/ Albania: flag and coat of arms of the country. History and meaning of symbols

Albania: the flag and the coat of arms of the country. History and meaning of symbols

Albania is a small state in the Balkanpeninsula, off the coast of the Adriatic and the Ionian Sea. It is a country with a centuries-old history that has found a reflection in its national symbols. The flag and the coat of arms of Albania - what are they? What is depicted on them?

Coat of arms of Albania

The arms of this Balkan country isa red shield of traditional shape, on which there is a silhouette of a black two-headed eagle. Above the heads of the bird is depicted the so-called Skanderbeg helmet in the form of a goat's head.

Albania flag

To understand the meaning of these symbols, you need toto get acquainted with the history of Albania. The flag and state emblem contain the image of an eagle not by accident. According to folk legend, the descendants of this bird are modern Albanians. And the name of the country in the Albanian language sounds like "Skipperia". In translation into Russian it means: "the country of eagles".

In 1443 the country was headed by an outstandingcommander Geogryi Skanderbeg. He managed to unite the state and preserve its independence. At this time, the two-headed eagle "settled" on the banner of the country. However, after Scanderbeg's death, Albania fell under the Turkish yoke. The image of the eagle on the Albanian coat of arms for 450 years went underground. The symbol was restored only in 1912.

flag and arms of Albania

In 1944, Albania managed on her ownto free themselves from the German occupation. Communists came to power in the country. They did not touch the Black Eagle on the arms of the state, but they surrounded it with wheat ears. In addition, a red five-pointed star shone over the heads of the eagle - the universal symbol of communism.

Albania: flag and its description

What is the Albanian stateflag? This is a red rectangular canvas, the aspect ratio of which is 5: 7. What is depicted on the flag of Albania? It is the same double-headed eagle of black color - a centuries-old symbol of the state.

An uneasy story in the Balkan country under thethe name of Albania. The flag of the state is not accidentally scarlet. It is a symbol of the spilled blood of Albanian patriots shed in the struggle for independence, primarily with Turkish enslavers.

Black two-headed eagle was transferred to the flag of Albania from the national coat of arms of the country. This version of the banner was approved in 1992. Sometimes on the flag of Albania you can also meet Skanderbeg's helmet.

Albania: flag and its history

On some canvases of the Albanian flag and todayyou can see a red five-pointed star in a yellow frame. This version of the banner was approved in 1946, after the communists came to power in Albania. In 1992, a modern version of the flag of the Balkan state was approved.

which is depicted on the flag of Albania

In 1912, Albania gained independence from the Ottoman Empire. It was then that the black traditional eagle returned to the coat of arms and flag of the young republic.

Historians know that the red banner with a double-headedthe silhouette of the eagle served as a symbol of the army of George Skanderbeg (Castriot) as far back as the 15th century. Under this flag Albanian soldiers successfully resisted the Turkish conquerors. The legend says that the Albanians themselves are descendants of mountain eagles, so the animal is depicted on the flag of the country. True, there is another version, according to which, this eagle migrated to Albania from the emblem of the Byzantine Empire.

Incident with the flag on the football match "Serbia - Albania"

October 14, 2014, within the qualifyingtournament for the European Championship-2016, a soccer match "Serbia-Albania" was held. The flag-banner of the last state caused the disruption of the game and the huge battle between fans and players of both countries.

Serbia Albania flag

It is worth mentioning that the relationship between the twoBalkan states can hardly be called friendly. They were particularly sharpened after the Kosovo conflict. Nevertheless, the national football teams from these countries were in the same qualifying group (which is very strange, since UEFA usually does not allow the meeting of such teams: Azerbaijan never plays with Armenia, Russian clubs are deliberately "dissolved" with Ukrainian, etc.). .

44 minutes into the match,helicopter on the remote control. To him was attached a huge banner with the coat of arms and the map of the so-called Great Albania, which covered the territories of Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Macedonia. One of the Serbian football players, seeing the banner, jumped and tore it. Players of the Albanian team immediately attacked him. Shortly after the fight, the fans joined in, actively using the firewalls and the severed chairs of the stands.

Of course, the match was terminated.


Albania is a small state in the Balkans with a long history. The flag and emblem of the country depicts a black two-headed eagle - a symbol that is known since the XV century.

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