/ How to respond to an insult. Eight tips

How to respond to an insult. Eight tips

Sometimes we have to hear in our addressoffensive words. And very often it happens at the moment when we are least ready for it. Insults can be heard everywhere: in a traffic jam, in any queue, in transport, etc. What should I do if there is a similar situation?

how to respond to an insult

How to respond to an insult

Defending yourself from attacks, you can be under the stormboth blows and counterstrikes. But there are ways to protect yourself and not lose your own dignity. So the next time you are criticized, use the tips below. So, about how to respond to an insult.

1. Find out the reason

As a rule, one who criticizes himself is overcrowdedoffense. Ask the person what bothers him. After all, offense can be generally not addressed to you. Look at the situation from the side and try to understand the reason.

2. Analyze what has been said

Suzette Elgin in one of his books suggestsdecompose the offending phrases into separate parts and not make a sacrifice of themselves during the response to reproach. For example, the remark that if you loved a little, you would definitely lose weight, you can fend off like this: "Have you decided for a long time that I do not love you?"

3. Use the conventional sign

Think of some kind of conditional sign, and evenDo not have to think about how cleverly to respond to an insult. For example, you can always carry a small towel. When people start criticizing you, just cover their head. A person who criticizes you will be ashamed, and he is unlikely to want to make repeated attempts.

4. Use humor

If you do not know how to respond to an insult,then this is one of the best advice. For example, if you are told that your pants are made from the fabric that the chairs upholster, then you can answer: "Well, in this case, sit down on my knees." Humor is one of the best defenses against insults.

5. Invent your answers in advance.

Quite often people use in their speechtemplate phrases. Therefore, in order not to get lost next time, practice in advance. Make a list of rudenesses that occur especially often, and figure out how to respond to the insult beautifully and with dignity.

how cleverly to respond to an insult

6. Do not mind

If you are told that you have recovered by fivekilograms, then answer that it is not five, but ten. If the offender does not back down and asks what you will do with excess weight, then inform him that you are a fat man for several months, and maybe even years. The power of offensive words is determined only by our own assessment, and if we accept criticism, then the offender will be left with nothing.

7. Turn to the offender face

Straightness is one of the most effective advice in thethe question of how to respond to an insult. Ask your abuser why he does it and is aware of the degree of influence of his own words. After that, the person insulted by you will understand that his plan is opened, and immediately retired, because he was caught red-handed.

how to respond to an insult beautifully

8. Ignore

Listen to the insult, take a deep breath,imagine that it did not sound to your address, and immediately forget about it. The ability to forgive is one of the most important abilities of a person, which helps to live on.

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