/ What is a Mayer bullet. Mayer's Bullet Equipment

What is the Mayer bullet. Mayer's Bullet Equipment

Probably the most common on allthe territory of the Soviet Union and now, in its former republics, the supply for smooth-bore hunting weapons - the Mayer bullet, popularly called the "turbine." AK Mayer is a prominent Soviet engineer, a designer who created and popularized his invention in 1963. The Mayer bullet is most convenient in equipment and much more often brings luck in hunting.

bullet of mayer

Type, construction, composition

Turbine-switch type of hunting bulletsis fairly widespread. The Mayer bullet has the shape of a cylinder, in which there is an internal channel. In it, as well as outside the bullet, there are inclined ribs, which give rotation in flight, which are usually six. Unlike many other designs, it's heavier than the bullet's head, not the tail.

A Meyer bullet from lead was made. In diameter, the outer ribs are slightly larger than the caliber of weapons, which is why they are crushed when they are shot, so that the best possible alignment of the bullet in the barrel is ensured. To cast such bullets at home is a troublesome task, but most of the domestic hunters do it. In the design, self-casting often makes adjustments, and therefore the 12-gauge Mayer bullet, for example, sometimes differs significantly from the same, but from another manufacturer, even by weight.


This is a very good design. Although in flight Mayer's bullet of 12 caliber (and other calibers too) behaves all the same otherwise. It turned out that the inclined ribs do not work for rotation, but they help balance. The alignment in the trunk is dense, so the accuracy of this bullet surpasses the rest, almost all models for smoothbore guns. Dispersion is the same as when shooting rifled weapons, if you use the Mayer bullet, the reviews of all hunters confirm this.

Of course, bullets should be selected very carefully,so that there were no defects, and the weight was the same for all. Even at a hundred meters or more, accuracy can be very high, which can not be said about other models. Usually, other bullets hit the target exactly if it is not more than sixty meters away. Great weight and excellent deformability at impact has a 12-gauge Mayer bullet. The equipment of the bullet must be accurate, then its destructive ability is ensured at practically all distances. This will be described in more detail below.

12 caliber mailler bullet


Of course, Meyer's bullet has shortcomings and a bullet 12caliber. Reviews say that they are most visible if the bullet is made by hand and poorly. For example, too soft lead is used, in which there are no additives to give it strength. In this case, you need to know exactly how to load Mayer's bullet. The increased charge of gunpowder will cause the bullet to somersault in flight, because it collapses from overload during the shot, even the internal channel can close.

Naturally, the bullet deformed by a labelalmost never happens. Only a sub-caliber bullet can help. And the hanging of gunpowder must in no case be exceeded. Another case is when the bullet material is too hard. This is significantly worse, since there is a risk of damage to the trunk. Another drawback - even if correctly poured and always correctly charged Mayer's bullet, it will be deflected in flight if there is interference. Bushes, as well as branches of trees, any natural obstacle can prevent its accurate flight.

Where to get it and what for

Virtually any bullet designed forhunting smooth-bore weapons, are needed for the extraction of a large beast. These are various deer, bear, wild boar, elk and other animals of hunting grounds of Russia. Shooting a Meyer bullet from a smooth-bore hunting rifle is used for the largest game from our country.

Buy such bullets quite easily, they are more often than othersare in demand, and therefore are constantly on sale in all hunting stores. In addition, it should be noted that such a bullet is sold at a fairly low price, unlike other bullets.

bullet of the mailler 12 caliber outfit


The length should be twenty two millimeters(plus or minus 0.3) is for the 12 gauge. The Mayer 16 caliber bullet is exactly the same length, but the weight is different. The twelfth caliber weighs 34 grams, and the sixteenth about 29 grams.

The speed depends on the equipment of the cartridge, it usually reaches 420 meters per second. Also from the equipment depends and muzzle energy, it is usually about three and a half kilojoules.

A responsibility

Mayer's bullet firing is extremely important forproductive hunting. Shooting a bullet is very different from shooting, for example, shot, and therefore in the ammo of the cartridge requires special care so that the shot does not turn out to be false, but was effective. Nevertheless, many hunters scold themselves after a miss for a poorly equipped cartridge.

The method of charging the bullet cartridge should notwhat to break. Most importantly, you can not use someone else's equipment, whose quality is unknown. And self-made cartridges should be tested without fail, and from the same gun with which it is necessary to go on hunting.

bullet mayer 12 caliber reviews


Equip a 12-caliber Mayer bullet on recommendationsits creator. Need a paper sleeve with a capsule, in which pour two grams of gunpowder. The capsule is used by "Zhevello", and gunpowder is better "Falcon". The temperature should not be below -4 degrees Celsius. If the frost exceeds -20 degrees, then the amount of gunpowder by one tenth can be increased. The weight of the bullet is 12 caliber 33-34 grams, this is what you need to navigate. Next on gunpowder, you need to send the gaskets from cardboard with a thickness of about three millimeters, after which you need felt felt in a half-caliber barrel with a thickness that is cut into four parts in height.

