/ A few important tips on how to believe in yourself

A few important tips on how to believe in yourself

Belief in yourself is an important part of anybeginnings. After all, if we assume in advance that the problem is unsolvable, then it is really difficult to overcome it. Self-confident people are self-sufficient and successful. They do important things and are able to achieve a lot. Low self-esteem is formed, usually, even in childhood, and depends, first of all, on the environment of the child and the reactions of relatives close to his success or failure. However, you can believe in yourself at any age, and life can change noticeably for the better.

To begin with, it is easier to relate to manyproblems. One psychologist conducted the following experiment. Students from one class were divided into two subgroups. At the same time, each of them had weak and strong children. They were given the task to solve the same problem. At the same time, one group was told that it is very difficult to do, and the other group - that even a family can cope with. As a result, children who were assigned a task as simple, did it almost everything. Another group with him failed. This example clearly shows how important it is to be confident in yourself and your strengths.

Do not compare yourself with other people, especially not in your favor. After all, each in its own way is unique. And if someone could not solve a problem, this does not mean that it is beyond your power.

Another important point from the recommendations of psychologistsabout how to believe in yourself is to remember your achievements and past successful experience. So, if you need to make an important project, do not think that you can not cope. It is better to reflect on why he was entrusted to you, because before that, most likely, the authorities have already more than once convinced you that you are worthy of such trust.

To improve self-esteem, we must work on our ownweaknesses. So, if something will turn out that previously was not under force, the belief in the success of other important undertakings will also grow stronger. Gradually it is worth to raise the level of claims, because to believe in yourself will help something done above its capabilities.

However, you do not need to rely too much on yourself,because failure will undermine self-confidence. It is necessary to try to really assess their strength. So, do not assume that you can become a millionaire in a couple of months, if before that you worked with a small salary in the office. To solve many problems it is necessary to call and common sense.

Among other tips on how to believe in yourself,you need to pay attention to the following: it is important to agree and choose what you like. Do not recommend too often to go on about others. Know that you can do more than you think, for example, to cope with responsible and serious work, because you have the appropriate skills and knowledge, just before they did not apply them in practice. Do not be too guided by someone else's opinion. Man is a social being, therefore the attitude of others towards his actions and actions for everyone is to some extent important. However, depending too much on the opinions of others, it means constantly undermining faith in oneself, because a disparaging response (possibly biased) can affect self-esteem for the better.

Before you believe in yourself, you need tocorrectly set their priorities and values. It is impossible to be the best in everything, therefore it is necessary to single out what plays a secondary role, and what is very important at the moment. In your environment you need to have successful and positive people who charge their energy, and also show a positive example.

Despite the fact that stresses are essentialpart of our lives, they can lead not only to a decrease in self-esteem, but also to a nervous breakdown, so it's worth while avoiding them. An effective method of how to believe in yourself is auto-training. Saying to myself every day "I can do this", a person, in time, really begins to believe in his words.

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