/ / Can I use "Thyroxine" for weight loss? Reviews of the host, composition and effectiveness

Can I use "Thyroxine" for weight loss? Reviews of the host, composition and effectiveness

The desire to lose weight is normal formodern woman. Almost every representative of the fair sex has a few obvious or fictitious kilograms, which she urgently needs to discard. This is well earned by manufacturers of drugs for weight loss. However, it must be remembered that any medicinal product must be prescribed by the attending physician, for example, a nutritionist. Self-selection can lead at best to a lack of result, and at worst - a serious deterioration in health, in addition to excess weight.

Today we want to talk about one of the mosteffective and at the same time dangerous groups of drugs for weight loss. It's about hormonal drugs. In particular, today we will talk about "Thyroxine" for weight loss. Testimonials of those who take part at times so colorfully describe the ease of losing weight, that the temptation to try is very great. But first you need to evaluate all the consequences well.

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Opinion of endocrinologists

Immediately disappoint you: doctors categorically do not recommend using this medication alone. It's not vitamins, not harmless herbs, so think several times before you decide to try "Thyroxine" for weight loss. The responses of the host, of course, are attractive. But it should be borne in mind that the hormones contained in the medication can lead to serious disorders of the endocrine system. Therefore, the reception should be preceded by a complete examination. Taking "thyroxine" for weight loss is far from safe. This is a risky occupation, so carefully choose an educated endocrinologist.

How does a natural thyroxine work?

Let's first understand what it is. Thyroxine is the iodine-containing thyroid hormone. This is a natural substance that every organism produces when it functions normally. If the endocrine system has failed, then a synthetic analogue may be required. This is the "Thyroxine" for weight loss. Feedback from the hostesses suggests that even with severe obesity, the drug begins to act almost from the first days. He works as an analogue of the natural hormone.

Thyroxine has the most diverse action. Few organs and systems can work normally without sufficient quantity. And the last resort is used thyroxine for weight loss. The review of the expert says that he stimulates cardiovascular activity. The normal amount of this hormone activates metabolic processes in the heart, skeletal muscles, liver and kidneys. That is, a shortage, like an excess of thyroxine, disrupts the work of all organs and systems and in some cases provokes the accumulation of a large amount of fat stores.

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Purpose of thyroxine for weight loss

In fact, this is possible, although it is written outsuch a recipe is very rare. Let's ask the endocrinologists when it is considered possible to prescribe thyroxin for weight loss. A description of how to take this medication is given below, but only in general terms, since everything is very individual. For weight loss "L thyroxine" can be appointed only on strict indications, when weight gain is associated with a decrease in thyroid function. The causes of this phenomenon are very different and should be determined by the doctor individually. This can also be caused by a disorder in the pituitary and hypothalamus. In these cases the treatment is very different.

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What happens during the course?

We have already found that a decrease in thyroid functiongland leads to the accumulation of fat mass. Then the "L-thyroxine" for weight loss becomes actual. Feedback from the hostels suggests that the acceleration of all metabolic processes leads to a very rapid melting of subcutaneous fat stores. It's not all the results you can count on. Simultaneously, the drug helps to remove other symptoms of hypothyroidism. This is noticed by those who already had experience of using the drug "Thyroxine" for weight loss. Feedback from the host (the results are very individual) underscores the rapid removal of subcutaneous edema. In this case, poor state of health remains in the past. But it is very important to choose the right dose of the drug for prolonged replacement therapy.

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Can everyone take it?

We have already answered this question, but want to againreturn to focus on the most important. How to take "L-thyroxine" for weight loss, only a qualified endocrinologist knows, and he will never prescribe it to a healthy person. We will now analyze this moment in more detail. In case of hypothyroidism, long-term treatment with L-thyroxin is necessary. In therapeutic doses, it can be taken for years without any harm to human health. But only if the drug only fills the lack of a natural hormone. In order for a healthy person to start losing weight, very large doses of the drug are needed. Sometimes they are much higher than those recommended by doctors. In this case, your health will be at risk.

