/ / "130 quarter", Irkutsk - the center of tourism and entertainment of the city

"130 quarter", Irkutsk - the center of tourism and entertainment of the city

Irkutsk is located in the heart of Siberia, in 60kilometers from the famous Lake Baikal. Annually the city is visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world - Irkutsk is also famous for its unique elements of classical architecture in architecture. In 2010, the reconstruction of the old quarter began at the foot of the Cross Hill, the resettlement of residents from dilapidated architectural monuments, and in 2011, the "130 quarter" met its first guests. Today this place has become a recreation center for the majority of Irkutsk residents.

Historical appearance of Irkutsk

The location of Irkutsk is extremely convenient,so that tourists from all over the world flock here: the local airport is a major international transport hub, it is also possible to get to the city via the East-Siberian Railway. The climate in Irkutsk can be called soft for Siberia - warm summers, dry autumn and spring, frosts rarely last longer than several days.

130th block of Irkutsk

But tourists are attracted to Irkutsk by another: the center of the city still keeps monuments of wooden architecture. Some ancient, locally skewed houses in which ordinary inhabitants live, were built in the century before last. The city administration periodically restores them, maintaining an attractive appearance. And although the tree is an unimportant material, and such houses will have to be demolished sooner or later, the city does everything to preserve its historical appearance. The most ambitious project is the erection of the Irkutsk Sloboda, which locals call the "130 quarter". Irkutsk after the implementation of this project received a unique district in the very center, which instantly became the most popular place in the city.

History of the "Irkutsk settlement"

The desire to refine the historical "130 quarter",Irkutsk, to keep the buildings of the 18-19th centuries, which were badly damaged by time, was always in the hands of the Irkutsk authorities. In 2008, at the regional level, it was decided to erect a unique historical quarter. To do this, it was necessary to resettle residents from dilapidated architectural monuments, clear the territory for new buildings.

130th quarter of Irkutsk cafe

The goal of the project was not just creationstylized quarter - the buildings were erected strictly on the site of the lost monuments of architecture, the best craftsmen of wooden architecture were invited for decoration. Historians carefully studied the materials on the historical development of this area, so that the project as accurately reproduced the architecture of that time. "Irkutsk Sloboda" is a unique place where modern technologies in construction are used to recreate historical buildings. After the "130 quarter" was built, Irkutsk, undoubtedly, became even more attractive for tourists.

«130 quarter»: museums, shops

Another important feature of this area -high concentration of museum halls has "130 quarter", Irkutsk has always been famous for its rich cultural life. Here is an interesting museum of experimental science, where you can get acquainted with the most unusual practical achievements in the field of physics, chemistry, mathematics and other sciences. In the museum of the Siberian railway you can learn about how this was built, unprecedented in scale, the road. Other museums also operate: the Craft Compound, the Window to Asia, the Weapon Museum, the Museum of the Ministry for Emergency Situations, the City Administration and others.

130 quarter of Irkutsk live shark

But not only museums are located in these beautifulwooden buildings: here you can find souvenir shops of Baikal and Siberian themes, flower and interior shops, boutiques with clothes. At the top of the block there is a huge shopping center "Fashion Quarter", where you can walk through brand shops, go to the cinema or have a snack on a food court. Despite the lack of a historical connection, each store is designed in a style that does not break out of the overall architectural ensemble.

Restaurants and cafes of the Irkutsk Sloboda

In addition to shopping and entertainment on the streetsAn ancient quarter is located a huge number of different restaurants, cafes, eateries, pubs, bars, nightclubs. Their variety amazes: from cozy fashionable restaurants with European cuisine, as in the restaurant "Lucky people", to small student coffee houses of the franchise "Castro Cafe". You can try here and the kitchen with an exceptional local flavor, for example, in the club-restaurant "Mamai", which serves dishes of Mongolian and Buryat cuisine. In these institutions appoint business meetings, visits, celebrate holidays in noisy companies, spend family evenings. The words "130 quarter", "Irkutsk", "cafe" can be called synonyms within the region.

Exhibitions and other events

130th block of Irkutsk fish exhibition

In addition to regular exhibitions in operating museums,in the "Irkutsk Sloboda" occasionally exhibited exhibits brought. Exhibitions are held in the exhibition halls of museums, in the "Fashion Quarter", in the warm season on the street. For a long time an exhibition of monkeys was in operation, it pleased all those who visited the "130 quarter", Irkutsk. The exhibition of fish "Underwater World" is also interesting. Residents of the city could see firsthand the bloodthirsty piranhas, the fish suddenly inflating like a ball, and other exotic fish. Within the framework of the exhibition, a live shark of small size visited "130 quarter", Irkutsk.

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