/ / Types of characters: how to understand who is who?

Types of characters: how to understand who is who?

Psychology since its inception has triedto divide people into types: this is how the theory of temperaments, physiological, social types was derived. And for decades psychologists have tried to derive types of characters. But it turned out to be more difficult.

The fact is that the character trait is so much, andto deduce the basic from them it is impossible: something yes you will forget. Therefore, each theory that divides people into types of characters has its drawbacks. Some of the theories were refuted and did not live to this day. For example, physiognomy. It was based on the features of the structure of the face and skull and explained the nature of the person by its physiological type. In this there is a rational grain: by mimic wrinkles one can really understand what kind of person in front of us is in terms of emotionality (gloomy or cheerful). But only.

Types of characters learned to determine and in handwriting. At least, it seemed to the scientist at first: graphology (the science of handwriting) helps to identify only a few features. Too sweeping, careless or tidy, scrupulous - a good psychologist can always determine the character traits according to the person's records.

The most rational theory was recognizedthe classification of Leonhard and Licko (known researchers of psychology). Their teaching (and they brought out their types independently of each other) has come down to our days, as well as psychological tests for character determination.

The essence of the theory is that everyoneman has dominant traits in character, they are the basis for referring to a certain type. Most types have a name, by which it is perfectly clear what kind of person is talking about:

  • jammed (fixated on small things);
  • hypertensive (very active, even riotous in some way);
  • labile (easily adapting to changed circumstances);
  • hysteroid or artistic (each banal situation turns into a scene when such a person participates in it) and others.

There is one "but" in this classification: accentuation of character (the so-called predominant and overdeveloped features) appear only in adolescence. By maturity, all manifestations, facets of character are balanced, and a person becomes a unique mature person with features inherent only in him, manifested in varying degrees. If accentuations persist, it is worthwhile to be on the alert. Psychologists in this situation speak about the borderline between the norm and pathology. In other words, from an accentuation, for example, a schizoid close to schizophrenia, a cycloid type of character can develop into a manic-depressive psychosis. And other pathologies in the development of personality are associated with each accentuation of Licko or Leonhard.

Yes, traits with age are balanced. But in adult life, all have basic and secondary qualities (without excessive expression, as in the case of accentuation). In this case, a huge number of combinations are possible, and it is impossible to deduce types of characters. But it should be noted that not all agreed with this point of view, psychologists continue their attempts to accommodate a variety of characters in types, but they are not so grandiose as the theory of accentuations or physiognomy.

For a healthy person development inseveral directions: attitude towards the world, people, work, creativity and to oneself. Through these directions, the character also manifests itself. Sociability, initiative, modesty, creativity - hundreds of qualities determine who we are. And they can be the opposite. And each of them can be measured by the appropriate test.

Interestingly, over time, some featuresmay recede into the background, others may appear and become basic in character. The human psyche is amazing and famous for its unlimited possibilities for adaptation.

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