/ / Who is the "dodik": the meaning of a word is worth knowing

Who is a "dodick": the meaning of a word is worth knowing

Because of the abundance of slang phrasesIt is impossible not to be mistaken in the interpretation of certain words. For example, the word "dodik" at first glance seems a mockery. However, clarity is made directly by intonation. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand the meaning of this word and be savvy.

who is a dodik

Where did the word "dodik" come from?

"Dodia" or "dodik" are diminutive-caressing variants of one of the most widespread Jewish name, David. This is one version, which can be read in many dictionaries.

Second version: there is a wonderful story called "Pancakes of Dodi", written by Arkady Averchenko. This is a story about a little boy who was waiting for a pancake dinner. What name the boy wore is for certain unknown.

In response to the question "Who is a dodick?"Many adhere to one common version: this is a skinny boy with a violin from an intelligent Jewish family. Often such a teaser heard about Jewish children.

"Dodik": the meaning of the word in a broad sense

The appearance of the so-called "dodick" is quite possibledescribe in simple words: a thin textbook boy with a violin in his hands, most likely in glasses. It was these external parameters that influenced the young man to become a victim of ridicule and teasing on the part of ill-bred children.

dodic value

Who is a "dodick" in prison slang?

Masculinity for a man in a criminal environment - a kind of security letter. The explanatory thief can look intelligent, but he is kept by a thief suit.

In the prison cell, gays were called homosexuals. They despised and rotted everything. So, the powerless "nedomuzhik", also having a fragile body, suffered greatly from his cellmates.

Gradually from prison slang the word "dodik"and migrated to modern language. So, the question "Who is this dodik?" Is now accepted to answer like this: a young man or a man who does not correspond to personal ideas about the masculinity of someone. Usually such "discrepancies" appear externally: narrow pants of the "wrong" color, an elongated haircut, piercing, etc.

What should I do if I hear the word "dodik" in my address?

Who is a dodick? A few meanings of the word suggest an insult. Of course, if you are not called David. A contemptuous treatment immediately causes a desire to take revenge "in -patian" - physically. However, this option will bring only personal troubles with law enforcement. Therefore, do not pay attention to the insult. After all, in modern society, intellectual power, and not physical, is increasingly valued.

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