St. Petersburg, SKK: capacity, address and official site of the sports and concert complex
Traditionally, the cultural capital of Russia is considered to be St. Petersburg. SKK "Petersburg" is not the last most important cultural object in the city. Let's take a closer look at it.
From the history
The sports and concert complex "Petersburg"already more than forty years. Initially it was called the Lenin Concern. The history of this object begins in the distant 1970. The city in the Soviet historical era was called Leningrad, and not St. Petersburg. CCM named after VI Lenin was to become one of the sports facilities of the XXII Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. In the architectural sense, he represented an almost complete copy of the Olimpiysky JCC on Mira Avenue in Moscow. The construction of the complex lasted about ten years, and it was solemnly accepted for operation on May 19, 1980, shortly before the opening of the Moscow Olympics. It was a large-scale sports facility, corresponding to the highest world standards. It was during the Soviet years that the complex was actively used for its direct purpose - as a sports arena. However, variety and entertainment events were also held here quite regularly.
Architectural features
The complex is located in the Moscow Victory Park. The dominant style of the building, of course, is constructivism. The buildings of this popular style in the first half of the twentieth century are mainly located in Moscow and other large industrial centers. But they have modern St. Petersburg. SKK "Petersburg" in terms of is a grandiose cylinder, built into a massive socle base. The height of the structure is 40 meters, and the diameter is 160 meters. The capacity of the JCC in St. Petersburg exceeds 25,000 spectators. The complex is still one of the largest on the European continent.
During the economic crisis
In the memorable many nineties the city of Leningradreturned his original historical name - St. Petersburg. The JCC named after VI Lenin at the same time began to be referred to as the Sports and Concert Complex "Petersburg". But these years can not be called happy and prosperous. The maintenance of such large sports complexes as the CCM in St. Petersburg at a proper level requires considerable financial resources. With a view to obtaining them, a significant part of the construction area was given to commercial structures for trading outlets. The sports complex existed for many years, combining under one roof a flea market and a concert platform for touring variety groups.
JCC, St. Petersburg. Official website and technical information
In 2011, SKK "Petersburg" ceased to betrade and yard. But the direction of his activities has changed significantly from the sports to the concert-entertainment. Many world famous music groups and performers are honored here. In addition, various kinds of festivals and events of citywide importance are held in the building of the complex. The site of the JCC is in demand and popular. For many pop groups it is very significant fact, when there is a mark "CCM, St. Petersburg" in their track record. This address is respected in the circle of musical performers.
Schedule of all upcoming events in the CCMis prepared in advance for a considerable period of time. Everyone can read it on the official website at: It also contains all the necessary information about the work of the structural units of the complex and how it is better to get to it from different parts of the city. The official address of the complex: 196105, the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Yuri Gagarin Avenue, 8.