/ How to sail a fishing line for fishing? Top Tips

How to sail a fishing line for fishing? Top Tips

Beginners often ask how to steal a pearl barleyFor fishing? Perlovka is widely used by fishermen both as bait and as bait. It is easy to prepare and not difficult to find in the store. Because this kind of bait is popular with many fans to fish. Every fan of "quiet hunting" with experience knows how to sail a fishing line for fishing. It must be cooked properly, then the catch will be successful.

It should be noted that large reserves of barleyit is better not to prepare. It is enough to cook 100-200 grams - that's enough for the day of biting. If you stock up a lot, then the unused bait will just turn sour. In the event that you plan to fish for 2 days or more, you can cook it right on the spot, using a conventional thermos. Also suitable metal mug.

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Recipe and recommendation for cooking

Pearl barley for fishing on crucian carp is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour the barley into the water and cook it for 20 minutes over low heat (1 cup of cereal / 6 glasses of water).
  2. After that, add the millet (1 cup) and cook for another 30-40 minutes, without forgetting to mix occasionally.
  3. You can add flavor or vegetable (sunflower) oil (10-12 drops).
  4. After the liquid evaporates, remove the saucepan from the fire and wrap it with something warm. The groats are better steamed, swollen and will hang well on the hook, without slipping.

This is how the fishing boat prepares for fishing. The recipe is simple and accessible to everyone. You can no longer wonder how to fry the barley for fishing. Being in nature, it is not difficult to cook grits for bait on a fire in a usual metal mug. You can fry the barley in a thermos. To do this, you need to pour a handful of cereal into it and pour boiling water. After about two hours, drain the water from the thermos bottle and pour the barley into a bag.

pearl barley for fishing on crucian carp

A few tips

  • It is better not to rinse the croup with water after cooking. It is washed away, formed on it mucus containing starch. It enhances the flavor of the bait, the fish bites more actively on such a nozzle.
  • When leaving for nature, it is useful to take a thermos with you,dishes (metal), a good hunting or penknife and a stock of gear for fishing rods. Even if there are no plans to fish for more than one day, still these things can come in handy.
  • In a thermos you need to carefully prepare the rump. A large number can damage it. A liter thermos is enough 3-4 tablespoons of cereals.
  • For the smell, you can use vegetable oil, honey and various store flavors (vanilla, anise, etc.).
  • You can add a little sugar and salt to taste.
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  • In stores, a variety of pearl barley is sold. It is better to buy a large, then the groats will better cling to the hook.
  • For complementary foods, you can use cake if the pearl bar is not so much in stock.
  • The end of the hook should not be bared after the attachment of the bait. The fish will bump into it and swim by.
  • It's sensible to share your secrets, how to sip a fishing boat for fishing, with colleagues on fishing. This way you can help the fishermen, as well as learn from them the recipes for cooking other bait.
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