/ / Swimming. Standards for swimming.

Swimming. Standards for swimming.

Almost every inhabitant of the planet can swim,and this should not even be doubted. Swimming is the best way to maintain your fitness in perfect condition. Now more and more people are visiting the pool. Entering this institution, you often pay attention to how amateur sportsmen are swimming. And, strangely enough, this process happens in all different ways, and sometimes it looks simply terrifying. Looking at this, I would like to concentrate on the styles of swimming. There are not many of them, so any person should own at least one of them. The main styles are: crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, and inverted crochet. All species have their own individual standards for swimming, which are used to obtain discharges.

Freestyle was formerly called a species that includedyourself any ways of swimming, which in the process could be alternated. But gradually the fast and perfect croz supplanted all other species, because was much more effective, and therefore received the name. It is a swimming on the chest, in which the alternating strokes of the hands and vertical movements of the legs are performed. The head is in the water and the swimmer periodically turns it to inhale. The standards for swimming in freestyle are classified at distances between 50m and 1500m.

Brass refers to the same styles thatare performed on the chest, only in this case symmetrical simultaneous movements of the arms and legs in the horizontal plane are made. Among all styles, this is considered the oldest. The brass is distinguished by a variety of characteristics that are indispensable for this style of swimming. It allows you to swim silently, view the space above the water, overcome considerable distances, even at low speeds. The standards for swimming breaststroke, as well as other styles, are performed on the 25- and 50-meter lanes of the pool. Ranks are assigned at distances of 50, 100 and 200 meters.

Butterfly is something like freestyle, onlyits difference lies in the fact that in the process the working hands make the strokes at the same time. The front part of the body should rise above the water, and the legs and pelvis perform undulating movements. The name of this style in English means "butterfly". Until 1953, he was a type of brass, but after received the status of a separate style of swimming. The specifications for swimming butterfly are determined at the first three standard discharge distances.

"Inverted crawl", or rather, swimming onback, has a great advantage among other styles. It is that the person is always above the water. And this is a big plus, because in this case there is no need to maintain a rhythm in-breathed-out. Earlier, swimming on the back was carried out with an "upside down breaststroke", but after 1912 and up to the present day a modern style has been preserved. Swimming on the back is the 3rd speed and the only one that starts from the water.

Like all sports, swimming has its own rules, which any swimmer must adhere to, and no matter what it is - swimming championship or any commercial competitions.

It is very important to take the right startposition, t. in addition to the rules, the participant has the opportunity to ensure a good start to the swim. When turning, you must always touch the wall. In the rabbit and on the back, the turn is performed by a somersault, when the swimmer pushes his feet, and the breaststroke and butterfly, when the participant touches the wall with his hand. Such a turn is called a "pendulum". At the finish, the athlete must touch the special plate by hand, which stops the swim time, and then determines the winner. Previously, this was more difficult, because The judge always followed the touch. The rules of navigation categorically do not allow the use of prohibited preparations, which increase the endurance and speed qualities of the athlete. The athlete is allowed to wear glasses and special diving suits, which significantly reduce water resistance.

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