/ / Power RO: what's on the menu?

Power RO: what's on the menu?

Many tourists before going on vacationlook through the proposals of various hotels and meet incomprehensible abbreviations of forms of nutrition. And they often ask themselves the question: "What does the food RO mean?" Which is not surprising, because the proposals with this designation are the most profitable.

What is RO food?

which means ro
The abbreviation "RO" stands for Room Only,which means "only a room". From this it follows that the hotel offers services only for providing a room, and meals are completely excluded. Probably there is no kitchen in the hotel. Or the hotel has its own cafes and restaurants, but you can eat there only at your own expense. In addition, no one guarantees you the availability of free seats, especially during rush hours. The hotel completely relieves itself of the obligation to provide free food service, which means: food RO is an independent concern for your diet.

A similar meaning can also have a number of otherfor example, OB (Only Bed) or AO (Accommodation Only). For a correct understanding of all the abbreviations that occur, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with their decoding.

Nutrition system in hotels

Power supply RO

Room Only

Lack of food

Power supply system

Only Bed

NA Power System

Not Available

Power supply system AO

Accommodation only

Power system EP

European plan

Power supply BB

Bed & Breakfast

One-time food. Breakfast only

Power system BT

Breakfast & therapy

One-time food and care. Breakfast and medical procedures

HB Power System

Half Board

Two meals a day. Breakfast and dinner

The power supply system HB +

Half Board Plus

Two meals a day with drinks. Breakfast, dinner and spirits of local producers

HBT power system

Half Board & therapy

Two meals a day and grooming. Breakfast, dinner and medical treatments

FB Power System

Full Board

Three meals a day. Breakfast lunch and dinner

Power Supply AP

American plan

Power supply system AI

All Inclusive

Three meals a day and drinks. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and spirits of local producers

The power supply system FB +

Full Board Plus

UAI power system

Ultra All Inclusive

Three meals a day and any drinks. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, local and imported spirits

FBT power system

Full Board & therapy

Three meals a day and grooming. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and medical treatments

There are also various designations for breakfast,which are also worth knowing. And to understand all the wisdom is even before the trip. Otherwise, you may be disappointed by a too meager set of products, as, for example, with a continental breakfast. Or, conversely, you do not need a hearty breakfast, if you are used to drinking only a cup of coffee in the morning.

ro food

Types of breakfast in hotels

So, we suggest you get acquainted with the information, which will be useful to you many times.

CB - continental breakfast

Continental breakfast

Drinks: tea or coffee, juice.

Eating: rolls, toast or croissants.

In addition: butter, honey or jam.

Can be included: boiled egg, cereal, fruit, cheese, yogurt, milk.

AB - English breakfast

American breakfast

Drinks: tea or coffee, juice.

Meal: fried eggs of two eggs to choose from (fried eggs, chatterbox, poached or omelette), bacon, sausages or sausage, tomato beans, tomato, fried mushrooms, 2 toast.

In addition: butter, honey, jam.

UAI - buffet

Ultra all inclusive

Drinks: tea, coffee, milk, juice.

Eating: scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs, flakes, bacon, sausages, oatmeal, pastries, cold snacks, fresh vegetables and fruits, toast.

In addition: butter, honey, jam.

It should be borne in mind that in various hotels of differentcountries their own rules of the food system. The diet of the menu, the quantity and quality of the dishes, and also the drinks can vary significantly. Therefore, you will find out the specific information only if you contact the hotel administration. In extreme cases, look at their website.

ro power type

The advantages of RO

The RO system is a type of food that has bothadvantages, and disadvantages. One of the positive things is that during the rest we can visit different cafes and restaurants of the city, and not just in one hotel. And every time you are free to choose the time of visiting an institution, you can order any dish you like, which is not always possible with meals included in the price. Often, the work of the Swedish tables is limited in time, for example, breakfasts are only from 8 to 10 am. If you are used to getting up later, then you will remain hungry. In the case of RO, this does not happen, you do not have to change your schedule and preferences. In addition, there will be more opportunities to get to know the local cuisine. After all, at the Swedish tables, as a rule, there are only classic European dishes.

Cons RO

what does ro
Power RO has a number of drawbacks. Care for daily food is borne only by your shoulders. It is not very convenient for those who do not like to engage in active search for food, starting in the morning. In addition, in some cities and countries it is not so easy to find at 9 am an open cafe. Also, a separate meal, most likely, will cost you much more than the included in the cost of the voucher. And if you do not have a lot of available funds with you, you risk not to fit into the budget. If you plan a quiet, measured rest, without surprises and unnecessary expenses, it is better not to risk and choose a hotel that offers meals already included in the price.

Who can use the RO system?

The lack of power on is perfectfor short-term and very active trips, when you initially plan to walk a lot and how to get to know the city better. This is the best way to get acquainted not only with local cuisine, but also with national color, and maybe even some customs. You will have more opportunities to make beautiful and original photographs. You can rest assured that after such a holiday you definitely will not feel that you have missed something. On the other hand, if you are terribly exhausted for a working year, and a stable three meals a day, a swimming pool and a bar at your side - all you need, then there is no point in spoiling your holiday by constantly searching for inexpensive and high-quality restaurants. You are not immune from the fact that you do not like local cuisine.

power supply ro

Also, the RO system is suitable for workersbusiness trips and professional conventions, team building or conferences. In this case, the professional occasion of the meeting can remove from the host party the concerns about the nutrition of the participants.

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