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The risk of their development while taking a large dosevery large, and if it is a daily practice, then it becomes irreversible. That is why it is not used without strict indications. The attending physician can determine them. There are a number of other contraindications to the use of a drug such as "thyroxine" for weight loss. How to lose weight without taking such a potent means you can tell your endocrinologist. Even if the diagnosis of hypothyroidism is made, the doctor must weigh the pros and cons. And only after that decide whether to appoint this drug. In case of hypersensitivity of the patient to it, it is necessary to find a suitable alternative. In addition, the list of contraindications:

  • Chronic thyrotoxicosis.
  • Adrenal insufficiency.
  • Acute diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Violation of the small intestine.
  • Lack of enzymes

With great care, the doctor should prescribe the drug and diabetes. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the patient.

Dosing and Administration

The information we provide is exclusively inintroductory purposes. In each case, the doctor must individually prescribe "L-thyroxin" for weight loss. Reviews (we will talk more about taking it) suggest that the initial dosage is 75 mcg / day. For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it can be reduced to 25 µg / day. A single daily dose is recommended. People who drink pills say that it is best to choose the morning time. The capsule is drunk on an empty stomach, 30-60 minutes before a meal. Judging by the reviews, this interval must be maintained. Chew a pill is not necessary. People are advised to drink it with a small amount of water.

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Fundamental rules

If the course of the drug is prescribed by an endocrinologist in order to reduce weight or correct the thyroid gland, then the following rules will be helpful:

  1. The course begins very smoothly, gradually adding the dosage. At the end of treatment, day by day, its amount decreases.
  2. People who took the drug say the following: drink plenty of pure water. It helps to adjust the metabolism and rid the body of toxins.
  3. It is useful to use dietary supplements with iron and calcium.
  4. Try to go on diet food. Sources of protein should be boiled meat and fish. It is very important to eat vegetables and fruits, as well as eliminate sweets.
  5. It is advisable to include in your mode physical activity.


In order for a healthy person to start losing weight,therapeutic dose is clearly not enough. It will take about 100-150 mcg / day. With an unsystematic intake of such doses, you risk getting serious complications from the cardiovascular system. In particular, the use of the drug for weight loss leads to a persistent increase in blood pressure, tachycardia. Problems with blood pumping begin, heart failure develops with shortness of breath and increasing edema.

However, this is not the only problem thatoccurs in the case of such an extreme weight loss. Acceleration of metabolism leads to the rapid breakdown of protein, which means your muscles will suffer from its lack. In some cases, with this uncontrolled weight loss, osteoporosis quickly develops, i.e., brittle bones due to calcium loss. Women who took the drug, and talk about other complications: excitability and tearfulness, anxiety and nervous exhaustion.

Healthy lifestyle

Remember that this is the perfect way for a personwho wants to be slim. A reasonable diet and a sufficient level of physical activity will allow you to watch every day as your weight decreases. In order not to lose the motivation to success, get a calendar in which you will celebrate all the achievements. This is a sure path to health and slimness. This is how you can ensure that all organs and systems work in perfect balance. Hormonal drugs - an important achievement of the pharmaceutical industry, but they should be used only in cases where it can not do.

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Instead of concluding

Can I use "L-thyroxine" for weight loss? Responses can also overestimate the action (effectiveness), especially since in the case of this drug, everything is very individual. Doctors do not welcome its use for its intended purpose. They argue that for weight loss this drug should be used only in exceptional cases. To all the rest, he will do more harm than good. If the thyroid gland cannot perform its functions, then treatment is prescribed, which ideally should launch it into operation.

Synthetic hormones todaycontinue to be studied, but so far their use is fraught with many dangers. The slightest change in dosage - and the consequences are difficult to predict. They will affect almost all organs and systems, and it will take years of treatment to correct the situation. Reviews of doctors say that taking "thyroxine" can lead to the development of thyrotoxicosis. Then the person will begin to lose weight, despite overeating. However, this fact is hardly happy now. In parallel, a number of unpleasant symptoms develop. Patients who take pills write about heart palpitations, tremor, sweating, diarrhea, impaired memory and attention.

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