/ / Timetables of trains: Gatchina - St. Petersburg

Timetable of train: Gatchina - St. Petersburg

Trip from Gatchina to St. Petersburgelectric train and a trip in the opposite direction are the simplest and most affordable ways to overcome the distance between the Northern capital and the regional center of the Leningrad region. Perhaps, on the highways on personal or public transport will get faster in both directions. If you prefer the train "Gatchina - St. Petersburg", then arrival at the destination will take place in 35-80 minutes. Read the graphical diagram of the Gatchina direction and the timetable for the movement of electric trains in our article. Choose a time for your trip and tune in for a fascinating journey!

Gatchina - the center of the district and the transport hub of the October Railway

gatchina saint petersburg

In the administrative center of Gatchina districtThe Leningrad region is an important transport hub that is part of the October Railway. In the south-west direction from the northern capital, at the dawn of the development of Russia's railway transport, two lines were laid: the Baltic and Warsaw lines, along which the Gatchina-St. Petersburg train runs. There is one railroad that crosses the district center from west to east.

1. The Warsaw or Luga directions are passenger transportations from St. Petersburg to Luga and Pskov.

2. The Baltic passenger line leads from St. Petersburg via Krasnoye Selo to Gatchina-Baltiyskaya.

3. The railway, which passes through Gatchina-Commodity. Used mainly for the transport of goods.

electric train gatchina saint petersburg

How to get from Gatchina to St. Petersburg

In the northern capital of Gatchina, two almostparallel railway lines - Warsaw and Baltic. Features of each of them are easier to understand, if you look at the graphic scheme of the route "Gatchina - St. Petersburg". The figure presented in the article lists the names of the stations, which are followed by suburban electric trains. The diagram also shows the relative position of the two railway stations of Gatchina, the distance between which is about 3 km.

The Warsaw station is located a little further fromNorthern capital (at 1 km). Some of the electric trains go faster along this line, with which all those who plan to reach the final destination of the Gatchina-St. Petersburg route and catch the return flight are reckoned with.

timetable of electric trains gatchina saint petersburg

From St. Petersburg to Gatchina by train

In Gatchina comes a lot of foreign and localtourists who want to see one of the most famous sights of the Leningrad region - the Gatchina Museum-Reserve. A grandiose ensemble consisting of palaces, parks, reservoirs, bridges and pavilions was erected by Russian builders from the end of the 18th century under the projects of outstanding architects. Among the greenery of the Palace Park the Gatchina Palace rises majestically. The main decoration of the other park is Priorytsky - a fabulous palace-castle with white walls and a red roof.

Two lines of the October Railway runelectric trains, which are sent daily from one station of St. Petersburg - Baltic. Its recognizable building is located on the embankment of the Obvodny Canal. The nearest metro station to the station belongs to the Kirov-Vyborg line. When it was created, the left wing of the station was rebuilt and supplemented by a pavilion, in which the exit from the metro is located.

gatchina the Baltic saint petersburg timetable

The frequency with which the train is sent"St. Petersburg - Gatchina-Baltic", an average of 60 minutes. Electric trains, following to Gatchina-Warsaw, go more often, the choice of flights on this line is more.

Warsaw Line

Deciding which to choose a line on the route "Gatchina -St. Petersburg ", how to get to the northern capital of Russia, many passengers begin their journey from the Warsaw railway station of the regional center .This branch is more used by electric trains in the right direction, tickets are cheaper.

The next platform after the Warsaw railway station inGatchina - Tatyanino - is also located within the city limits. The name was given to her in 1916 in honor of one of the daughters of Tsar Nicholas II. In the First World War, the Grand Duchess was a sister of mercy. At the suggestion of Tatiana Nikolaevna, a new railway platform in Gatchina was built to receive medical trains arriving from the front.

