/ / Individual health, its physical, spiritual and social essence. Spiritual and physical health

Individual health, its physical, spiritual and social essence. Spiritual and physical health

The problem of health has become fashionable to say everywhere: In the media, on television, in educational institutions. Many really understand and accept such value, but what is traditionally put into this concept - health or, as it is customary to say today, individual human health? What is his physical and spiritual essence? It is worthwhile to understand whether, on the whole, we correctly define the notion of "individual health" for ourselves.

spiritual and physical health

Health is social and individual. What's the Difference?

The notion of public health is quite broadand includes the notion of the well-being and welfare of society. The state of the psychological climate of the society depends on the indicator of the health index of the society. In the people sometimes you can hear the definitions of "sick society", "infected society", "unfavorable climate of the team" - these phrases directly reflect the state and problems of the functioning of a certain team or part of it, but not an individual member of this collective. The notion of individual health is specific and specific to a certain person, has several components, primarily, such as spiritual and physical health.

Without consideration of all components, the concept will be incomplete. In this regard, this concept is characterized as a positive state of the individual personality, which is in harmony between all the components of the concept of individual health: its physical, spiritual and social essence.

individual health of a man his physical and spiritual essence

Physical well-being, its place in an integrated health system

Emotional comfort of the person directly dependsfrom physical comfort. Under the concept of physical health, in the narrow sense, it means the absence of diseases and somatic disorders of the body. In a broader sense, physical health is provided by motor tone, rational nutrition, hardening and cleansing of the body, a combination of mental and physical labor with the ability to relax, the exclusion from the use of various psychoactive substances.

A person may not have a history of illness,pathologies of systems and organs, but the overall tone of the body is significantly reduced, sleep is disturbed, mental activity is unproductive. This, in the first place, indicates that the physical and spiritual health of a person is in disharmony, which will gradually lead to the emergence of psychosomatic complications and subsequently to diseases already at the physical level.

Factors affecting the physical health of a person

It is believed that the state of physical healthrights directly depends on the factor of heredity. Genetic predisposition to certain diseases leads to a constitutional weakness of specific organs, which eventually becomes the cause of the development of pathologies. The next, no less important factor is the person's way of life, the presence of bad habits, the level of awareness of the factors that are harmful to human health. Many diseases a person provokes at himself, neglecting the rules of a healthy lifestyle and succumbing to temptations and temptations. In connection with this, there is a clear connection between the concepts of spiritual and physical health.

physical and spiritual health

Spiritual health of a person

Under the concept of the spiritual componentindividual health is understood as the ability of a person to cope with difficult circumstances of life while maintaining an adequate behavior model and an optimal emotional background. Spiritual health is provided by the process of thinking, cognition of the surrounding world and the correct orientation in it. To achieve perfection of spiritual health a person can:

  • Learning to live in harmony with yourself and the world at the same time;
  • learning to predict and simulate life situations;
  • having formed a style of own reaction.

Spiritual and physical health of a person, beingin close relationship, jointly influence the indicator of general well-being: a disorder of spiritual health entails a deterioration in physical indicators and vice versa.

physical and spiritual health of a person

Factors that form the spiritual component of human health

Understand what a healthy lifestyle is, andFollow it is not given to everyone: many, knowing the rules, however, prefer to live without rules. Therefore, the first and main factor affecting spiritual health is the installation for a healthy lifestyle. A person is inclined to repeat those types of behavior that bring pleasure, so it is rather difficult to give up some food habits, harmful stereotypes. Naturally, the choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle requires a high level of understanding and commitment and directly depends on the individual way of life.

No less important factor in choosing a lifestyleis an environment that demonstrates different models of existence and forms stable stereotypes of behavior for individual members. The environment, as is known, directly affects individual health, its physical and spiritual essence depends on the level of motivation to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

individual health is his physical and spiritual essence

Social health or the ability to live in society

Under the concept of social health is understoodthe ability of a person to adapt in the natural and social environments. It is achieved by the ability to anticipate the emergence of threatening and non-standard situations, assess their possible consequences, make an informed decision and act in accordance with their capabilities. The concept of social adaptation includes the complete fitness of a person to the conditions of the collective. The physical, social and spiritual health of each member of society constitutes the general social welfare of the collective. In a healthy society, nonstandard situations arise much less frequently and are, as a rule, of a natural nature.

Factors affecting social health

An important social factor is the state ofenvironment in which people live. Pollution of natural resources leads to an increase in the stressful background of the body, to physical disturbances in the human condition, to a decrease in the emotional background. Equally important is the availability of quality medical care, which significantly reduces the risk of psychosomatic illness and complications in people. Against this background, the level of physical well-being, emotional stress significantly increases or decreases, the spiritual component of health suffers. Spiritual and physical health in conjunction with the social and makes up the individual health of the individual. At the same time, all three components are equally significant and complementary.

individual health is his physical spiritual and social essence

Health as the main value

Understanding and understanding of health as the mainvalues ​​in the modern world are not given to everyone. Most often a person brings to the forefront a career, material benefits, prestige in society, forgetting about health and inner harmony. Only after losing their health, people begin to understand its value, but it is not easy to return it, and sometimes it is impossible.

The modern parable of the rich man narratesabout how a young businessman saved up a huge fortune and lived only happy profit and money. One day an Angel of Death came for him and told him to gather. The businessman asked to give him a little time, because he did not have time in life, but the Angel was inexorable. Then the young man decided to buy a little time and offered a million, then two, then all his fortune in a few days of life. To buy a life it was not possible, as money does not have value in the other world, the successful businessman went for the Angel, not having completed the main thing in his life. Individual health, its physical, spiritual and social essence are in harmony when a person correctly prioritizes and follows them.

physical spiritual social health of a person

A harmoniously developed personality is the guarantee of health?

Given that the three components of the individualhealth interact and complement each other, it can be argued that the pledge of human health will be internal and external harmony. Individual human health, its physical and spiritual essence can not be perfect without social welfare, in turn, a person with a disrupted physical or spiritual principle can not be socially adapted. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, emotional comfort, a positive psychological attitude, the proper arrangement of priorities is a pledge of a harmoniously developed personality with perfect physical, spiritual, and social health. It is difficult to find such a person now. But in your hands to become it.

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