Types of human needs
For the normal existence of man on earth, he must satisfy his needs. All living beings on the planet have needs, but most of all they are from a reasonable individual.
Types of human needs
organic. These needs are related to human development, withhis self-preservation. Organic needs include a variety of needs: food, water, oxygen, the optimal ambient temperature, the continuation of the genus, sexual desires, the safety of existence. These needs are also present in animals. Unlike our smaller brothers, a person needs, for example, in hygiene, cooking food and other specific conditions;
material The needs are based on satisfying them withusing products created by people. These include: clothing, housing, transport, household appliances, tools, as well as all that is necessary for work, recreation, life, knowledge of culture. In other words, a person needs life's goods;
social. This kind is connected with the need for communication,position in society, a certain life position, the achievement of respect, authority. A person can not exist on his own, so he needs to communicate with other people. Social needs have arisen since the development of human society. Due to such needs, life becomes the most secure;
creative types of needs aresatisfaction in various types of activities: artistic, scientific, technical. People are very different. There are those who can not do without creativity. They even agree to give up something else, but they can not exist without it. Such a person is a high personality. Freedom of engaging in creativity is above all for them;
moral self-improvement and psychological development - These are types of human needs, in which heprovides for itself growth in the cultural and psychological direction. In this case, a person strives to become deeply moral and responsible morally. Such needs contribute to people's access to religion. Moral self-improvement and psychological development become the dominant needs for people who have reached a high level of personality development.
In the modern world it is very popular amongpsychologists humanistic theory of personality. Her presence speaks about the highest level of psychological development of a person. Human needs and their types may change with time. There are such desires, which must be suppressed in oneself. It's about the pathology of psychological development, when a person has negative needs. These include painful conditions in which a person has a desire to inflict pain on another, both physical and moral.
Considering types of needs, it can be said,that there are those without which a person can not live on earth. But there are some that you can do without. Psychology is a subtle science. Each individual needs a special approach. The question is, why do some people particularly express one needs, while others have others? Some people like to work, others do not, why? The answer must be sought in generic genetics or in the way of life.
Types of human needs can also be dividedon biological, social, ideal. Classification of needs is a great variety. Modern man has the need for prestige and recognition in society. In conclusion, it can be said that it is impossible to establish a complete list of human needs. The hierarchy of needs is individual. Satisfaction of the needs of the basic level implies the formation of the rest.