/ / Interests of a person and his needs

Human interests and needs

According to many psychologists and sociologists, the wholehuman life is determined by the satisfaction of biological and social needs. They are the main foundation for our activities. Human interests, in simple words, are conscious needs. These two elements of our psyche and behavior are the main motivational nucleus. In this article we will describe what needs and interests of a person exist.

human interests
The most popular model of human needsis the pyramid of the American psychologist Abraham Maslow. This model does not cover the interests of man in all its diversity, for which he was repeatedly criticized by the scientific community, but gives a general idea of ​​them. The basis of the basis for our behavior with you is the satisfaction of physiological needs. First of all, a person finds a roof over his head, then he looks for food and warmth. It's good that now it comes directly to our house. This allows us to move on to other needs, namely, the need for self-preservation. All living beings want to live, even at the biological level, so the need for protection in the animal, as well as the personal certainty that it will live tomorrow, the person is at the bottom of the pyramid. For this, there are armies, police, rules of morality and etiquette in the society.

In the middle of the pyramid are locatedneeds for love and respect. Abilities and interests of people in love and respect from the reference (desired) groups sometimes act as destructive behavior, from depressive "self-interest" to suicide. Each person finds satisfaction in these needs in his beloved, his family, in friendship and work. Animals, no matter how romanticized the situation writers and writers, do not have the needs of this level.

abilities and interests of a person

So, the person is full, he lives in the warmth and inhe is loved and respected by certain people. It's time to develop further, and there is no better ground for jumping up. Therefore, the interests of man are forgiven further - into the sphere of knowledge. Cognitive needs are the fifth step in the pyramid. Man acts as an explorer, as an argonaut in the search for knowledge and skills.

Human interests do not end there,The last steps are the aesthetic needs and the need for self-actualization. If the first can be satisfied with the help of art - cinema, music, literature, the latter require the achievement of the set goals, the development of the personality in different spheres.

According to Abraham Maslow, a person graduallymoves from the bottom of the pyramid to its apex. Although other scientists note that a person can be quite happy, being on the same level for a long time - for example, finding love and satisfying their sexual needs. The interests of a person on this can simply run low, thereby he will not be motivated to move up.

needs and interests of a person

In conclusion, we note that interest is the pathmeeting their own needs. As a rule, the interest is objective and does not depend on the concrete human consciousness, because the way people solve problems, satisfy the needs themselves from culture. A vivid example are the ways of treating illnesses. A person borrows them, satisfying their need for treatment and self-preservation.

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