/ / Classification of conflicts in the organization

Classification of conflicts in an organization

In accordance with scientific data, the classification of conflicts in the organization is carried out for different reasons. Let's consider in more detail the most popular and grounded ones.

A popular classification of conflicts in accordance with the level of opposing sides was developed by A.G. Sophisticated. As a result, the following groups were identified:

  • Interindividual interaction.
  • Intergroup conflicts in which several different types were singled out (in terms of interests, intercultural, interethnic, inter-associative, interstate, and so on).

The most detailed classification of conflicts is given by R. Darendorf. They were divided into the following groups.

First, in accordance with the sources of the emergence of counteractions there are conflicts of identification, values ​​and interests.

Secondly, according to the available consequences, it is recommended to differentiate their types: unsuccessful and successful; constructive and creative; destructive and destructive.

Thirdly, conflicts are divided by scale (global, interstate, regional, local, macro-conflicts, micro- or mega-).

Fourthly, the interaction can be classified according to the form of the struggle (non-peaceful and peaceful).

Fifth, conflicts are also divided according to the conditions of origin (exogenous, endogenous) and the use of tactics (debate, game, battle).

Sixthly, the interaction can be demarcated in accordance with the ratio of subjects to it (latent, false, random and genuine).

The classification of social conflicts was detaileddeveloped by A.V. Dmitrov in accordance with different bases. We are talking about economic, political, labor, counteractions in education and others.

In addition, the classification of conflicts can be made in accordance with the attitude towards a specific subject:

  • internal or personal;
  • interpersonal (external), which appear between the group and the individual.

In these confrontations, the following large groups can also be distinguished.

First, professional conflicts that arise in unmet citizens, experiencing stress and stress at work. Usually they appear when the motivation is very low.

Secondly, cognitive conflicts can be both intrapersonal and intergroup.

Third, role interaction refers to the problem of choosing any possible or desired option.

But the most common classification of conflicts is as follows:

  • Intrapersonal, which arise because of opposing goals, motives, interests and so on.
  • Interpersonal conflicts in the organization appear as the result of interaction between groups.
  • Intergroup opposition emerges as a result of the struggle for limited spheres of influence or resources in one company, consisting of a large number of informal and formal groups.

In the psychological literature it is noted thatThe most numerous group are interpersonal conflicts. But in organizations they will manifest somewhat differently than in everyday life, and make up certain groups:

  • the struggle of leaders or applicants for high office;
  • conflicts due to a clash of material interests;
  • communication between the group and the individual;
  • subjective, which are due to the emergence of a variety of assessments of actions and events.

In addition, the following classification of conflicts according to their consequences is very popular:

  • Constructive, which involves the appearance of rational transformations.
  • Destructive conflicts, destroying the resulting organization.
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