/ / Nutrition for children 10 months

Nutrition for children 10 months

At the age of ten months the child lives according to the regimewith five meals (every four hours), with an eight-hour night break. Nutrition for children 10 months is carried out with the same set of dishes as in nine months. But at the same time, the volume of food that is more dense in consistency increases, which requires the child's active participation in her assimilation.

Playful 10-month-old child moves a lot,therefore its food should be high-grade and sated by vitamins and useful microcells. Once or twice a week, the baby can be given fresh boiled fish instead of meat. Both fish and meat purees on the menu go both as independent dishes, and together with a garnish of vegetables, and as an additive in soups-mashed potatoes. Especially children like cereal or vegetable soups, puree, which includes mashed fish or meat.

Children's nutrition 10 months. should be as varied as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate dishes in the menu: today, for example, give a breakfast of puree from one vegetable or fruit and berries, and the next day - from others. Also, do not porridge, do not feed the same, even if the child loves it, but change: one day - rice, the other - buckwheat or oatmeal.

The nutrition of children 10 months can not be includedthe following products: whole grain bread, meat and fish with high fat content, pickled, salted, canned and spicy dishes, fruits and vegetables not growing in the region where the child lives (kiwi, oranges, mangoes, avocados, persimmons, mandarins, pineapples etc.). Cherry and cherry juice, blueberries, bananas, black currants should not be given to babies who are prone to constipation. Do not need at this age kids and shop (factory) sweets, because they often add special additives for sweetening. They are tasty and like children, but extremely harmful to their health. If you really want to pamper your child with sweets, it's better to cook it yourself, adding honey or jam instead of sugar. However, honey can have an allergy to children, so this product should be given to the baby in the minimum amount. The nutrition of children 10 months can include berries, fruits and vegetables from their own garden or garden, but in very limited sizes. If the berries (strawberries, raspberries, etc.), then its half, if the fruit, it is preferably green or yellow (apple, pear, yellow plum, etc.). Pediatricians do not recommend the introduction of mushrooms into the baby's diet, since this kind of plant food is difficult to digest.

Ideal for baby nutrition in 10 monthsremains natural feeding, but it is necessary with the lure. Breast milk is an indispensable product for children under one year, it has a positive effect on the children's stomach when introducing new types of products in the menu of a ten-month-old baby. Mother's milk - the most reliable and proven for centuries, a means for feeding children, as it is an invaluable well of medicinal nutrients. Feeding children who are on natural feeding, soups on a vegetable broth, various porridges, fruit and vegetable purees, juices, dishes from the wiped meat and fish.

Before you enter into food for children 10 monthsany dish from new products, you should definitely consult a pediatrician. After all, many types of food that do not cause an allergic reaction in an adult can lead to the appearance of it in the baby. Allergenic products are tomatoes, eggs, raspberries, carrots, strawberries. A strong allergen is in chocolate, this is cocoa butter, so do not give and do not allow your child to treat your child with this sweet treat. In the food of children in 12 months and even earlier, months from ten, not only liquid and wiped food is introduced, but also products cut into small pieces. This is done so that the baby learns to thoroughly chew more solid food. But this should not be sausages, sausages, hot cheeses, etc. Doctors do not advise at this age to give the children cottage cheese curd, confectionery. But you can expand the range of dairy and sour-milk products: whole milk, sour cream, kefir, yogurt, yogurt.

In order for the baby to grow up healthy, its nutrition should be balanced and meet all the requirements of pediatrics.

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