Tea "Weight loss": reviews, composition and characteristics of dietary supplements

Tea "Pohudey": reviews, composition, characteristics
The collection for brewing includes hibiscus(malva) and the Alexandrian leaf. Brew tea should be very hot, but not boiling water. After he is infused for 10-15 minutes, he is drunk as a normal drink. Tea is recommended to be used 2 times a day: in the morning and during lunch. Due to the fact that "Lose weight" is produced with various fruit flavors, it will not bother you for a long time. Of the unique properties that tea has, it is possible to distinguish:
normalization of metabolism;- getting rid of constipation;
- regulation of the digestive function;
- reduction or reduction of edema;
- Improvement of general well-being due to cleansing of the body.
Tea "Pohudey", reviews about which in generalpositive, really has a positive effect on the digestive system, but is not a panacea. That is, the drink is best used in conjunction with proper nutrition, in addition to this, moderate exercise should be exercised.
Tea "Lose Weight": reviews of doctors
The drink has both positive andnegative properties, as well as contraindications to use. Doctors really recommend using it in combination with a moderate diet. But keep in mind that tea can not be drunk constantly, because under its influence, a large amount of water is drained from the body (which is fraught with dehydration), the vitamins and microelements are washed away, and intestinal tone is suppressed. That is, you become dependent on tea, the body can no longer cope with the excretory function and requires a portion of the drink every day. Also, with the use of this supplement, unpleasant symptoms such as flatulence, abdominal pain, weakness and general discomfort can occur.
Tea "Lose weight": reviews and contraindications
You should not drink this drink if you have the following diseases or conditions:
- acute obstruction of the intestine;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
- pregnancy or lactation (breast-feeding).
All the rest you can drink tea, but in a moderatequantity and for a limited period of time. Remember that your health is in your hands. The main guarantee for successful weight loss is moderation in nutrition and sport, and not various dietary supplements.
How to brew and drink ginger tea: reviews thin