/ / How to book a seat on an airplane is a matter of concern to many

How to book a seat on a plane is a matter of concern to many

If you look at the aircraft cabin, you cannotice that it narrows to the tail. Armchairs here are denser to each other, and people sitting in these chairs, when spilling magazines, newspapers, etc. have to choose from what is left. Therefore, before people who often fly on airplanes, there is always a question: how to book a seat on the plane, and what will determine their comfort during the flight. In our century, thanks to the development of technology, namely the appearance of online registration, it became possible to choose any place, and therefore the question of how to book a seat on an airplane can be easily solved. However, often airlines do not talk about the existence of such a service as booking seats, because this is an extra work for operators.

how to book a seat on the plane
Almost all airlines today offerelectronic tickets, which are called "e-ticket". The ticket itself, allowing you to book seats on the plane, can be printed on a printer, on ordinary paper, or even stay in the computer. One day before departure, an online check-in opens. Thanks to this, you can safely make a registration at home, without jostling in a noisy line to the checkout. This process is not affected in any way by the presence of baggage or its absence.

Baggage is surrendered at the airport as usual, beforemost landing. One condition - it should not be much. So all the same, how to book a place on the plane with the help of the Internet? Everything is very simple. To reserve a place, you need to find the booking number on the ticket, visit the airline's website and conduct an online registration. In this case, in the specially designated field, you must enter the booking number, and the scheme for seating the seats in the cabin will appear on the screen. After that it remains to choose the place you like.

book seats on the plane
The best and most convenient places in the salonaircraft are considered the first series, which go immediately beyond the zone of the business class. The main advantage of booking a ticket in this area will be that people sitting here, one of the first to get drinks, pillows, blankets, magazines, etc. Comfortable are the places at the emergency exit - there their width is 15 centimeters more. But alas, the armchairs most often do not recline, and there is no place for hand luggage, which can create inconvenience for a long flight. In addition, these places are best reserved for those people who are certain that if an emergency happens, they can open an emergency exit and help passengers leave the plane. Asked about how to book a seat on the plane, remember that the airline places near the emergency exit tend to sell more.

booking of seats in the plane
No doubt, thanks to the Internet era,booking seats in the plane became easy and affordable. But he also has his shortcomings. For example, many companies block the possibility to book a place near an emergency exit via online registration. Booking can not be used if the flight will be carried out with children. Therefore, most often online registration is available for business people, businessmen and passengers who travel light.

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