/ / Absorption refrigerator for gas: principle of operation, gas consumption

Absorption refrigerator for gas: operating principle, gas consumption

Today there is no home wherever there isrefrigerator. Electrical units operating from the network are easy to operate, economical, and have typical dimensions. But if we take into account the relatively low cost of natural gas, then a very attractive alternative to electric appliances can become a gas refrigerator. This equipment can work for a long time autonomously. This is a good solution for summer cottages, cars, cafes, restaurants on motor roads and other facilities.

Dimensions and volumes, maintained temperatures

Gas cooler depending on the model canhave different sizes - compact products up to 33 l in volume, as well as standard floor samples with a useful volume of up to 100 l. There are also larger models.

gas cooler
As for the difference in temperature,then it reaches 30 degrees. So, the refrigerator on gas even in the summer is able to keep the inside temperature below 0 degrees. These solutions can be used to freeze products - many devices are equipped with a freezer. This equipment is more like a household appliance. They can be purchased in any shops where they sell household appliances.

Features of these refrigeration units

Gas refrigerator differs incrediblereliability. A great advantage of such equipment is the total absence of any moving parts. This practically reduces the risks of breakdowns to zero. Because of this feature, the prices for devices of this class are slightly higher than for electric refrigerators. But such an acquisition is very profitable and will certainly pay off due to high reliability and a long service life.

gas cooler
The operation of this equipment is no different fromfunctioning of ordinary household units. They also maintain temperatures from 2 to 4 degrees, but the energy of the device provides a propane cylinder.

Principle of operation

The algorithm of work is that the refrigerantevaporates due to low boiling point. A special thick substance, like the carrier of a given composition, is heated in a container to a certain temperature. Then the vapor enters the condenser, where in the form of liquid is sent to the evaporating unit. In this block, they boil again, but only at negative temperatures. Then they take away excess heat from the refrigerator.

propane bottle
So the absorption refrigerator works. The principle of operation of this unit is based on combining or combining carriers and the motion of matter in a special generator. Then the entire process repeats itself.

Where to install the gas unit?

The installation site is chosen according to the same principle as for ovens or ovens.

fridge on propane
It is important to remember that the refrigerant heats up - forThis applies a gas burner. It should be reliably protected. Then the combustion process is more correct, and the refrigerator itself will work more efficiently. It is not recommended to place the product near flammable devices and exposed to direct sunlight on the burner.

Car gas cooler

The technique of this class is very convenient not only inThe conditions of a summer cottage or outdoor recreation away from electricity. The given decision is actual for drivers-truckers. They are on the way long enough, and they need to keep the food fresh.

absorption refrigerator operating principle
It is for truckers and other driverscreated a car option. Among the advantages of such a mobile solution is the complete absence of the need for electricity. This helps to conserve battery power. For operation, only a propane cylinder is needed. The gas consumption is very low, the very operation of the refrigerator is completely silent. This allows you to operate the equipment not only in the car, but also in other places where silence is needed. You can take a refrigerator even on a hike. The drawback of this class of aggregates is only one - they can not give out the same power as their older brothers. They are characterized by lower productivity. Here, compact size and mobility are affected - this is a marching option. Absorption refrigerators appeared for the first time only at the end of the last century, but they immediately aroused positive feedback from all those who used them. Despite the fact that some seem unsafe operation of such gas equipment, many are happy to use all the advantages of the units.
car gas cooler
There are a large number of refrigerators for cars, but some work from electricity, others make noise, others have poor efficiency. The refrigerator for gas is devoid of all these drawbacks.

Disadvantages of gas refrigeration equipment

With all the many advantages and advantages, thisThe equipment has significant disadvantages. When choosing on them, you must pay attention. Affects a lower efficiency - get in these units, deep freezing does not work. The fact is that refrigerants for propane refrigerators have a high boiling point under atmospheric pressure conditions. An average refrigerator of this type can generate temperatures up to -6 degrees. The most popular refrigerant is ammonia, and ordinary water is used as the diluent. Inside the channels of the device is a strong solution of ammonia. Sometimes its leakage occurs when it breaks down. This is not the best way to affect the environment. But such breakages are a rarity.

When and how to repair?

Nothing can serve forever without failures andvarious troubles. Refrigerator on gas repair yourself is not worth it - it can be dangerous for life and health. Propane is a combustible gas. As for repair in specialized services, it is quite expensive. Carry out any repair work best in ventilated areas, as often the cause of the malfunction lies in gas leaks or problems with the balloon. To make such a diagnosis, you can simply connect the device to the electrical network - if the device is working, then the problem should be looked for specifically with gas. Often there are malfunctions in the burner. This problem can be corrected by own hands or replace the burner with a new one. There are situations when even repair does not save. Usually these problems are connected with the heating system - it is practically impossible to repair it. In this case, a complete replacement of the element will help. With the breakage of the thermosyphon repair is also useless.

exmork refrigerator
Another popular problem is substandardrefrigerant. Owners discover this defect very late and rarely. This trouble manifests itself in a slight increase in temperature. This effect is easily attributed to summer heat and high temperatures. This requires a complete replacement. Most often, the hermetic system goes out of action. This is due to the wear of the joints. They leak, which worsens the efficiency of the refrigerant. When it comes to the pipes themselves, full leaks are possible, which will make the refrigerator work ineffective.


Manufacturers of this equipment is not so much. Known in Russia, only two. This company Exmork and Vitrifrigo.


The company is engaged in the production of absorptionrefrigerators that can work without electricity. The equipment is connected to the gas in the same way as the oven. Depending on the model, a 50-liter bottle will last for 30 to 60 days. As for the temperatures, they range from +3 to +5 degrees in the refrigerator compartment and from -15 in the freezer. The gas consumption is from 12 grams per hour. An important advantage, which Exmork experts say, is that the refrigerator will automatically shut off the gas if the flame extinguishes. The unit can also operate from electricity. Inside there is lighting - LED lamps function from batteries. One set is enough for 6 months or more.


This gas equipment is not too popular yetin Russia. The company produces models from 40 to 150 liters. This equipment makes it easy to equip the kitchen at the cottage or in the house. There are models for cars. The equipment can function on propane, from a network of 12 or 220 V.


A refrigerator with propane is a good choice inquality of mobile equipment. In an apartment or a house where people live permanently, such a device would not be advisable - there are disadvantages that compression refrigerators cover. But for fans of tourism, motorists, truckers this unit is irreplaceable.

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