/ / Effective exercises on the hands

Effective exercises on hands

Agree that a man with his hands, almostdevoid of musculature, looks, at least, not too attractive. Especially on the beach or in the pool. Such a person should spend the time and energy to fix this. Well-pumped muscles of the hands of a man - this is an additional plus to his appearance. Moreover, it is also an indicator of physical strength and endurance. Also, the girl will be attracted by slightly pumped shoulders and forearms. So, let's talk about what there are exercises on the hands, which of them are the most effective, and how to perform them.

exercises on hands
Raising the rod from the standing position on the bicep. Grab the bottom, take the bar, hands on the width of your shoulders or slightly narrower shoulders (the latter option will give the best result). Chest with a wheel, shoulders back, elbows pressed to the sides. Straining the back muscles and biceps, lift up the bar. Only the forearms move. The body must be completely stationary. You do not need to try to raise the bar higher, while taking out elbows, they should be pressed to the sides. At the top of this movement, cut the biceps, and, breathing out, take the original position. With your hands down, keep a slight strain on your muscles.

Some exercises on the hands of a good pumpShoulder muscle, which is located under the biceps. This includes the so-called "hammer". Take dumbbells in such a grip that the vultures were parallel to each other, hands straight. Raise one shell to the shoulder, while the elbow is stationary. Then lower the dumbbell and do the same with the second dumbbell. Note that both hands must be stressed during this exercise.

The French press increases the weight of the triceps. Lay down on a horizontal bench, holding the bar above your chest in straightened hands. Bending your elbows, lower it. Then slowly pull the bar back to its original position. In this case, the elbows can be left slightly bent. Unbending your arms, take them back a little (toward the head) so that the triceps do not relax at the top.

exercises for the hands
Bench on the block - an exercise simple, but demandingthe fulfillment of certain conditions. The starting position is an easy inclination of the body forward, the legs are placed on the width of the shoulders or slightly wider. Press the hilt until the hands are fully straightened. At the lowest point, you should strain the triceps. Then smoothly return the handle to its original position. In this case, the elbow bend should not exceed an angle of ninety degrees. If at performance they seem to move apart, then the weight used is too large for you. Reduce it and repeat everything again.

Many spend hours in the gym to "fill"their forearms and shoulders, many homes have everything you need for this - dumbbells, barbells, etc. And what if you do not have the necessary shells for training? Or you do not have the opportunity or time to go to the gym? Or are you a girl and want to have strong hands, but not too pumped up, not to look like a man-like? You can do without it. Exercises for hands without dumbbells, rods and similar devices can bring you no less good if they are properly performed. Let's talk about them.

There are, it would seem, the simplest, but at the same timevery effective exercises on the hands. These are push-ups from the floor. Take the emphasis lying. Breathe in and bend your elbows, inhaling, and straightening your arms, exhale. The back should be strictly straight.

exercises for hands without dumbbells
Tightening to oneself develops the biceps well. Accept the starting position. Hvat on the width of the shoulders towards him, inhale, then exhale with pulling to the crossbar with a touch of the chin.

Push-ups on the bars are useful for triceps andpectoral muscles. Such exercises on the hands must be performed correctly, so that they give the desired effect. Rest on the uneven bars. Straighten your hands. Go down slowly, bending your elbows to a corner of ninety degrees. In doing so, you should feel the stretching of the triceps. Then straighten the body with effort, taking the original position.

Pumping his hands, it is necessary to perform, among others,exercises for the hands. They are important, because they provide a strong grip. This is a dumbbell rotation done in different directions, exercises with an expander, holding the disc from the bar (smooth, without rim), squeezing the tennis ball, hanging on the bar, and some others.

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