/ / Steeplechase or running with obstacles

Steeplechase or run with obstacles

Steeplechase or run with obstacles for 3 thousandmeters - this is one of the disciplines that make up the track and field athletics program. This discipline teaches athletes to be hardy, considerate, technical, tactful.

running with obstacles

Steeplechase officially appeared around the middle of the 19th century in the UK, where the results of running Oxford students at a distance of 3218 meters were recorded.

The obstacle course was included in the list of the Summer Olympic Games for men in 1920, and for women - since 2008 and includes: overcoming the obstacle of "pit with water", running between obstacles.

110 meters with barriers

In total, the athlete must overcome 35 different barriers, including seven pits with water.
In the world of sport today leading men are runners from Kenya and women runners from Russia.

The main complexity of this version of lightathletics is considered a uniform distribution of power for all 7 laps plus the preservation of additional physical capacity to overcome obstacles. The athlete is allowed to jump over the barrier without touching his feet (which significantly shortens the time spent), and step on him with his foot.

400 meters with barriers

Running with obstacles is considered one of the most difficultsubspecies of track and field athletics, after all during its performance the athlete needs not only to run a huge distance, but also to overcome all 35 obstacles on the way to the finish. This requires maximum endurance and physical effort.

Running for 400 meters with barriers is a run onshort distances for men and women. This is a standard circle. At this distance, 10 barriers are set, the height of each is 91.4 meters for men and 76.2 meters for women. Athletes are allowed to step on the barriers and shoot down obstacles without penalty.

Running 110 meters with barriers is the most difficultkind of athletics. The height of the barrier for men is 106.7 meters, and for women - 83.3 meters. The distance between the barriers does not change and is equal to 9.14 meters. Only the distance from the start to the first obstacle is slightly larger and equal to 13.72 meters.

Julia Zarudneva

Conditionally the change in the speed of the athlete can be divided into 4 parts: start and takeoff after the start; overcoming the obstacle; run between obstacles and finishing.

In general, the technique of running with obstacles is similar totechnique of normal running for long distances. But still there are some exceptions. The difference lies in the ability of the athlete to correctly calculate and timely change the angle of repulsion from the ground in front of the obstacle, as well as immediately after it. In addition, the ability of the runner to correctly jump and land after a jump is necessary. With unsuccessful movements, various stretch marks and injuries are possible. Repel should be even 210 meters before the barrier.


When jumping over an obstacle, the athlete flexes at the knee and pulls to the trunk to reduce inertia. To land should be on the toe, with a heel without touching the path.

In order for an athlete to learn how to correctly run an obstacle course, there are certain methods worked out over the years:

  • technique of familiarizing the athlete with a barrier run;
  • training in obstacle clearance techniques;
  • training in technique and the rhythm of running between obstacles;
  • training in low-start technology and acceleration after the start;
  • training in running technique with barriers and improving running techniques.
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