Warsaw Railway Station in Gatchina

The station is located on Vokzalnaya Square, fromplatforms fly flights along the Warsaw line to St. Petersburg. The passenger terminal is also intended for servicing the Luga traffic direction, all commuter trains passing through the railway station stop here. On the route "Gatchina - St. Petersburg" the distance from the platform in the regional center to the Northern capital is 46 km. The number of platforms at the Warsaw railway station is 2, the number of ways is 2. The railway station in Gatchina is open daily from 5 am to midnight. On the square near the station there is a parking of buses and minibuses.

Timetable of electric trains "Gatchina - St. Petersburg"

gatchina saint peterburg distance
The movement of suburban electric trainsIt is carried out on two lines and at two stations of Gatchina independently. There are common points, for example, making changes to the current schedule, presented on the electronic scoreboard of each station. Usually the dates when the trains are canceled are known in advance. The current timetable for the movement of electric trains in suburban areas is available on the website of the Russian company engaged in passenger rail transportation, including the Baltic line.

Timetable of electric trains "Gatchina - St. Petersburg"there are on different sites, informing about the movement of electric trains in Russia. Most often, the graph is a table from which you can find out the time of departure and arrival, the frequency of movement. As an example, let's look at the schedule of the morning trains departing from Warsaw Station of Gatchina. Very convenient for passengers, when the duration of the trip and other useful information are indicated.

gatchina saint petersburg how to get

Passenger line Baltic

The current building of the passenger station in Gatchinaon the Baltic line - the third since the opening of this section of the railway. The first station was wooden and could not receive a large stream of passengers. In 1889, the city built a new station on the Baltic line, but it was destroyed by German fascist invaders during the occupation (1941-1944). In the post-war decades, the building was rebuilt.

train saint petersburg gatchina baltic

Station "Gatchina-Baltic - St. Petersburg". Timetable of trains

Please note that most flightson two lines it functions daily. The interval between suburban electric trains on average is 1 hour. There are intervals shorter and longer. In the first and second half of the day, the break between the departures at the Baltic Station of Gatchina can be 2-3 hours, but this happens not more often 1-2 times a day. The train "Gatchina - St. Petersburg" is sent on the current schedule of the 2014-2015 season, given in our article.

timetable saint peterburg gatchina

An electric train that departs from the station atBaltic line, makes another stop in the city - on the Marienburg platform. In the homonymous microdistrict there is a church built in the end of the XIX century, there are other sights that can be viewed.

The fare on the train

The duration of the trip and the price of the flight ticket"Gatchina - St. Petersburg" depends on the type of flight. On average, the journey from one of the two stations of Gatchina to St. Petersburg takes from 35 minutes to 1 hour and 20 minutes. In August, 2014, the tariffs for trips in suburban railway transport increased in the territory of the Leningrad Region. The price of the ticket for the daily train "Gatchina-Baltic - St. Petersburg" reached 88 rubles. For a trip from the station Varshavskaya in the same direction, you need to pay 86 rubles. You can purchase a daily or monthly subscription. The cost of the first is in the range of 750-780 rubles (for 5 days).

Which line to choose for a trip to Gatchina

facade of the Baltic railway station

Those who travel by train, be sure toyou need to study the schedule "St. Petersburg - Gatchina", which is placed on the electronic scoreboard of the Baltic Station. In the construction of this building, glass ceilings are successfully used, which makes it light and airy. Outside, the station is decorated with round watches of the famous "Pavel Bure" brand. During one of the reconstructions, the central entrance and the rails were moved. Under the glass dome there was a hall, a waiting room, service rooms.

And which of the two stations Gatchina is closer tothe main sights of the city? This question is often asked by tourists who go there by train. The railway station of the Baltic Line is located near the main entrance to the Palace Park.

palace park complex

The station "Varshavskaya-Passazhirskaya" is locatednear the Priory Park. Between the two stations are preserved other monuments of architecture of the XVIII - XX centuries. Some of them can be inspected in one day. It is better to arrive by train in the morning, in time to bypass all the interesting corners of the palace and park ensemble.

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