/ / Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Rostov-on-Don: description, history

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Rostov-on-Don: description, history

Rostov-on-Don was founded to protect the southernborders of our country more than 265 years ago. Its historical and cultural attractions annually attract thousands of tourists to the city, including from far abroad. Among them there are facilities that are required to visit. For example, the majestic Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin (Stanislavsky Street).

Rostov-on-Don is proud of this building, which is very similar to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (Moscow), therefore its image is decorated with almost all tourist avenues.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Don


At the end of the 18th century the oldest Soldatskaya SlobodaRostov-on-Don was intensively populated, and there was an urgent need for its own church. In February 1781, near the place where the central market is located today, the construction of the wooden church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin was begun. It lasted about six months, and on September 5 the church was consecrated. He served the Rostovites only 10 years and was burned during a thunderstorm from a lightning strike.

History (before desecration)

In 1795 the city's head, MP Naumov appealed to Metropolitan Gabriel with a request to allow the construction of a stone church. The petition was granted, and soon the center of the city was decorated with a new stone cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

Rostov-on-Don eventually became one of theeconomic centers of the region. He was actively built up and decorated. In 1854, it was decided that instead of a dilapidated church with wooden domes, a new cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary should be built. Rostov-on-Don was decorated with a construction designed by the famous architect K. Ton. That is why modern tourists are always struck by its external similarity with the exterior and silhouette of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior of the same author.

the city's attractions

Revival of the Cathedral

In 1937, it was decided to close the temple. Soviet power found nothing better than to place a zoo on the territory of the cathedral. A little later it was used as a warehouse, and at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the upper tiers of the bell tower were dismantled, because they feared that the enemy would use this structure as a reference point for air raids.

In the middle of the summer of 1942, during the occupationcities, the faithful themselves opened the cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and began to conduct services there. After 9 years in the temple was installed the main iconostasis, which has four tiers. He was made in the capital according to the sketches of the altar partition of the blown up Christ the Savior Cathedral.

By 1999, fully restored belfry of the cathedral, at the consecration of which was attended by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.

Rostov Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Almost all excursions in Rostov-on-Doninclude a visit to the Cathedral, the Russian-Byzantine silhouette of which is considered one of the architectural symbols of the city. It has five domes, and the layout of the temple in form resembles a cross.

In the interior of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Maryparticular interest is the painting of pylons, walls and arches performed by artist K. Volkov, as well as the main iconostasis. It is made in the form of a chapel, which is crowned with a cupola with a cross. The same altar partitions are located in the Peter and Paul and Preobrazhensky chapels.

To the celebrations dedicated to the millennium of the Baptism of Rus, the domes of the church were covered with copper and gilded, as did the crosses, which are visible from different parts of Rostov-on-Don.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Belfry of the Cathedral

In 1875 in the west of the temple was startedthe construction of another city sights. Under the project of the military architect-engineer A. A. Campioni and the means of patrons of S. Koshkin, P. P. Maksimov, V. I. Asmolov and I. S. Panchenko, in 1887 a bell tower was erected.

It had a height of 75 m, and in its architectureelements of Russian renaissance and classicism were combined. The head of the dome of the bell tower was made in blue and decorated with gilded stars. On its upper tier there were watches with a quarter battle and four dials. They were visible from most parts of the city and many Rostovites used to watch the clock for them for a long time.

In the middle tiers were placed bells. The main one was cast in Moscow at the expense of I. Panchenko. He weighed 1,032 poods. The bell was decorated with images of saints, the Mother of God and John the Theologian. Evidence has survived that his jerky ringing was heard for 4 dozen versts.

In 1882, on the first tier of the bell tower, a small church-baptismal church was built in the name of St. Nicholas.

As it was already said, at the beginning of the war two upper layers of the structure were destroyed, and after 7 years it practically ceased to exist, since its lower part was dismantled.

The belfry was restored in 1999, and today many sightseeing tours around Rostov-on-Don begin at its foot.

New bells

For many years the bells did not sound over the cathedral. The situation changed by the beginning of the new century, when new bells were made. This responsible task was entrusted to Voronezh MP "Vera".

New bells are not exact copies of those,the ringing of which was once called to the temple of Orthodox residents of Rostov-on-Don. They were named after the heavenly patrons of secular and spiritual leaders of the region.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Rostov-on-Don) informs parishioners by ringing of bells:

  • Great Martyr Panteleimon weighing 4 tons;
  • the holy Prince Vladimir (2 tons);
  • Archistrategus Michael (1 ton);
  • Sergius of Radonezh (0.5 t);
  • Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (0,25 t).

Cathedral Square of Rostov-on-Don

Interest is not only the temple, but alsoadjoining territory. In front of the cathedral, between the streets of Moscow and Stanislavsky, there is a small Cathedral Square. Its history is inextricably linked with the uneasy fate of the temple.

In April 1890 grateful Rostovitesestablished there a bronze monument to Alexander the Second. The monument was erected on the project of M.O. Mikeshin. In 1920, the monument was put on a plywood box with a red star, and after a while and completely demolished. After that, the area was empty for a long time.

Stanislavsky street on Don

Monument to Saint Dimitry of Rostov

In 1999, the Cathedral Square was transformed. Near the place where once there was a monument dedicated to Emperor Alexander the Second, they erected a monument to Saint Dimitry of Rostov. The authors of the new statue became VG Belyakov and NF Gmyrya.

The monument was hastily mounted on the days of the festivities,devoted to the 250th anniversary of Rostov-on-Don, at the insistence of the city administration. This decision caused a mixed response from the public. First of all, the reason for discontent was the low artistic level of the monument. Criticized also the vestment of the Saint and the inscription on the pedestal. Many experts pointed out that an extremely unsuccessful place was chosen for the installation of this new city sight. They called to erect a monument on the territory where the fortress was once located, or on Stepan Shaumyan Street (formerly called Dimitrievskaya).

Russia, Rostov-on-Don

Life of the parish

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary(Rostov-on-Don) has a farmstead representing a harmonious architectural ensemble. In addition to the church, on its territory there is an active church consecrated in the name of John the Baptist, and the temporarily non-functioning church of St. Nicholas, located in the bell tower.

The complex of the farmstead includes several buildings for official use. In particular, there are offices, as well as departments and commissions of the Rostov Diocesan Office.

The arrival of the cathedral carries out an active activity,aimed at acquainting residents of Rostov-on-Don with Orthodox traditions. The great work in this regard is carried out by the Enlightenment Center. St. Demetrius, housed in a building located next to the church of St. John the Baptist.

At the metochion there is also a diocesan publishing house, a printing house, shops selling church utensils and Orthodox literature.

excursions to Rostov on Don

How to get there

Temple address: Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Stanislavsky street, building 58. You can get there by your own car, by taxi or by tram number 1. The stop on which you need to get off is called the "Central Market". The temple is open for believers on any day of the week from 10:00 to 17:00.

Now you know when Rostov was foundedthe Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and what a difficult fate he had. Be sure to visit this magnificent monument of church architecture and admire the murals that adorn its interior.

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