Felt need to pour small sawdust, onwhich put the wool from the cardboard a little more than half a centimeter thick. Next comes a three-millimeter gasket made of cardboard with a diameter exactly the same as that of the bullet's body, not counting the edges. Such equipment should be located exactly in the center in the tube tube. After that, you need to lower the bullet as accurately as possible, without displacing the thick cardboard wool. The sleeve can now be rolled. A layer of sawdust should leave for this approximately five millimeters.

how to charge a bullet of a mayer

How to make a cartridge good

Which cartridge is considered well-equipped? For a smoothbore, this is one that, when shot, powder gases create a pressure of not more than 663 kgf per square centimeter. If the diameter of the scattering at a distance of fifty meters does not exceed ten centimeters. If the aiming and hit points coincide when firing at fifty meters. How to achieve this quality?

First prepare all the elements for the exactequipment cartridges. Ensure that the capsules are the same for the year of release, or better - one lot. The length of the liner and the length of the chamber should correspond, as well as the diameters of the inner sleeve and the bore of the trunk. Check that the powder was one batch, and the cardboard and felt felts did not differ from the cartridge to the cartridge. And, of course, the mass of bullets must also be selected in order to be the same.

Ways of equipment and contra-indications

Gunpowder must be weighed very accurately, withan error of less than 0.01 grams, and compress the charge with a force of noticeably eight to ten kilograms. On the gunpowder, cardboard pads or a plastic obturator are sent, then the deposited felt wool, almost cross-cut, after which a bullet is sent and the sleeve is rolled.

In no case should you be put on a bullet, andnever do not pour anything - neither stearin nor paraffin. In guns, there are sometimes quite large narrowings of the barrel - more than a millimeter in the twelfth caliber. Therefore, subcaliber bullets are used. In guns of the twelfth, for example, bullets of the sixteenth caliber are often used.


The air temperature should beapproximately correspond to the one that is expected on the day of hunting. If the spread of bullets is too large, the powder charge should be reduced. It should also be done if bullets fly above the aiming point more than fifteen centimeters. When bullets fall below this point, but the accuracy is satisfied, the mass of gunpowder can be increased. In case this does not solve the problem, the bullet type is replaced with the one that is easier, and even changes the way of equipment.

Self-loading shotguns with barrel-type tubularstore require special attention. The cartridges there are located close to each other, so the bullet must be recessed in the sleeve, so that the top is lower by about five millimeters of the rolled dulce, so as not to bury the previous cartridge, which can lead to an accident. At the time of the shot, the bullet pierces the neighboring capsule, and either a burst of the cartridge or a complete break in the magazine occurs.

bullet mayer reviews

How to discharge cartridges

It is necessary to be able not only to equip but alsodischarge cartridges if they, for example, are soaked. Do not throw them away. The unsuitable or old powder is burned, but the shot, the dust, the undamaged sleeve can still be used. When you empty the cartridge, you need to remember the main rules.

1. Do not place the cartridge on a table or other level surface. Need a stand with a hole, so that under the capsule was the air.

2. Never lean over either the overfilled or the discharged cartridge. Always push the cartridge away from the face as far as possible.

Knife or scissors need to spread outwrapped edge of the cartridge case, pick up the shot wad, pull it out and pour out the shot. Then, with a corkscrew or other device, take out powdery wads. Gunpowder must be emptied and burned with all precautions. The capsule from the sleeve is knocked out in the trunk (pre-richly lubricated, because the rust from the deposit appears). The most difficult thing is to take a bullet, because it strongly crumples. If necessary, the sleeve is cut, then the bullet remains intact.


To date, there are manydozens of kinds of bullets for hunting weapons, which have absolutely different designs, and new ones are constantly being developed, more and more effective. Form, weight, dimensions, material from which the bullet is made, always depend on the destination. For example, the Mayer bullet is designed to hunt a large beast with a smooth-bore weapon of the twelfth or sixteenth caliber. If you follow the recommendations of the bullet designer with its equipment, you can achieve excellent results. If you use the usual methods that are acceptable for other bullets, success can not be achieved at all. Hunters often try to independently modify the design of the Mayer bullet, change the way they load ammunition. Usually the indicators do not improve, although, of course, not without exception.

Occasionally, experiments lead to unexpectedgood results. However, it must be borne in mind that for any plan of experiments with the supply of hunting supplies, a large amount of experience in handling ammunition and weapons in general is needed. But even with sufficient experience, caution must be extreme. Of course, in hunting stores you can buy a variety of bullets, there is a good choice and always excellent quality. However, weapons are so individual that bullets are often only suitable for basic characteristics. That's why many hunters make them themselves or bring them to the necessary parameters purchased in accordance with the requirements of a particular weapon.

charge a bullet of mayer

In remote places of the Far East and Siberiahunters quite often pour bullets on their own, because the stores are far away. Some for this purpose have acquired the skills to work with drawings, use all kinds of machines, including lathes, since Mayer's bullet, for example, is not so simple that it can simply be cast. Transport the cartridges either in special waterproof bags or in boxes. If hunting is short-lived, the cartridge belt is convenient for this purpose. But for long distances transportation of ammunition is certainly accompanied by certain difficulties.

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