/ / Thyroxine for weight loss

Thyroxine for weight loss

To date, almost every personIt is known that there are a huge number of techniques, sports and diets, with which you can significantly reduce your weight. However, not everyone knows that special medicines, used by physicians in the treatment of patients diagnosed with obesity, can be added to this list. One such means is "thyroxine."

What it is?

Thyroxine is in the body of any person. This is the name of the hormone produced by the thyroid gland. It can be attributed to the group of thyroid hormones. Thyroxin is able to influence the decrease or increase in weight, since this substance is responsible, first of all, for the rate of metabolic processes. It should be noted that increasing the amount of this hormone in the blood of a person (which is more common in thyroid diseases) leads to various diseases, which often suffer patients with excess weight. In general, experts say that much in our body depends on hormones. For this reason, it is important that it always maintain a healthy balance. In order to find out whether the increase in body weight is associated with impaired thyroid function, it is necessary to donate blood for analysis.

It should be noted that in general thyroxineis inactive. However, in the human body, it is converted by means of certain enzymes into an active form called triiodothyronine. As already mentioned, thyroxine participates in metabolic processes, accelerates them, thus contributing to the rapid burning of fat, as well as a decrease in appetite. However, along with a positive influence, he has contraindications.

Thyroxine for weight loss has a fat burningaction. Such an effect is achieved as a result of accelerating the metabolic processes and increasing the expenditure of calories over a certain period of time. Currently, thyroxin for weight loss is considered less popular than a few years ago. The reason for this is that scientists have found that such a device has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. In addition, a large role here is played by the huge number of possible side effects that occur in more than half of people taking the drug "thyroxine" for weight loss. Experts suggest combining the drug with beta-blockers. The latter are drugs used in medicine for the treatment of angina and hypertension. It is the beta-blockers that affect the specific receptors, thus preventing the negative effects of thyroxine on the heart.

Thyroxine for weight loss has its advantages. This is not only its effectiveness in burning excess fat, but also its availability. As for the shortcomings, this, as already mentioned, has a mass of side effects, many of which a person can prevent. Take the drug is recommended twice a day for twenty-five mcg. We should not forget about taking the same amount of "Metoprolol" in the morning. This agent is a beta-blocker. The dose of thyroxine increases gradually to three hundred micrograms per day. The daily dose of the beta-blocker should also be increased to one hundred micrograms. Pick up the dosage should be a specialist. In case of any side effects, it decreases. The course usually lasts four to seven weeks, after which you need to take a break for a month - one and a half.

Many doctors recommend taking in the morning on an empty stomachone tablet of the drug "L-thyroxine" for weight loss. Follow these tips do not rush. For a start, you need to consult a few specialists, hand over the blood for analysis. "l-thyroxine" for weight loss can be used only if there have been violations in the functioning of your thyroid gland and a lack of hormone thyroxine in the body.

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