 and 17,296 rubles.

All indicators are not very encouraging. As well as the fact that the Russian consumer basket includes only 156 products. While in Germany this food indicator is 475. And in the United States there is a so-called food plan, on which the government is oriented, counting on the issuance of food stamps. However, the fact that living abroad is much better is not news, so it's worth returning to the main topic.

supplement to pension


The subsistence minimum of a pensioner is small. And the figures are completely unrealistic, in order to really meet them, the elderly need to "cut" themselves in everything. In addition, you have to pay for the apartment, utilities - the notorious 8-10 thousand is definitely not enough. So what to do?

The state, in order to solve this problem,established regional and federal social co-payments. They are designed to increase the subsistence level of the pensioner. However, not every elderly person can receive them. And only one, whose pension does not reach the conventional monetary equivalent of the consumer basket.

To calculate how much is the materialensuring an elderly person who is not working, we need to take into account four categories of cash payments. This is a pension (or part of it), additional / social and monthly payments (the price of social services is also taken into account), and other support measures that are set by the government in financial terms.

Moreover, even costs are taken into account,which "tolerates" the state, allowing pensioners to use certain types of public transport for free, and providing benefits for housing, telephone and utilities. The above is calculated as "compensation" - it is understood that the subsistence minimum of the pensioner includes all this. If you logically judge - then the benefits, as such, are not considered. As they mean gratuitous encouragement in connection with something (in this case - with age), and here everything is "included" in the subsistence minimum.

subsistence level

Regional allowances

Well, if a legitimate payment from the fund to the elderlya person does not even have enough for the notorious consumer basket, he is entitled to a supplement to his pension. In a clear example, it is worth analyzing how it is calculated.

Suppose an elderly person is registered in Moscow, whereits minimum is 11 561 rubles, which was mentioned at the very beginning. If he gets less - he needs to apply for a social supplement. However, there are some nuances.

To receive it, a person must be listedofficially unemployed at the time of treatment. And have a permanent registration in Moscow, constantly live in it. If the surcharge to the pension is established, then the person will be able to receive it only from the next month. For example, a citizen applied to the fund in April. Three weeks before he gets a pension for this month. But even in this case, he will be able to receive a surcharge only in May. These are the rules.

Federal premiums

Many have a logical question - differentIs the process of their registration and receipt from the regional? Yes, there are several nuances. A federal surcharge will be accrued to an elderly citizen in the event that the amount of his monthly payments is less than the subsistence minimum designated per capita (and not the pensioner). Naturally, the region of residence and residence is taken into account.

An important point is the magnitude of the regionalThe consumer basket is less than the same indicator for the country. If material assistance to a pensioner does not reach the established mark in both cases, the federal surcharge for him will be formalized. For this, as in all other cases, you need to contact the local branch of the FIU. It is also possible to clarify all the questions, if any.

subsistence level by years


Now we need to talk about the size of the subsistence minimum for pensioners in the federal districts. And you can start from the central.

If we exclude the capital, which was mentionedhigher, then the highest figures will be in the Moscow region. The subsistence minimum for the years is 7,549, 8,950, 9,161 rubles in 2015, 2016 and 2017, respectively. The Tver, Smolensk and Lipetsk regions demonstrate somewhat lower indicators (about 8,500 rubles). But the worst is for citizens of the Tambov and Kursk regions. There, the subsistence level is less than 7,500 rubles. And this is not even an SMIC.

Indicators of the northern regions and Southern Federal District

They are also worth noting with attention. Despite the fact that Peter is the "second capital", the subsistence minimum of a pensioner in St. Petersburg is not the largest in the North-Western and North-Caucasian districts. There, this figure is 8,540 rubles - as well as in Russia as a whole. But in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug the situation is better - there is at least a minimum of 17,092 rubles for pensioners. In the Murmansk region, the figure is 12,090 rubles, in Arkhangelsk - 10,816.

In the Caucasian district the situation is worse - there in all republics the pension minimum ranges from 7,900 to 8,500 rubles. And in the Southern Federal District - from 7,660 to 8,500 r.

subsistence minimum of a pensioner in Moscow

Privolzhsky and the Ural FD

In these districts, too, the indicators are not high. If you take into account the Volga Federal District, then the situation is best in the Udmurt Republic, Perm Krai and the Kirov region. There, the subsistence level for pensioners is 8400-8500 rubles. And the lowest figures are observed in the Chuvash Republic, Orenburg and Saratov regions. There, pensioners receive about 7,700 r.

In the Ural FD indicators are better. Even the subsistence minimum of a pensioner in Moscow is lower by 2,300 rubles than in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. There he makes 13,425 r. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area is still far behind, with an indicator of 11,258 rubles. In all other areas (Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk and Kurgan), the minimum is the same - about 8,500 r.

subsistence minimum of a pensioner in St. Petersburg

Siberian and Far Eastern Federal District

Perhaps the first district of the listedboast the most stable situation. In all oblasts, the minimum for elderly citizens on legal rest is from 8,217 rubles to 8,540 rubles. True, last year it was more by 2-3 hundreds - in 2017 it was decided to lower it.

But the Far Eastern Federal District can be considered the mostthe best for pensioners. The most pleasant living wage is set for residents of the Chukotka Autonomous District - 19,000 rubles. In the Kamchatka Krai, the indicators are less - 16 400 rubles. In the Magadan Region - 15 460 r. In Sakhalin, 12,151 rivers, and in the Khabarovsk Territory, 10,895 r. In the remaining four regions, the subsistence minimum ranges from 8,600 to 9,000 rubles.

So, as a whole it is clear, as for todaythings are with pensioners. If you look at these indicators, you can understand why most older people are still working. Well, we can only hope for the best - to increase benefits and reduce prices.

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